Chapter 252 Chaos War
The sprinting figure was originally elusive and difficult to locate, but the three rays of light stared straight at them as if they had eyes.

They had to turn around to deal with it, and three black and silver mixed balls instantly appeared in the air.

But it's not over yet!Behind and in front of them, the large group of demon soldiers rushed towards these two "different" people unexpectedly using their best skills.

"Sister Ting, please speak up if you have something to say!"

Wu Zinuo's sword screamed louder, indicating that it also felt a strong aura.

Naturally, this aura is not owned by these Xiaoxiao who set foot on the ground, but by Meng Tingshan!

What is going on, Wu Zinuo was at a loss.

How did the situation take a turn for the worse so quickly! ?
Didn't they cooperate and pretend to fight here before? Didn't they help each other rescue their daughter when they went to the Demon Realm? Why now...

There are no answers to these questions for the time being, and a large black area is already heavy in front of my eyes.

"Arnuo, your teacher's wife has been demonized, hey, it's important for you to watch the battle in front of you, don't be distracted!"

After Immortal Yizhu finished speaking, he took the lead in a flash of white light and rushed towards the demon soldiers fearlessly.

"Demonization?!" Wu Zinuo's eyes widened instantly.

Seeing Master's snow-white figure rising and falling in the blackness, she couldn't care less about anything else, and rushed into the black demon group.

Meng Tingshan looked coldly at the two groups of black lights and shadows below, the pity no longer appeared in her eyes, but the blackness became thicker and thicker.


"Heh heh heh, my stupid daughter, she doesn't even know she's been sold."

"I can tell you that the purpose of Immortal Yizhu marrying you is not to really fall in love with you, but he just wants to use you to contain our demon world. Tsk tsk, you have been kept in the dark for so many years, pity you have been kept in the dark." He has been a pawn for so many years, and he still talks about it."

"Immortal Yizhu practiced "Feng Ling Long Qing" to destroy us, daughter, don't be stupid, your husband is always thinking about how to deal with you."

"Look at how much you have done to return to him in this life, since you learned that Immortal Yizhu's incarnation was in the Lin Mansion in the capital, how much effort you have spent to get his life number in this life, it took How much painstaking effort did you make to change his partner in this life to the daughter of the Lan family? When you learned that Wu Zinuo's confinement period had expired, how much effort did you spend preventing her from finding him..."

"Her so many times of 'Thousands of Miles Voice Transmission' are due to you casting spells and blocking the outside of the Lin Mansion. She searched all over the world to search for it. It is you who hid everyone's aura for security... You have tried your best, but, So much effort is in vain."



Meng Tingshan clenched her hands tightly into a fist.

In vain! ?How can it be futile.

She has worked so hard for so many years, but it is known how she has lived in this long 1000 years.

A person is like a ghost living in the human world without a fixed place. The demon world cannot stay for too long, and will be accidentally plotted and brainwashed by the father, king and other demon leaders. However, there is no place in the human world that can really be called her. s home.

Just to wait for someone like him? !
Not fair, not fair!
The black aura on her body lingered and spun, her hands were flattened, the black Nao clothes danced in the air, the black aura in her eyes was accompanied by traces of black aura around her, Fengyun began to change color, and her eyes stared fiercely at the person below. Wu Zinuo.

Leaning over, sprinting, black light flashed, and the three layers of demon soldiers surrounding Wu Zinuo were immediately injured and turned into black smoke.

Wu Zinuo was brandishing his saber to fend off the enemy, but unexpectedly, the enemy in front of him disappeared as soon as the sword flower passed.

(End of this chapter)

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