Chapter 275 Internal Contradiction
There can be no accidents!
Thinking of this, he grabbed the backside daughter's wrist with one hand, and tried to persuade:
"Tingshan, now at this time, what's the point of worrying about this? Those are all things in the past. I promise you that as long as you help me complete this last thing, this small place in the world will be handed over to you." manage!"

Meng Tingshan continued to look at him in the blink of an eye, trying to see him more clearly with out-of-focus eyes.

Self-consciously, the demon used his other hand to dig into his sleeve, and unexpectedly pulled out another pearl-like ball, which was about to be fed into Meng Tingshan's mouth.

"Come on, good boy, you eat this, you are too emotional, this is a meditation pill..."

Meng Tingshan stopped backing like a demon, and spoke mechanically.

"do not!"

"do not want!"

Immortal Yizhu and Wu Zinuo spoke at the same time!
Wu Zinuo couldn't hold back his breath, and was about to jump forward at the slightest step.

Unexpectedly, a piece of snow-white sleeve with gold trim fluttered, and an arm blocked the front.

She looked suspiciously at the owner of the white sleeve, her master: Immortal Yizhu.

"Don't go there, this is a trap!"

Before the words fell, I saw a black shadow flashing in front of my eyes, and there was something running straight in the direction of the demon father and daughter!
The speed is comparable to an arrow leaving the string, and it is also like a gust of wind blowing from the ground.

It was the elixir that he snatched with his hands, and he bent and stretched his feet with the intention of kicking the demon spirit away!

It's a pity that she was too self-reliant with this kick. After all, the demon spirit is the demon spirit, the king of all demons.

Even though it was a close call, the demon still easily dodged that kick.

While dodging, he made a mistake with both hands, and gave the opponent a palm without even looking at him!
It just hit the opponent's heart.

The man let out a muffled snort, and his body involuntarily moved back and forth!
When passing by Meng Tingshan, she grabbed Meng Tingshan's wrist with her right hand, and Meng Tingshan flew up unprepared with this huge inertial force.

This was unexpected by the demon spirit. He subconsciously wanted to grab Meng Tingshan, but when he stretched out his arm, he could only grab a broken sleeve.

Meng Tingshan, on the other hand, reacted after a slight shock, and slashed the hand fixed on her wrist with her palm as a knife!
There was a "bang" sound as if the bones were about to shatter, but the owner of that hand didn't intend to relax at all, on the contrary, he held it even tighter.

The figures of both of them are declining rapidly!
Meng Tingshan looked at this person along the black cloth, her eyes suddenly widened!

"How could it be you?!"

Seeing that her master recognized her, Xiaoya smiled reassuringly, and quickly moved her whole body down!

It landed heavily, and the dust flew more than three feet high!

The fluttering dust gradually dissipated, Wu Zinuo, who was so surprised that his mouth could swallow a big duck egg, and Immortal Yizhu, who was surprised but still calm on the surface, all looked in the direction of the two of them. .

Wu Zinuo continued to take a step forward, but found that her wrist was tightly held in the hand of Immortal Yizhu.

When the dust settled, everyone could see that Meng Tingshan slid down from Xiaoya in a hurry.

If it wasn't for Xiaoya just now, it would be her who fell to the ground now!

Just sitting next to her, Xiaoya spit out a lot of bright red liquid from her mouth!
Meng Tingshan panicked even more, and slowly helped Xiaoya raise her head slightly, and tilted it to the side.

This way, she won't choke on the blood...

Sure enough, the blood that flowed back into her mouth after being sprayed up finally flowed out again, and when the liquid was no longer in her mouth, Xiaoya couldn't help moaning in pain:
"Ah, it hurts..."

Meng Tingshan frowned when she heard her say that, it hurts, what should I do?
(End of this chapter)

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