Chapter 368 You Can Go Back
"However, after all, you have gone with your entire body, which is a normal time travel. After you go, it will take [-] days to come back... Well, if, I mean, if, if the time of our ancestor's test is not very accurate, then, You still want to stay there for a few days of error."

"Eh, the error will definitely be delayed, that is to say, you are not as sure as before that it is one hundred, this time it is about three hundred, it may be 290 seven, or it may be 310 seven...Are you understand (you can understand) )?"


Shi Yanmo slightly lowered her eyebrows when she heard this.

Actually, this uncertainty is nothing. The important thing is that she has to stay there for three hundred days, which makes her a little unacceptable...

Three hundred days, it's been a year, and she needs to stay in a different world for a year? !

If that world is really fun, then forget it. What if that world is boring? !
What's more, she can't come back in this year, what should she say to her parents? !

Three months can still be used in the name of going to school, but this year...

Do I have to tell them that I not only studied at the university for a semester, but also worked as a winter vacation worker. I couldn’t get on the train because of the busy Spring Festival, and then I continued to study for the next semester? !

No, no, no one would believe it. Besides, she was going for a year, and she didn't have time to visit relatives, so she couldn't tell her parents: cough, actually, I predicted the coming year in advance...

Besides, even if this lie is true, Mom and Dad can still go to see her on the pretext of a business trip, or even directly hire a helicopter to pick her up...

Thinking of this makes my face full of horror, if a private jet is parked on the small playground of the school...

Well, all ideas ended in failure...

Dizzy, so dizzy, can she say that she suddenly became dizzy?
"Master, can you let me think about it?"

She must be in doubt right now.

The so-called gain and loss, gain and loss, is the truth.

It is impossible for you to imagine that everything is always perfect, and it is impossible for everything to go smoothly.

On the one hand making the choice to choose, on the other hand, is the absolute, to be cast aside.

But Shi Yanmo didn't know how ruthlessly the gears of her life turned forward after she traveled through this time, and after turning around, they all got off the track...

The only thing left is after so many days, after she came back, she recalled again and again, recalling, if she had no choice at the beginning, be more selfish, and not be so righteous, it would be great...

"I can make you think about it. Well, I forgot to tell you that the best time to do this is tomorrow. Have you heard the news? There will be a lunar eclipse in the early hours of tomorrow..."

"Tomorrow morning?!"

That's tonight...

When Shi Yanmo heard that the time was so urgent, she suddenly felt a little dizzy.

Shiyan Mo's master continued to drink a sip of water, finally stood up willingly and went back to the house.


"Yanying Yiting!"

Inside the small door, Shi Yanmo's little head was exposed.


Yi Ting turned his head to see her, remembering that he could finally go home, but this time, he didn't show any hostility towards her again.

She stood up quickly, and halfway through her stand, her arms suddenly tightened, and she didn't need to turn her head to know that it was someone who claimed to be a nanny helping her.

After standing up, she continued to pretend to be a little loli, and as soon as she turned her hand, it directly interlocked with Yanying's big palm.

Yanying doesn't care much about the so-called habit becomes natural.

Pulling her to Shiyanmo, Yanying said:
"Is there anything you can... help us?"

Shi Yanmo felt flustered and short of breath when she heard his charming voice, but she just nodded wordlessly. …………………………………………………………………………………………

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(End of this chapter)

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