Chapter 449
But he unexpectedly, without hesitation, followed what he wanted in his heart, as if he had some guiding light in his heart.

Thinking about it, thinking hard, he suddenly understood, yes, it was because he and Yi Ting had some kind of psychological connection.

Oops, then would she sense that he is coming! ?

He was startled.

This is not acceptable, it’s nothing to peep and not show up without explaining, then Yi Ting will misunderstand even more...

Standing in a certain courtyard, he couldn't move forward or retreat immediately.

Go to see Yi Ting, for fear of being discovered by her, don't go to see her, and really want to know how she is doing now.

Now tangling here, and wasting so much time...

He couldn't move forward or retreat, even standing in place felt... oh...

He is!
Yanying!When did you procrastinate like this!The original you, seeing you like this, would despise you!

Sigh, forget it, isn't it just to take a look at her, just look at her, and be afraid? !
The big deal is that she will find out, when the time comes, the soldiers will come to block it, and the water will come to cover it up. Is it so troublesome?

He stomped his feet quietly, feeling like a young boy who doesn't know how to measure himself now!

After condemning himself millions of times in his heart, he finally hurriedly and quietly walked to Yi Ting's room.

Standing in front of the former princess hall, he was in a trance and hesitated for a moment.

Is this really the former Princess Palace? !

Incredible, incredible!
Annihilation is so ordinary in many rooms with the same appearance.

But he was also surprised, this house was obviously built by Yu Linghan.

Because he doesn't have enough mana, he can't maintain the shape of a house that is too big, so he can only create this most common, and it's a reduced version.

But doesn't this show how strong his skills should be?
Being able to create such a large house is definitely capital that can impress others!
How strong is Yu Linghan's skill? !
Hey, where is Yu Linghan?

He thought wildly, and finally thought of another key question.

This house is nothing more than the two of them living there. Why, at this time, is he still sleeping?
He knew that Yi Ting was a lazy pig, but what about Yu Ling Han, as a warrior, didn't he always have a good habit of getting up in the morning to practice martial arts?

The courtyard was so quiet that it didn't look like there was a demon at all.

My heart was tense, this Yu Linghan, leaving Yiting aside, where did he go to do evil? !
Wait, is Yiting here?
He put his footsteps to the lightest, and tiptoedly opened a crack in the door of the princess hall.

With one eye brought up, he scanned the room carefully.

That sneaky appearance is almost like some gangsters breaking into the house.

But he doesn't know it at all.

He just felt that the part of his heart was beating happily, and now he was holding his breath, he could only, and even more, hear its sound.

Lin Yiting, who was sleeping soundly on the bed, seemed to feel something, and turned over slightly.

Seeing the bed move, Yanying was sure, um, this room is really occupied by Yiting.

He straightened his back and recited the ancient mantra silently, then turned into a wisp of smoke and slipped through the door.

Transformed into a transparent self in the room, he no longer cared about surveying the terrain, so he tiptoed towards the bed.

Holding his breath and stepping lightly, he stared straight at the figure on the bed.

Suddenly, he realized that this seemed to be him, and it was the first time in his life that he was acting so cautiously...

He couldn't help flashing a smile, if the two of them were getting along well before, he would definitely go over and scare her before he would give up.

Now, now he is like a guilty person, he can't even look at her openly...

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………

I'm sorry, I'm busy today, I have to go out again later, come back tonight to continue ^^
(End of this chapter)

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