Chapter 433 Where Is My Marriage

She has seen her like this, in the woods, when Yanying was still by her side...

But now... what's going on, the way she looks at him is a little dangerous...

"Yi Ting?"

She looked at her with wide eyes in disbelief, and there was more uncertainty in her voice.

How could Yiting be here, isn't this the place of the Demon Realm?

But at this moment, Yi Ting's right hand has been raised, fingertips are flicked, little purple light jumps under her hand, like a purple elf.

Shi Yanmo stared at the purple under his hands, while Lin Yiting stared closely at Shi Yanmo's face.

Yu Linghan had already followed, and when he saw Yiting making another killing move, a dim light appeared in his eyes imperceptibly.

"Wait a minute, Yiting! Don't!"

While shouting, he stood in front of Shi Yanmo.


This tense atmosphere made Shi Yanmo very puzzled.

Looking at the black back in front of him, unexpectedly, he felt a little moved.

Her body has almost recovered, her fever has subsided, her body has recovered, and she can move around freely.

Standing up from behind Yu Linghan, she revealed a face and asked Yiting:

"Yi Ting, what's wrong?"

Yi Ting's eyes are already filled with purple, and he doesn't listen to her words at all:

"Yu Linghan, how dare you stop me, you are courting death!"

Saying that, the purple light that originally wanted to greet Shi Yanmo all greeted Yu Linghan.

Yu Linghan didn't have an interface, but hurriedly made moves to deal with these rays of light.

With both hands retracting and pulling the dark black smoke flow, both palms embraced the black smoke, and attacked forward, the purple color dissipated in the air like sulfuric acid.

Yiting frowned.

Never expected that Yu Linghan would protect Shi Yanmo to such an extent.

Both hands formed a complicated knot on her chest. This time, she used the skills of the fairy world.

"Princess, calm down, Shi Yanmo really can't be killed!"

Before he could finish speaking, a white gas mask buckled him head-on.

Princess? !
Hearing this title, Shi Yanmo was slightly taken aback.

Seeing that Yu Linghan, who was helping him, seemed to be unable to resist, Mingshui sword was unsheathed in the air, without any further hesitation, the tip of the sword touched the white air shield.

That white gas mask, unexpectedly real, paused in mid-air.

Yiting was surprised, Yu Linghan was also surprised, Shi Yanmo was even more surprised.

For a moment, the air was so quiet that even a thin needle could be heard clearly.

It was Yi Ting who came back to her senses first, the fierce light in her eyes became even stronger, and she increased her strength.

Feeling the weight in his hand, Shi Yanmo finally came back to his senses, and involuntarily increased his resistance.

Mingshui sword emits a dazzling blue color, white light and blue light intersect, that color is actually magical and beautiful.

"Yi Ting! What are you doing!"

Although it is not clear why Yi Ting wants to harm her, but in the end, she also has a little bit of self-knowledge in her heart.

Could it be that she felt that the relationship between her and Yanying was not clear, so she wanted to act first.

As soon as this thought came out, she felt terrified.

Right now, it seems that this girl, who was half-baked at the beginning, speaks with great skill.

Although I don't know how strong her skill is, but according to this posture, she probably can't handle it by herself...

The pressure on the Mingshui sword is increasing, and the light is obviously weaker than before.

Shi Yanmo frowned: After all, her body just got better.

Really, in the modern age, when the disease was rampant, her body was like an indestructible body because of martial arts, but now, back to the ancient times, it is so dilapidated!

I don't know if it's a problem of time and space or what, anyway, she is frustrated like never before!
(End of this chapter)

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