Chapter 244 She misses him
The little hand subconsciously grasped Immortal Yizhu's skirt and held it tightly, as if afraid that he would run away.

Such a cry made Immortal Yizhu's heart thump.

And those eyelids just moved, but they didn't wake up.

This time, it wasn't a coma, but a deep sleep.

She slept so peacefully.

However, that call that he had never heard before made his heart ache like never before.

That feeling, like, the miss of the previous life...

He pursed his lips, the soft feeling Wu Zinuo left on his lips was still there.

However, he suddenly felt that this apprentice... Sigh.

As a memory of the previous life, he knew that A Nuo actually never forgot her master.

However, as the Immortal Lord Yizhu, what he loves is the princess of the Demon Realm, Meng Tingshan!

He recovered his memory, and he also recovered the only special feeling towards Meng Tingshan that Lin Yizhu couldn't understand.

They have been together for thousands of years, thousands of years, no matter who they are, there is no way to replace them.

He thought of the incomprehension of "love between immortals and demons" when he was Lin Yizhu, but at this time, he felt ridiculous.

What happened to the love between immortals and demons? As long as you are a lover, what difference does it make if you are an immortal or a demon?
Is he reincarnated as a mortal, and his thinking is narrow? !


Lowering his eyes, he smiled and shook his head.

But the moment he shook his head, he caught a glimpse of Arnold in his arms.

The ridiculousness in his eyes turned blank, he didn't know how he should treat her.

An apprentice whom he had admired for a long time, someone he liked in a previous life? !
As Lin Yizhu, he loves her, as Yizhu Immortal Lord, he loves Meng Tingshan...

There is a pathetic feeling in his eyes, Immortal Yizhu, you, an immortal who has been around for thousands of years, can be so confused among these two people.

His arms slowly tightened, he hugged Wu Zinuo tightly, as if strangling him to the bone, a drop of crystal water fell from his eyes.

Black air swaggered back and forth on the gloomy sky, and a roar floated outside from the depths of the inner palace.


In the Princess Hall of Demon Spirit Mountain, the distinguished Princess of the Demon Realm seems to have changed. As long as it is within reach by her side, she can pick it up and throw it away!
I also don't care about the calligraphy and painting of this dead famous artist who can't be bought by random people in the human world, and I don't care about the antiques of the past dynasty. mustn't...

Outside the princess hall, a large group of demon soldiers and servants from the demon world were stopped outside the door, so they had to circle around the palace.

Some demons paid attention to the whole process of the Demon Princess returning to the Demon Mountain. Apart from rushing all the way to the Demon Mountain, she locked herself in her palace and threw things. Of course, when she was running all the way, some of them had no eyesight The little devil I saw wanted to stop her, but was wiped out with a flick of her hand...

Seeing the princess's incomparable skill, all the magic soldiers and generals consciously detoured.

So it has evolved into what it is now.

"Immortal Yizhu, Immortal Yizhu, Immortal Yizhu..."

She kept muttering in her mouth, and nothing in her hand survived.

She felt a cold air expanding in her body. Although the air was cold, it made her inexplicably irritable.

She was thinking of Immortal Yizhu, her husband, but she didn't know why she kept thinking about him.

Until there was nothing left for her to throw in the huge princess hall, she kicked with one foot, directly kicking open the door of her princess hall!

The devil servants who had suffered restlessly waiting outside the door were startled by the sudden break of the door, and, unfortunately, were hit by the door fragments...

Of course, there was even more misfortune. Meng Tingshan, who rushed out, strangled her throat with one hand, and died immediately in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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