Chapter 315 Extra Story: Everything is OK

They said so, but they had to show them to prove their innocence...

God bless those two people to be smart and hide well. As for that big hole... Huh, she has to think of a good reason.

As soon as the handle was turned, the door of the daughter's room was pushed open, and from inside, fluent music sounded suddenly:
Yu Jianjianghu loves and dies all his life,

The candle shakes red and cuts the west window to form a pair of shadows,
Mo Xiao is young and crazy, only sighs that the fate of the world is still young,

Rushing shoulders across rivers and lakes and forgetting each other,
Yu Jianjianghu is in a lifetime of regret,

The autumn water is cool, the fireworks are hot, the dream is in a foreign land,
Three thousand prosperity buried you in reincarnation watch,

How can Ying Junnuo forget each other...

The husband and wife were so emotionally disturbed by such a high-profile song that they couldn't breathe out. Hey, this child really has "elegant" taste!
After exhaling that breath, the heart rhythm returned to normal, and they scanned the room...

Hey, it's very good, it's all right, it's very neat!

The two looked at each other, a little surprised.

Then at the same time, she turned to look at her own daughter, her surprised eyes seemed to say:

Like this, not neat? !

Just when they all looked at their daughter, Shiyan Mo knew she was going to die!

Who knew that it was this kind of gaze that greeted him with a frightened expression.

Is it...

She craned her neck and stole a peek at the back room.

Hey, inside...

Those two people were gone, and the ceiling was exactly the same as it was in the morning, last night, and the day before yesterday!
Brainstorming, she suddenly got into it and piled herself in the corner, pointing to the side of the bookshelf, she smiled and said to her parents:

"Hey, I said that I'm almost ready to clean up, the only thing left here is..."

Shi Yingfeng and his wife looked at each other, and when they looked at the room again, there was nothing strange about it, so they gave up investigating further, and went back to their room with their wives in their arms.

Shi Yanmo finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the figures of their husband and wife returning home.

Quickly trot over and close the door.

Turning around, she didn't expect to see Yanying's red-clothed man and purple-clothed little girl lying on her dresser together, touching, knocking, beating the laptop on it.

It gave her a big jump!
He caressed his little heart and said coldly:
"Hey, what are you doing?"

I don't know how the man's slender and white hands are being manipulated, but the music of "Jiangjianghu" played on the player stopped abruptly.

It's time to press "pause"!

Yiting looked at Yanying's hand with big eyes, puzzled, and stretched out his little index finger to poke.

It is estimated that the mouse arrow has shifted or something happened, and the notebook can no longer make a sound.

In hindsight, she realized that she was playing "Cinnabar Tears". Under the condition of the single loop, why did her parents hear "The Sword of the Rivers and Lakes" when they opened the door? !

[-]% are them...

"Hey, stop playing!"

She ran to grab her notebook back, closed it, and locked it in the cabinet.

If they keep poking like this, she will lose her notebook!

It's okay to break into someone's boudoir, but still be so arrogant and tamper with other people's things!
Yanying Yiting and the two finally turned their heads to look at her.

"You guys, who are you?!"

Yanying was not used to sitting, so she stood up again, flicking the precious robe on her body.

"My name is Yanying, the Holy King of the Nine Heavens, and her name is Yiting!"

He is not used to introducing himself, because in his world, ordinary people would know who Yanying is when they hear his name.

If he doesn't know, he will use force to let the other party know.

He doesn't even know how to introduce others, besides, if he tells this woman who Yi Ting is, she won't even know him.

"Are you, father and daughter?!"

Yanying almost bit her own tongue when Shi Yanmo asked her a question.

father and daughter! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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