Chapter 39

After hearing this, Princess Moling lowered her eyes, and there seemed to be something flickering in her eyes.

I remember that the second time she met Immortal Yizhu, part of the situation was like this.Now, in his reincarnation, he doesn't know whether it's because of the fragments left over from his memory, or because he also has such a personality in this life, but unconsciously, he used the same tone and said the same words...

On that day, she changed into a human costume and walked slowly along the most famous river in Nanling according to legend.

At that time, the sun was just rising, and the light it emitted was gentle and elegant. The sky was connected to the river, and there was a cool and warm steam in the water. The grassland on the shore was also waxy and wet due to the morning fog. When I saw such a hazy scene for the first time, my heart was happy, and I walked a long way along the river bank without knowing it.

The devil princess who had stolen half a day's leisure was still immersed in the beautiful scenery of the world, and she didn't know that the danger was approaching. When she came back to her senses, a burst of clear fairy energy and multiple waves of devil energy soaring to the sky kept her away for only half a foot. so far away.

Startled in her heart, she jumped far away like a conditioned reflex. When she raised her head, she saw clanging clangs not far away, and four demon generals were fighting dimly with an immortal family.

She knew those four demon generals, they were all first-class generals under her father King Mo Ling, their martial arts were extremely high, almost no opponents in the devil world except her father king, and the face of that fairy family was so familiar!

He was dressed in white to win the snow, so conspicuous among the four black-clothed demon generals, he flew up and down to resist the deadly trick of the demon generals, but he still inevitably got stabbed a few times.

No matter how brave a tiger is, it is still no match for a pack of wolves.Seeing that one of the demon generals was about to slash the fairy's waist with a knife, the princess of the demon world suddenly felt suffocated, and couldn't help shouting: "Stop!" It turned into a puff of black smoke among them!
"What are you doing?" Princess Moling asked the four demon generals in a sharp voice after regaining her demon attire.

Seeing that it was their own princess, the four demon generals rushed to pay homage, and said: "Princess Bing, the four of us met him here by chance, and saw that he was full of immortality and righteousness, so we must get rid of him."

The immortal family behind him was also furious: "You demons that endanger the world, this immortal will also eliminate demons and defend the way today!"

Without waiting for the four people to speak, Princess Mo Ling turned around and said first: "Hmph, you don't know how to live and die, you dare to talk stubbornly like this!" Her eyes flashed, and she said to the four demon generals: " Let's go, leave this person to this princess!"

"But!" The four demons were afraid that the demon princess was not the opponent of this fairy family, and wanted to refute, but they were forced to go back by the majestic look of the demon princess.

"Yes! That princess, you have to be careful." After the first demon finished speaking, he bowed to the demon princess, and the other three demons also bowed to the princess, and disappeared in four wisps of black smoke in a blink of an eye.

Watching them disappear, Princess Moling breathed a sigh of relief, and turned around, only to see the fairy standing there gracefully, with awe-inspiring fairy spirit all over his body, but his eyes seemed to be about to burst into flames.

"Monster, take your life!" As he said that, he raised his sword and rushed towards her with lightness kung fu.

The Demon Princess opened her arms with a clatter, stepped back with her feet on the ground, and admired her - this person, who was injured so badly, still has such good strength and accuracy, really amazing!
After she retreated to a safe place, the mockery at the corner of her mouth became more obvious:
"The ignorant fairy, who thinks he is the incarnation of justice, is so indiscriminate and kills demons at sight!"

She saw that the fairy stayed there for a while after hearing this, and didn't care about him anymore. She turned around and wanted to leave, but stopped when she walked two or three steps away.

(End of this chapter)

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