Chapter 255 Retreat
The big sleeve fluttered again to block Wu Zinuo's sight, Wu Zinuo came back to his senses, blinked his eyes twice, and the red sleeve had already fallen down.

But I saw the fairy in white robes falling straight from the sky...

The blood on his face immediately faded away.

Yanying looked at her expression, and also looked in that direction.

It feels amazing!

Is this Immortal Lord Yizhu disregarding life and death for the sake of women? !


The idiot next to him ran over in a hurry.

Attempt to catch him below.

Shengjun Yanying couldn't laugh anymore.

Shaking his head, he could only admit his fate, his figure flickered, and he ran towards Yizhu Xianjun at a speed nearly twice as fast as Wu Zinuo.

The fiery red light mixed with the white color in the air, and the two landed safely.

It happened that Wu Zinuo ran up to them and helped Immortal Yizhu up.


The tone was full of shock.

"Arnold, I'm fine..."

Immortal Yizhu supported his chest with one hand and put the other on Wu Zinuo's shoulders, his tone fluttering, as if he was like a spring.


Seeing a large group of demon soldiers approaching behind Wu Zinuo, Yanying moved forward neatly... that is behind Wu Zinuo.

After striding forward, he started chanting mantras, and the yellow sand all over the sky began to gather.

Gradually, a tornado of yellow sand formed in front of him.

The speed of the yellow sand turning became faster and faster, as if what was in front of me was a khaki sky pillar.

Some sharp-eyed demons are already planning to escape...

Meng Tingshan was still in mid-air with her arms crossed, but her face no longer had an expression of extreme pain.

Very serious, very serious.

If this continues, how many of her [-] troops are left?
Suansuan felt that it was a bit uneconomical, but it was a bit timid to retreat at this time.

Forget it, be cowardly!

She threw her hands into the air, commanding in a deep voice:


As if they had received an amnesty, the demon army hurriedly turned around and strode away.

It was commendable, the withdrawal was so orderly for the first time.

"Want to go?!"

Shengjun Yanying's low and evil voice resounded in the air, like a ghost messenger who hunts down souls.

Let those who walk slowly shudder a few times.

Stretching out his hands, the yellow sand floated up a height, and restraining his hands, the yellow sand turned an arc in the air and rushed towards the magic soldiers one after another.

During the flight, the yellow sand that was originally like a beam of light gradually spread out.

Seen from the front, it looks like a mighty overwhelming.

As the commander in chief of the three armies, Meng Tingshan's complexion changed.

A pinch of black air was held in his hand, and the palms stretched them slowly.

Pushing forward, the black air turned into two streams, trying to block the way from the side.

It really cut off part of it.

Just a small portion!
Most of them ignored the black light that was originally powerful but now appeared extremely small in front of hundreds of thousands of yellow sands, and directly enveloped the magic soldiers.

All the demon soldiers raised their weapons one after another to resist and defend.

However, with such an overwhelming thing, how can it be said that defense can be defended? !
After closing the eyes and then opening them, all the compatriots are generally disgraced by the yellow sand. Of course, the degree of the three demon generals will be lighter.

But it's just disheartened.

When the burst of yellow sand and dust settled, Yanying's voice from the opposite side drifted over again.

"How, do you want to do it again?!"

The demons looked at each other in blank dismay.

It's just yellow sand, they thought how much damage it would cause, hehe, they didn't expect that there was nothing wrong with it except a little bit of embarrassment.

Unconsciously, he patted the dirt on his body, trying to make himself look more refreshed.

But as soon as their hands touched the skin, they howled like killing pigs.

Pain, every inch of skin is burning pain, quickly roll up your sleeves and take a look.

(End of this chapter)

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