Chapter 379 Take Me Home
Maybe, she doesn't know what love is at such a young age, the most serious word she can touch now is "like", but, for a person like Yanying who has lived in the mortal world for 700 years, he will not Do you understand?
Maybe this person is born with little tendons, hey, it's so sad to think about it, she Yiting is so young, she has to work hard for her own love life...

Anyway, this genius in the fairy world is amazing, she is definitely abducted!
Cheering herself up, she went to the yard to kick, punch and roll for a while, and finally made herself a little tired, and climbed into bed as soon as it got dark, continuing her energy recovery.

The wooden door was quietly opened, Yu Linghan stood at the door in a black robe, looked at Yi Ting who was in a deep sleep on the bed, nodded in satisfaction, closed the door again, and went to his old room by himself. In the palace, he went to sleep with his clothes on, but it was him who stayed up all night.

Thinking of the stern look that the devil gave him before, and the contempt in Meng Tingshan's eyes, and then thinking of his peers, whether they were ridiculed or ridiculed, or there were stings in their words...

That's all? !Heh, the demon world was completely wiped out, but I was the only one left... well, well done!

The next day lightened up slowly.

The sun was rising, and the gray clouds were floating in the air.

The weather is sunny and neither hot nor cold. It is indeed a good season for going to bed early and waking up early.

In the room, Yu Linghan rolled over again from a sleepy sleepiness.

Just turned over and faced the outside, feeling the light and darkness in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly.

He saw a small person standing in front of his bed, against the light, standing upright, with his lips tightly pursed.

It's Yiting!
so early...

He rubbed his eyes and sat up leaning against the head of the bed.

His demeanor was so lazy that it didn't look like the aura of Yan Yan at all.

"Yi Ting, you came to my bed early, you haven't seen me all day?!"

After saying this, the corners of his lips curled slightly.


A clear and crisp voice rang out in front of the bed without hesitation, as if he knew what Yu Linghan would ask a long time ago.

On the contrary, Yu Linghan was slightly taken aback by the answer.

Fortunately, his eyes are half-closed, and the expression in the bottom of his eyes is not so easy for others to see clearly.

"Oh, what is that for?"

Even though he asked that, he almost knew why in his heart.

Early in the morning, how to answer, that is for...

"I have to go back!"

It was that clear and crisp voice again, this time, the words were a little more determined.

If I remember correctly, today should be the No. 18 day she crossed over. There is nothing wrong. Daddy will be back in these two days...

What if you can't find her when you come back?
Maybe Yanying is already in Youyang Forest at this moment, then, parents will definitely dismantle him, and then put him back together!
Haha ...

Uh, not funny...

Yu Linghan didn't expect her to be so direct and her tone so firm.

After a slight pause, he turned over and landed on his toes, in front of Yiting.

Yi Ting took two steps back defensively, his eyes fixed on Yu Ling Han.

His hands were hanging by his sides, and were covered by long sleeves, but Yu Linghan could easily guess that in these two sleeves, the tender hands were tightly clenched into fists.

Ignoring her backing, ignoring her defense, ignoring her forbearance, Yu Linghan walked to the clothes hanger as if nothing happened, and began to wrap clothes around himself.

Yi Ting just looked up at him slightly, the distance was a little far away, she didn't step forward, and didn't speak.

In the end it was Yu Linghan who broke the silence, he put on his clothes extremely fast, not long after, the last belt on the hanger tied his thin waist.

(End of this chapter)

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