Chapter 277

Needless to say, Ting'er must have taught her in private!
What a joke, let her use phantom pupils on Ting'er, then all his previous efforts were not in vain? !
Phantom pupil is a very advanced technique for the demon world. People who use phantom pupil can easily absorb everything they need through the eyes of both sides!
even life...

However, the power consumption is so huge that a demon with low skill can bear it. This Xiaoya, has her skill improved a lot? !

No, you have to stop her!
The heart started before leaving, and the coach had long since disappeared from his original position.

Instead, there were three emissaries from the Demon Realm, who filled the lack of handsomeness and quickly confronted each other.

But when they raised their eyes, they realized that of the four people standing in the front row in front of them, there were only two left.

As soon as the demon spirit's palm turned, a beam of black light would appear. When this beam of black light is fired, Xiaoya's soul can be instantly dissipated!

With a flick of the palm of his hand, the beam of black light really galloped away.

But Xiaoya did not avoid it.

It's too late, and I don't want to escape.

Suck away the devil's water from the master, and let herself be killed by the devil's hands by the way, well, in this way, she will not be controlled by the devil like the master!
Just right!
is what she wants...

She was motionless, but she was indifferent to die with peace of mind.

But when the black light came close, there was a beam of silver light rushing out from the slanting thorns, intercepting it directly!
The silver light flew around with the black light.

Another bunch of low-altitude fireworks in the blue sky and white sun!

This fireworks is so weird that it can make people have nightmares...

The white clothes drifted past and gradually drooped, and three thousand hairs drew a black streak in the air.

There was no expression on the handsome and indifferent face, and she stood in front of Xiaoya lightly.

"Demon spirit, what's the point of attacking the same kind, your enemy is me!"

His voice was low and hoarse, but it contained a hint of provocation.

"You can even attack your own daughter, devil, you are so ruthless!"

Wu Zinuo also stood in front of the demon, sideways behind Immortal Yizhu.

"Really, that's great, I want to learn about it."

The demon crystal blood ball appeared again in his hand, and that ball emitted a coquettish light.

It is the prelude to being motivated!
Wu Zinuo and Lin Yizhu tilted their right hands to the ground at the same time, flipped their wrists in unison, and drew an Inga.

Two swords appeared at the same time and were drawn by their masters at the same time.

Wu Zinuo and Immortal Yizhu opened a distance, but still tightly protected the two behind them.

The appearance of the confrontation on this side has been set up, and on the other side, with two bursts of shouts, the two armies are once again mixed together!
The Jade Emperor and Yanying stood in the middle of a group of demon generals, trying their best to deal with them!
This is, the last time the two armies clash...

The demon spirit threw the demon crystal blood ball into the air, chanted a mantra, and slowly catalyzed it.

The radiance emitted by the ball became more and more intense, but all of them were absorbed by the mouth of the demon spirit who rose into the air.

Not a drop left!
The body can feel that there are many streams of full gas flowing, swimming in one's internal organs, seven meridians and eight collaterals.

The red light gradually faded, and with only one jitter, the demon's whole body felt refreshed, as if he was full of wine and food.

His stature has risen for a while without noticing it, and at this moment, he is fully twice his original height!
The feet landed slowly, not he was landing, but the legs were stretching.

Wu Zinuo and Immortal Yizhu looked at him like this, and glanced at each other...

If you want to see his face, you have to look up...

Demonized, the demon spirit evolved into the Demon Bead Blood King!
Not long after, the light of the demon crystal blood cell disappeared, lost all power, and fell to the ground in a hurry.

Looking at the falling direction, the demon crystal blood cell at this moment is like a hollowed out glass slag.

(End of this chapter)

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