Chapter 126 Red Light Sweeps
Yes, Tiangui is so ruthless...


She knelt in front of the Whip Soul Platform, and the tall and mighty Heavenly General held the Whip Soul Whip in his hand and raised it high.

Something faintly appeared in the sky, but it was not noticed by everyone.


The heavenly soldier who was shouting the execution order, had just uttered the word "punishment" when he was stunned by something. He pushed back and backed away. With his footsteps chaotic, he couldn't stop himself and fell down on the ground with a bang, his buttocks were stiffened by his back. The armor pierced the flowers!

"Pfft!" A group of red light flashed.

The huge knife that was held high exploded immediately when the sound sounded, turning into powder in mid-air and flying around...

what happened?Where is the red dot coming from?
Before everyone could react, a mass of red light surged towards them, like the most intense fire. It rolled and rushed into the encirclement, blocking the large group of heavenly soldiers and generals surrounding Wu Zinuo. The person leaned back 45 degrees and fell to the ground!Down!Down!

The heavenly soldiers who reacted and did not fall to the ground hurriedly stepped back a few steps, but they couldn't escape his encirclement. Without exception, all their faces were facing the sky, and their backs were on the ground!

What?Wu Zinuo suddenly felt dazzled by this accident, the fire...

The fire rushed to Wu Zinuo, and flew around her body. The next moment, the fairy rope in her hand was burned to ashes, and the fine powder was blown away by the wind before it hit the ground. .

She loosened her wrist, but before she could move it, how could she feel something warm and cool around her hand?

Before she had time to raise her head, she was already carried into the air by the fiery red ball, flying a hundred steps away from the Whip Soul Platform.

Well... so fast!
She staggered for a while to gain a firm foothold, and finally felt something resting on her hand... It was actually a hand.

hand? !

As soon as the red ball formed, Wu Zinuo just cast his eyes on it.

The eyes cast on him slowly widened, slowly widened, blinked, quickly widened!
Who are you? !

The fiery red brocade robes flowed with dark fire-like stripes, interweaving a warm scene, and one could see his graceful figure at a glance; the cloak of the same color and the same pattern on the back was billowing with fiery red, along the edge of the high and domineering collar. Spreading his shoulders, he danced behind him without the wind, flaunting and pulling the wind; he held Wu Zinuo with one hand, while the other hand hung obliquely by his side; his left foot was pinned behind his right calf, and his right foot touched the ground lightly Touching a white somersault cloud.

staring up blankly...

On the head is a delicate and luxurious golden crown, and the front of the high crown is carved with strong burning flames, and a bunch of dark black silk hidden behind the tongue of fire passes through the low crown and merges into the waterfall behind it. In the hair, it poured on the red cloak, and it also fell in the air and floated backward along the cloak.

A seductive white handsome face is engraved with sharp-edged facial features, black and white and slightly narrow fox eyes are flowing with light, shining bright colors in the air, full of vitality like the stream running forward.But if you study carefully, you will find that there is still a childlike look in his eyes, and a little crazy.

Under the handsome and straight bridge of the nose are two tender red lips, slightly hooked, pulling out a successful smile, like flowers blooming in March, but it makes people feel the coolness of March that has not faded.

On the whole, he is like a little prince in a high position, exuding an irresistible kingly arrogance all over his body, even the Jade Emperor standing under them at the moment is a bit inferior.However, there is still a feeling that can't be expressed in the whole body, is it full of vigor, youthful domineering...

(End of this chapter)

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