Chapter 113 You Are A Joke

"Yes!" Lan Shan raised her eyebrows slightly, and said triumphantly, "He has always loved me only. From now on, he will love me and my children even more."

She unconsciously caressed her stomach, and in that stomach lived the crystallization of him and her, a brand new life!

"And you, you're just one, a joke!"

When Wu Zinuo heard the last two words, there was a "boom" in his head, but he did not expect to calm down completely.

She looked at her seriously and stood up:

"Yes, I'm just a joke to you, but I want to say that I don't think too much about him, although I dare not say that I didn't before, but from now on, from this moment, now, and Every minute and every second in the future, I will not have any more, not a single bit, not a drop, not at all!"

As she spoke, she picked up the burden that fell on the ground, and in the next step, she ran out to the courtyard gate, and directly ignored Lin Yizhu who was standing outside the courtyard gate.

Run, she just wants to run!Run far away and never meet them again, never again!

Run wildly, she wants to stay away from them, from this world that doesn't belong to her.

"Ah——" Lin Yizhu looked at the figure passing by in front of him, raised one hand and stopped in mid-air, the last syllable was not pronounced, and that hand could only hang down powerlessly in the end.

The beating of the heart seemed to slow down with her leaving figure, and the air that was breathed into his nose and throat seemed to be almost turbid, making him feel that even his own mind would be short of oxygen...

He turned on his toes and appeared in front of the courtyard gate.

In the courtyard, as soon as Lan Shan heard movement behind her, she turned around suddenly and saw the snow-white figure at the gate of the courtyard, her throat was blocked, and her heart was suffocated:

She wanted to explain without even thinking about it, but finally found that she didn't know what to explain.


There were bursts of thunder from the sky, and the torrential rain fell in an instant. Lin Yizhu stood outside the courtyard door, letting the heavy rain beat on him, from beginning to end, completely, while Lan Shan stood under the eaves outside the door, although only The rain splashed on her little by little, but she felt extremely cold one after another!She wanted to say something, but tears filled her eyes unknowingly.

Lin Yizhu looked at her forbearance, but he didn't feel any pity in his heart.

He just stared at her fixedly, his eyes reflected a strange light in the rain, he didn't know what to say, what to do, but his heart was hurting, what was the pain?

The next moment, he suddenly turned around and ran outside!

That is, the direction where Wu Zinuo is running...

Lan Shan followed closely two steps forward and down the corridor, her whole body was immediately exposed to the rain.

Watching her beloved husband gradually disappear under the rain curtain, she sat down on the ground slumped, her rigorous and delicate makeup was ruined by rain or tears.

Her body was slapped cold by the rain, and her stomach hurt like needles, but she lost consciousness, as if the world had already left her——

Her sky collapsed, her earth shattered, and this world does not belong to her, so what does it have to do with her?
The sound of the rain "crashed" drowned out all sounds, the footsteps of the maids running in and out of the east courtyard, the hoarse shouts in the house, the quarrels of the midwives in the mansion, Nothing can beat the rain.

The heavy rain fell from early morning to noon, and then from noon to dusk, gradually, gradually getting smaller...

"Wow!" A delicate and childish cry sounded in Lin Fu's room.

Although separated by several wooden doors, Mrs. Yuanwai, who was fidgeting around in the hall, heard it clearly.

They stopped at the same time and looked at each other. Half a moment later, the same expression appeared on their faces: the same surprise, the same happiness, and the same kindness!
(End of this chapter)

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