Chapter 420 Feng Shui takes turns


In other words, it is actually what the evil self in her body cultivated before.

Now the two of them have merged into one, and the martial arts of the "evil her" are her martial arts.

Besides, who said she is not evil now!

Yanying still didn't want to hurt her, seeing her impatiently calling out to him with one move after another, he had no choice but to defend himself, not showing any real strength.

It's just that Yi Ting didn't believe his words anymore, and his heart felt unprecedentedly frustrated.

Well, that's frustration...

Is this a turn of events? At first, he didn't believe her words of "like him", but now, it's her turn to say: she doesn't believe that he likes her.

He finally understood what it was like to be distrusted by others, sour and swollen, very anxious, very aggrieved, very uncomfortable...

"You can still be distracted at this time, Shengjun Yanying, you are playing me like a monkey!"

Seeing Yanying just defending but not attacking, standing in the defensive circle and thinking about something blankly, Yiting was really angry!

As soon as the hands were closed, a large ball of light appeared between the hands, and the green and yellow leaves on the ground flew towards this side as if attracted by something.

Seeing that she was about to make a big move, Yanying's eyes froze and her pupils tightened.

How angry is she, really wanting to kill him?

Do you have to force him to fight with her? But, how could his Yanying moves be directed at the one he loves?

He smiled lightly, and simply put away the defense in his hands.

Rubbing between his brows helplessly, he casually approached her with a tone that sounded like he was meditating:
"Yi Ting, you don't believe me so much, what do you have to do to believe me?"

Yi Ting watched him approaching her step by step, panic flashed in his purple eyes, and the deep purple color dissipated a lot immediately.

Holding a big killing move in his hand, Yanying also took away his defensive layer, so close to him, he would definitely be killed on the spot.

She followed his steps back and forth, seeing his indifference, finally she couldn't help shouting:
"Don't come here!"

On the surface, it sounded fierce, but the panic underneath the words couldn't be concealed.

Yanying smiled noncommittally, looked at her with fixed eyes, and continued to move forward.

It seems that he is determined to eat her, well, she really dare not...

I was just so angry...

Now my sanity is a little bit back...

Cursing secretly, her power began to pull back.

Watching the ball in front of me slowly shrinking, the leaves fell one after another.

Yanying's smile froze, and she suddenly ran to her side, grabbed her arm with one hand, and moved her body in one direction with one hand.

This speed is only a matter of a second.

Yi Ting didn't realize it all at once, subconsciously threw the ball of light in his hand forward, and the ball rushed into the dense forest behind him with a "swoosh".

There was the sound of a large area of ​​trees being felled, and after Yiting threw the ball, his feet were unstable and he was about to fall.

Of course Yanying helped her back in time.

She grabbed his two arms with both hands, and she still hasn't recovered for a while.

God knows Yanying's dangerous behavior just now, how nervous her heart is all of a sudden!

What if I hurt him? !

"Idiot, you have to promote the level of skill recovery. What you recover is the skill of the ultimate move. Those killing powers against others will more or less be transferred to you. For you, it is harmful and not beneficial!"

Yanying's charming voice sounded beside her ears, but at this moment, there was some serious teaching in her petting.

As soon as her mind that was running on the track was ups and downs, she suddenly came back to her senses, and suddenly looked up at Yanying's smiling face above her head.

(End of this chapter)

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