Chapter 289 Make up your mind to wake him up
Meng Tingshan's voice was extremely erratic, as if she was muttering to herself.

She knew that she lost, lost completely, no matter how hard she tried, he still fell in love with Wu Zinuo in the end, in the end, not because her love was too shallow, but because he loved too deeply!
The boundary between the heavenly world and the human world was originally on a cliff, and she unconsciously looked at the abyss between the two cliffs.

In this emotional abyss, the one who dragged the three of them into it was far more than ten feet!

Hehehe, I have done so much, now that I think about it, I was wrong from beginning to end.

Immortal Yizhu loved her, but she was pushed to the mortal world by her own hands, to go to reincarnation.

Lin Yizhu, who came out of reincarnation, now, haha, just like what he thought in his previous life, he no longer loves her...

If you really committed your own crimes, you can't live!

Meng Tingshan, do you still want to blame, do you still want to complain?If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself...

"Lin Yizhu, do you know that the past life is the past life, and this life is the present life. You hold the memory of the past life, thinking that you are also a person from the past life. What you love is the love of the past life, but you dare not face up to the present life. In your present life, what you like is Who, what did you think, just grow in your mind and must be sealed forever?"

"Do you know that the years are moving forward, you are not just Yizhu Immortal, or you were just Yizhu Immortal before, you are still Lin Yizhu, now Lin Yizhu?"

"Don't you feel tired of pretending to be your previous appearance and changing your previous voice?! You think you were a fairy before, so you should have the same appearance as a fairy back then?!"

The blood on the face of Immortal Yizhu faded, and she couldn't help taking a step back!
Wu Zinuo winked to the side to make him retreat, but couldn't help being shocked, looking at him who had lost all blood!
her master...

"You don't know that you are also a fairy now, as long as you live as you are now, it's right..."

Speaking of this last sentence, Meng Tingshan's tears, which had dried up long ago, filled her eyes again.

All that could be said had been said, she took a step back and turned around.

She thought she should go.

Once you leave, you will never come back.

Fortunately, she knew that Immortal Yizhu loved her, she was really loved by him, and she would never change until death!

She remembered the position of her father, and she didn't look carefully, she was about to leave!

But he was yelled from behind and stopped:

"Meng Tingshan, me, it's still me!"

Dou Da's tears were pattering down, but she was actually laughing in her heart:
Immortal Yizhu, thank you, you are still willing to coax me...

Don't want to believe it? !

You will, figure it out, Lin Yizhu...

Smiling slightly, he lifted his foot and walked away, taking two steps before slowly raising his head.

His eyes focused on the position where he thought his father was, but after looking at it like this, there were no tears in his eyes, and no smile at the corners of his mouth.

The footsteps suddenly stopped!

Eyes widen in disbelief:

Everyone was summoned by her terrified voice to look over there together. Their faces changed after seeing it, and everyone held their weapons tightly in their hands without calling them!

In front of him, the demon stood tall and mighty, with a smile on his scarlet mouth.

A very weird smile!
Laughing so hard that the four of them felt chilly all over their bodies, as if there were tens of thousands of bugs crawling on them for no apparent reason...

Everyone couldn't help but fix their eyes on his legs. As expected, the demon's legs, from below the knees, were already ethereal and hard to see at this moment!

"Uh ha ha ha, Immortal Yizhu, die!"

Everyone's weapons were raised to the brows, Immortal Yizhu and Wu Zinuo, the first and second, went forward without hesitation!
Interception, an ultimate technique, the user must give up a certain part of himself in exchange for double his own power, and when the double power erupts, the user will be exhausted Withered, completely disappeared from this world.

(End of this chapter)

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