Chapter 19

Lin Yizhu was obviously also frightened, but he only stayed there for a few seconds, and immediately raised his breath and flew up, landed in front of the man, and reached out to touch his acupuncture points...



The wind is blowing, hovering over the houses made of tiles, and the solitary tree on the side of the road stands quietly, and is occasionally rustled by the breeze. Someone's whimpering sound slowly echoed in the courtyard.

In the inn, there was a doctor who took the man's pulse and injected needles in several of his vital points.

The man has been unconscious since Lin Yizhu tapped the Sleeping Point.Now he is the most important clue, related to the progress of the whole case, we must do our best to rescue him!
The man finally groaned, the doctor heard the sound, and nodded to the two principals, then pulled out the silver needle on his body, packed up his things and walked away, Lan Zhixian and Lin Yizhu hurried forward, watching the man wake up .

As soon as the man opened his eyes, he saw the dark crowd in the room, and immediately sat up and huddled in a corner, muttering: "Your Majesty, please forgive me, please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

Lin Yizhu put his hand on the man's shoulder, and he jumped up slightly as if he had been electrocuted, then shrank back. Lin Yizhu took a step closer and said softly to him: "Don't be afraid, we are human, you can be saved." gone."

The man didn't believe it at first, he raised his head tentatively, looked at Lanzhi County for a long time, and finally recognized him, then knelt down on the bed and shouted: "My lord, my lord, save me!" There were already tears in his eyes.

Lan Zhixian hurriedly helped him up, his eyes were slightly red: "It's okay, it's okay, you lie down and tell us where you have been during this time."

The man nodded repeatedly and was about to speak when he saw the whole room full of people with a hesitant look on his face. Lanzhi County noticed it and turned around to order everyone to go back to rest. Quiet.

After Lanzhi County dispatched him, the man said: "The villain, Wang Er, lives on medicinal materials at home. I remember that night, the villain closed the shop and went home. As soon as he entered the door, a gust of wind blew. Hearing about the disappearance of the young man, he felt frightened, hurriedly gathered his family together, closed the doors and windows tightly, and hid in the house, listening to the movement outside with trepidation. After a while, he dared to open the door to have a look. Unexpectedly, As soon as I opened the door, I felt a tightness in my throat, and I lost consciousness...

When he woke up, the villain found that he was in a cave where the light was not good and it was extremely dim, but he could still faintly see the stone pillars spread widely, and the sound of wailing and dripping water kept coming and going in his ears. Knowing that I was arrested like these people, I also burst into tears.

After crying for a long time, the villain only felt that his throat was hot and his thirst was unbearable, and his heart became clearer, and he felt that crying like this would only lead to death, so he should think of a way.So the villain thought of the gourd necklace hanging around his neck. "He touched his chest and picked up something.

Lin Yizhu and Lan Zhixian took a closer look, and saw a ball-shaped wooden pendant tied to an ordinary red rope. There was a break above the pendant, telling people that the upper half of the same material was still connected.

Lin Yizhu wondered: "What is the function of this necklace?"

Wang Er looked at it and said: "This necklace was originally in the shape of a gourd, and it contained my family's ancestral treasure. It was a family heirloom left to me by my villain's grandfather—Hanxi Pill!"

"Shuxi Pill?!" Lin Yizhu said in surprise.

This Xixi Pill has long been rumored in the Jianghu. It is said that it is a medicine that can cause a state of suspended animation. Because of its great toxicity, it is taboo by people in the Jianghu, but at the same time its effect of suspended animation makes some people covet it. endlessly.Moreover, it is said that this medicine has disappeared in the world as early as a hundred years ago, and almost no one has seen it now.Unexpectedly, it was collected by the shopkeeper of a small private drugstore for emergencies.

(End of this chapter)

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