Chapter 193 Restoring memory
After the demon spirit gave orders, a puff of black smoke disappeared in the main hall, and the demon spirit envoys and left envoys who were targeted rushed out and disappeared without a trace.

The demon generals in the main hall also slowly dispersed.

Only the right envoy of the demon spirit was left standing where he was, with a very cruel look in his eyes.

Even a demon knows that the three demon envoys have always been the three hands of the demon spirit, but this time, the other two demon envoys have achieved something and even been reused, and he is the only one who has nothing to do and is thrown aside by the demon spirit... …

Teeth grind involuntarily.

Unconvinced, extremely unconvinced!

A rather desolate mountain.

It is extremely desolate, with no grass growing, and when the wind blows, it will be yellow sand flying all over the sky.

It is so yellow that even the clear sky is covered with a layer of sunset, although it is now at noon...

A black and purple light flashed across the sky, black and purple mixed with a touch of red, a touch of white...

As soon as the breeze blew, a small hoof print on the ground was immediately covered by a thin layer of sand.

The black and purple shadow stopped and took two steps on the ground to slow down the momentum of running just now.

It turned out to be the ancient beast that guarded Luoyan Village.

It carried two people on its back at this time.

This is really a wonder!

I have never seen anyone who can enslave this beast!

Those two people jumped off the back of the beast.

No, no, to be precise, only one person jumped down.

That person is Yanying.

A robe fluttering like a raging fire, forming a landscape in the yellow-toned world.

Lin Yizhu was on his shoulders again.

Just now he put him on the wide back of this divine beast.

Pat the beast's butt to indicate that it can go back and stick to its post.

But the two big copper bell-like eyes of the beast stared at the unconscious Lin Yizhu closely, growling low and reluctant to leave.

Yanying stared at it with a pair of fox eyes, with a fierce expression, as if to say:
Not yet!

Although it was as ridiculous as it was to pretend, the divine beast also knew that he was not joking, so it had to leave in three steps.

On the way, he ran into Ouyang Xin who was coming towards Luoyan Mountain. He was still carrying a burden on his body.

Stumbling and "meeting" with the divine beast, even if the road is blocked, he can't get through.

The beast panicked, roared lowly, lifted Ouyang Xin up with its little paw, threw it on its back, turned and ran away.

Ouyang Xin was so frightened that he lay tremblingly on the back of the beast, and it took him a while to straighten up and adjust his posture.

When he adjusted his posture, the divine beast ran in front of Yanying, and it put its body as low as possible to let him go down.

Ouyang Xin struggled to climb down the back of the beast. Although it was winter, his back was covered with cold and hot sweat.

After Ouyang Xin went down and stood firm, the beast seemed to have a big heart falling to the ground, and then ran back with its legs loose.

Yanying was so angry that she croaked from behind:
Yay, this beast obviously doesn't trust him, for fear that he will throw Lin Yizhu directly down the mountain!
pissed him off!

Is he that kind of person?
Although he was very unhappy with Lin Yizhu, no matter what, he was also a good sage who did good deeds...

Without further ado, he looked at Ouyang Xin.

Ouyang Xin glanced at him inadvertently, and then took a serious look at him!
Why did he feel that the Holy Lord Yanying looked at him like he was looking at a little sheep caught in his hand...

"Hey, what's the matter with you, didn't you see that the old man just came back?"

Talking about it made him angry.

At that time, the five of them (including Xiaoya) were wandering away, and he was the only old man with a mortal body left in that Laoshizi Youyang Forest, who walked alone for a long time and couldn't get out...

(End of this chapter)

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