Chapter 12 Death
"Ah..." She let out a breath, feeling a little powerless: "The demon world... Just now, the demon world... a large number of demon troops attacked... Cough cough, everyone... is the hand of the strong... Disciple, disciple It's useless, and I can't resist it after a thousand years of practice..." She breathed out again, "Master... I'm sorry, disciple... I... insulted the master, right..." Her breathing became heavier and heavier , In the end, the last word could not be uttered, and there was no sound.

"A...A Nuo!" Lin Yizhu suddenly grabbed the person in his arms and shouted.It's a pity that A Nuo has already swallowed his last breath, and Xianghun has returned.

He hugged her, tears seemed to be rolling down, looking at her plain face, his heart was jumping so fast because of this death, even the hand holding her trembled slightly.He couldn't help calling out, "Arnuo, wake up quickly, the master forbids you to fall asleep, you hear?"

He hugged Anuo tightly in his arms, letting the tears flow.

Outside the house, a strong wind suddenly blew up, and the fallen bamboo leaves were blown loudly, like a sad song, weeping for Arnold.

Pain, pain!how come?
He has never felt that his heart can hurt like this, and he can be so sad, as if a corner of his heart is torn off, the pain is hot, and that corner seems to never be able to get back.

It's just a girl I met a few times, what is it that makes him feel so uncomfortable, one after another, without stopping, as if losing a loved one...

It's because of regret.He thought: It would be great if he could find her master, at least she could meet with her before she died, and let her tell her master what she wanted to say most, instead of... him pretending to be her master ...

And how can he make up for the guilt he feels towards her now?

A ray of green light slowly gathered in front of Lin Yizhu and turned into a human form. She stared blankly at the man hugging her body, then turned around numbly, walked out of the door mechanically, and gradually disappeared into the depths of the bamboo forest.

At the end of the bamboo branch, a black light turned into the woman in black. She looked at the scene in the room quietly, a trace of unbearable flashed across her peerless face, and tears fell from her eyes. She looked down at her palm, which slowly Slowly make a fist:
Arnold, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to harm you. After all, you are so kind, so considerate, so cute... But, I have no choice, I really can't bear it any longer, and a similar scene will happen again after a thousand years.Arnold, can you forgive me?She closed her eyes in pain, and suddenly opened them again. When she opened them, her eyes had turned fierce, and there was a hint of blackness in her eyes. Her white teeth bit her bright red lips hard, and her fists clenched tightly. Tight and tight: "No, I will never allow it, I will never allow you to appear!" A murderous look burst into her eyes, and as soon as she finished speaking, she stretched out her index finger and middle finger, and chanted a mantra in her mouth. Wu Zinuo in the air slowly turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared.

She watched wisps of white smoke dissipate in the air, her rosy lips curled up slightly, and bamboo leaves fell to the ground in shock.


"go back!"

"I do not!"

A black figure landed behind the woman in black, growled lowly, and stretched out her hand to grab her arm. The woman had already noticed it, turned around lightly, and faced him, the blackness in her eyes disappeared and reappeared. Look out at her eyes that are as agile as black grapes.She said coquettishly, "Father, I don't want to go back!"

"If you don't want to go back, you have to go back. Do you know that this time because of you, we lost ten demon generals. This king has never suffered such a big injury. Even when we attacked the Heavenly Court back then, we didn't suffer such a loss. You you you ……well."

(End of this chapter)

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