Chapter 296 Leave a Letter Said She Knows

"A Nuo wrote you a letter, which explained where she went."

Hearing what he said, Immortal Yizhu quickly reached out and wanted to snatch it away.

Yanying let him snatch the letter, seeing how he couldn't wait to read it. At this moment, how could he still look like the Yizhu Immortal with an iceberg face?

The raised hand didn't let go, but pressed on the back of his hand, preventing him from reading the letter.

"Immortal Yizhu, no, Lin Yizhu, sometimes I envy you."


Immortal Yizhu raised his head, dazed.

"Oh, it's nothing, I want to say, I'm leaving, you can do it yourself."

After speaking, he let go of his hand, turned around, smiled, and strode away.


Immortal Yizhu looked at his handsome back, but was a little taken aback, Yanying, what's wrong with him?
He didn't help, didn't he go to Arnold? !

The fiery red figure disappeared, he came back to his senses, and opened the letter.


When you read this letter, Tuer is already on the way to leave, please forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye, sorry, Tuer can no longer serve you.

I have always regarded Master as a family member. It is you who gave me a home when I was homeless. It was you who made me stop living on the street since that year. I can never repay in my life.

You let me grow from an ordinary little girl to a person with great responsibilities. I feel very happy and happy when I am with you. Will not think about it.

I have to admit that I did have a good impression of Master, just as Sister Ting said, and it was also because of my heart and mind for you that I, on the top of Yishan, forcibly survived the entire 1000 years.

However, after I met another person, I finally understood and woke up to this kind of love emotion between a man and a woman that I thought I was.

No, no, I was wrong!

The mortal Lin Yizhu, a person with a mortal body, was the one who told me what true love is.

In addition to liking, there is another feeling called Rumu, called dependence.

When Sister Ting left, she said: As long as you have loved, you will have no more worries. These words finally let me find the answer in my heart that I have been looking for for a long time. At that moment, I knew, the future Road, how to go.

Please forgive me for failing to agree to Sister Ting's entrustment. I believe Sister Ting has knowledge and she will understand me.

Oh, by the way, there is also Xiao Yiting, this kid is very cute and naughty, Master must take good care of her and train her well.When Tuer passes Youyang Forest one day, if he finds that you haven't taken good care of her, Tuer will punish you for Sister Ting!
Hehe, just kidding, but I also believe that under the guidance of Master, Yiting will appear in Youyanglin, another person with outstanding martial arts skills and a heart for the common people!

That's it, master, goodbye!
Apprentice: Arnold
Putting down the letter in his hand, Immortal Yi Zhu's eyes were blank for a long time, and after a long time, he gave a low laugh and shook his head gently:

"This silly girl!"

Like a gurgling brook flowing out of a mountain stream, the sound is no longer hoarse.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………

The warmth of early spring thawed the cold river, and the river flowed smoothly, and small fish of various colors jumped out of the water from time to time.

Wu Zinuo squatted beside the rustling creek, scooped up a few handfuls of water in the creek to wash his face, and immediately felt refreshed.

He took a small handful of clean water up, brought it to his lips, and sucked it.

(End of this chapter)

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