Chapter 402 The truth of the matter

The deep purple in her eyes seemed to flow out, and the blackness on her body was getting more and more, her face was already pale, and a trace of red flowed out from her lips.

"Yiting, I was, I was imprisoned by them... er, in your body, I can't get out, I can't get out... Uh... Don't worry, one day, you will find me and want me Come out... I... um... I'm waiting for you..."

As soon as the words were finished, a purple smoke drifted past the place covered by white light, and there was no longer any figure.


Yi Ting was stunned.


"do not want!"

She sat up in bed.

"Yi Ting?!"

"Yi Ting!"

A pair of warm hands held her arms, and a gentle voice rang in her ears.

Sitting up, Yi Ting was sweating profusely, but was still dazed.

"Yi Ting, wake up quickly, don't scare me..."

Wu Zinuo's voice had changed from anxiety to panic.

"Yizhu, what should I do?"

Wu Zinuo hurriedly looked at Lin Yizhu who was sitting on the side with his eyes closed and adjusting his breath.

"It's okay, let her relax herself."

Lin Yizhu's voice was weak.

After finishing speaking, Yi Ting, who was very stunned, turned his head to Wu Zinuo.

The empty eyes were slowly filled with spirit, her face was still very pale.

"Mother and sister, why are you here?"

What's wrong with her heart, beating violently?

Seeing that Yi Ting recognized her, Wu Zi Nuo was so excited that he hugged Yi Ting tightly in his arms.

Yi Ting in her arms was very confused, but she still couldn't help wrapping her arms around Wu Zi Nuo's waist.

Unexpectedly, a purple figure floated by in her mind, and those purple eyes stared straight into her brain.

She trembled all over, and hurriedly pushed away Wu Zinuo who was hugging her tightly.

Seeing Wu Zinuo's puzzled expression, she came to her senses, and she also felt that it was a bit wrong for her to push her mother away like this.

But those eyes are so bright, they hug Wu Zinuo so much, they despise and loathe...

"Yi Ting, what's wrong with you?"

Wu Zinuo patted Yiting's head.

"Mother and sister, I, I just had a dream, a strange dream."

"Oh?! What kind of strange method?"

There was a flash of color in Wu Zinuo's eyes, but his voice remained calm.

"I dreamed of a person who resembled me... No, I can feel it, she is Yi Ting when she grows up, but she said... She lives in my heart... Yi Ting thinks it's so strange... so confused ..."

After hearing what she said, Wu Zinuo's eyes were filled with gorgeous shock.

Lin Yizhu also sat up straight from the chair immediately, with a look of vigilance in his eyes.

"is this real?"

Yi Ting looked up at Wu Zinuo with her small face up, eagerly waiting for an answer, the drops of water in her eyes were already on the verge of falling.


Wu Zinuo was in a dilemma when asked, he didn't know how to explain it to Yi Ting.

He had no choice but to look at Lin Yizhu for help again.

After the breathing adjustment just now, Lin Yizhu's body has been conditioned.

He stood up, his white robe fluttering, and walked slowly to the bed.

Rubbing between the faintly tired eyebrows, he calmly said:
"There is indeed another person in your body."


Yi Ting didn't expect his father to admit it so simply, he exclaimed and was stunned for a while.

"Yiting, to be precise, it should be said that there is another you in your body."


Yiting stammered.He stared fixedly at his father.

" are a life conceived by me and your mother, the Princess of the Demon Realm!"

"I am a fairy body, and your mother is a demon body. The crystallization of demons and immortals, there will be half of fairy energy and half of devil energy in the body. Even the body is half of fairy body and half of devil body."

(End of this chapter)

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