Chapter 372
"No, no, the God of War is a god, and you have a devilish energy on your body."

She finally understood why this person made her feel so familiar the moment he appeared, it turned out that Yu Linghan was from the Demon Realm.

After all, it was from her grandfather's side.

Also her relatives.

She has half fairy blood and half magic blood, which has been determined since she was not born.

She will feel familiar when she meets a fairy, and she will feel the same when she meets a demon.

It's just that in her 100 years of lifespan, except for one and a half years ago, after the Great War, the chance of her encountering a demon again is very small.

This also resulted in a rare but profound physical reaction to demons, which is common to immortals.

In modern times before, she didn't guess in this direction due to geographical location, but now...

"Uncle, who are you?"

She asked subconsciously.

This person must have a lot of status in the devil world.

The innate knowledge and cognition let her know that it is not ordinary people who can have lion totems front and back.

However, due to the destruction of the Demon Realm, her cognition has also been damaged to varying degrees. Her lack of knowledge makes it impossible to see his identity at a glance through this totem.

However, no matter what his status is, he is definitely older than her. This time, he can't be called brother.

And Yu Linghan... Hearing Yiting's question, his expression was immediately shocked!

Come on, uncle...

This name will be different immediately...

He lowered his eyebrows.

"What did you call me?"

The originally deep voice was now an octave lower, and Yi Ting instantly felt cold all over.

"...Uh, brother, brother Yu Linghan..."

Seeing that it was her own family, she would not feel defensive because she saw such a suit of equipment, and because he was really good to her in that modern age before, she would not think that this person had any bad intentions.

"Okay, brother Yu Linghan..."

Seeing that Yu Linghan didn't speak for a while, Yiting called out again.

Only then did I dare to open my mouth to make sure:

"Are we back yet?"

The look of joy was reflected in Yu Linghan's eyes, he waved one hand towards the air in front of him, a beam of black air flashed by, and he came out of the black air, but changed his appearance again.

This time he was in casual clothes, with a black silk dress embroidered with deep and complicated patterns, and a wide belt that tied his waist out.

The man in front of him no longer had the domineering and coldness just now, but was a little more intimate and majestic.

Like an older brother who is many years older than you, shouldering the glorious task of leading your little sister...

He knelt down and looked up at her slightly:
"Yes, are you happy?"

Really back!
The pair of watery eyes in front of him are bigger and brighter!

Cheers came out, and she jumped for joy.


Take a look at the surrounding scenery, she has never been to this place before!
This is where? !
This question was immediately asked by her.

"This is the Devil Mountain."

Yu Linghan replied.

"Magic Spirit Mountain?!"

Such a familiar name, such a familiar place!
She remembered that her grandpa was called Moling.

This is Grandpa's place!

No wonder it felt familiar, she had been here several times in her infancy.

Woohoo, it's been many years, she hasn't been here for so many years, she almost forgot all about it.

Back then, the Moling Mountain was purified, and the aura of the demons on the mountain was wiped out.

The current Moling Mountain is just an ordinary mountain, and the locals seem to have changed its name.

Hey, after all, times have changed, she couldn't help trotting for a distance, watching the scenery in the mountains, listening to the birds chirping in the treetops.

Except for the evil energy, the scenery of this mountain is extremely beautiful.

Looking at the figure running and jumping in front of him, Yu Linghan stood up.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his lips smiled.

Hands can't help but fold their chests, this is the posture of the past.

(End of this chapter)

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