Chapter 111 Feeling Frightened and Uneasy

Wu Zinuo slammed the door open with a "bang", and hurriedly stepped over the threshold. Her long skirt reached her ankles. She almost fell down due to exhaustion, but she staggered, and she hadn't had time to balance herself. body, turned around and swept it, "Hula", a gust of wind passed, and the door was obediently closed!

She staggered towards the table and poured herself a cup of tea with trembling hands. Unexpectedly, the hand kept shaking, and she tried her best to grasp it, but she still couldn't control it to let the tea flow all over the table.

After a while of drinking, there was a sound of "suddenly", the hand slipped, and the teacup fell to the ground, turning into a beautiful porcelain flower.

She didn't even look at the mess on the table, sat down slumped, covered her chest with her hands, and panted heavily.

She... she, she... Lan Shan's perfect smile just now reappeared in her eyes, bit by bit, it was so shocking in her eyes, like a witch in black with a big mouth open, leisurely looking towards her. She beckons.

She took a deep breath, not enough, take another breath, still not enough, take another breath!
The turbid breath in my heart was finally driven away, and my mood gradually stabilized...

No, how could it be her...

The sky gradually darkened, and Wu Zinuo's house was gradually buried in darkness...


The little bird was chirping and chirping on the leaves of the tree, the genius was getting brighter, and Wu Zinuo, who had suffered from insomnia all night, sat up from the bed.

She has made up her mind and decided not to say goodbye and immediately go back to Youyang Lin.

With her burden on her back, she strode towards the door and closed the door quietly, but when she turned around, someone blocked her way.

The morning sun is very gentle, shining on this woman in a lotus-colored loose dress with a delicate and gorgeous face, she looks so harmonious.

I haven't seen you for a thousand years, and we meet again, but I didn't expect it to be this kind of scene. She is still a married woman, and she is still alone.

Standing at the bottom of the steps with a smile on her face, she raised her head slightly to look at the other party. The beauty picture composed of a well-conditioned body and ruddy apricot face was like a dream in the morning wind.

A man stood in front of the door with his dark eyes open, his dark eyelashes trembling slightly with his eyes, and his face became paler with the reflection of the rose-red autumn clothes, and the slender hand that was pulling the burden on his shoulder unconsciously clenched the burden side……

She took a deep breath, and finally spoke first: "Good morning, Young Madam."

After hearing her greeting, Lan Shan even smiled at the corners of her brows, and replied:


Something broke in the air and shattered all over the ground.

These two words hit Wu Zinuo's heart hard.

She listened to the long-lost voice, the long-lost tone, the tip of her nose was sour, and tears rolled in her eyes.

It's just, is this urge to cry because of the reunion after a long absence, or is it more about feeling sad for myself.

Wu Zinuo, in these 1000 years, you will never learn to grow up!
Wu Zinuo, you are so, hopelessly naive!
There was a sparkle in her eyes, but she forced herself to swallow it back, and she replied, "After all, you still admit it, sister Ting."

Lan Shan is still smiling, that smile has not changed since she stepped into the crescent door of this courtyard, even if she smiles so much, her cheeks are numb, she doesn't know:
"I've never denied it, it's not even possible to talk about..."

She stepped up the steps step by step, gently, but with each step, she stepped into the hearts of the two of them.

Standing still in front of her, she stared straight into her eyes, no longer allowing her dodge:


"Let's say that." Wu Zinuo couldn't bear her compelling gaze, and took two steps back:

"He really is, Immortal Yizhu!"

As if admitting it but still unable to bear the fact, she took another step back.

(End of this chapter)

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