Chapter 451 Looking for Purpose
There was no sound at all.

There is no wind, no clouds, and even the air seems to be pitifully scarce.

Gradually, a pair of eyes appeared in front of him.

Narrow triangular, dark blue...

Oh, finally found it, he was overjoyed.

His dark eyes finally light up!

Taking out the medicine given by Tong'er, he hastily smeared it all over his body.

After everything was ready, he started again, weighing this thing...

The pit, it's so dark, it's impossible to see its body clearly!

It's as if it and this boundless black are all dissolved together, and they are inseparable at all.

Those blue eyes moved slowly, slowly.

However, watching its eyes getting closer and closer, the sound of it dripping on the surface of the sea often sounded in his ears... He slowly held his breath.

Pulling each other's hands together, two clusters of red and blackened flames jumped on the hands.

Dear, I can't see its legs, I can't even see its body, what should I do?
He finally knew how those who came to look for the Northern Dark Spider died.

Let me ask, if you can't even figure out the specific direction of the attack, then what is the precise attack?

Moreover, seeing that it is approaching him step by step at a constant speed, it doesn't know, is he covered with the medicine powder that makes it "fear"?

His heartbeat seemed to have finally recovered, he could feel it.

He sees all directions and listens to all directions, and his combat experience can be said to be rich and thorough.

Throwing the two fire tactics "bang bang", although one came first and the other followed, it was almost at the same time!

Probably no one would have imagined that the two balls played one after the other so quickly, the one who was served later came first, and the strength was so accurate!

Well, the premise is that people...

This is a spider, a spider that does not know shape and geometry...

That triangular eye didn't even move, didn't even blink!

The two fireballs flew past, heading towards what Yanying thought were her feet!

However, the next moment, they all stuck to a dark place, burning wildly.

It was like being stuck in a pile of cotton, but unexpectedly, there was no sound of colliding with flesh or metal!

The fire light illuminated that small world. Yanying's night vision was already very strong, but now that she looked closely, she finally saw what was next to the fire light.

The fire did hit what looked like a pillar.

However, that thing doesn't seem to be afraid of fire at all!
The pillar stretched straight up into the darkness, and down...

Very good, below, there is the slight rippling of the dark Beiming water!
Depend on!How long is one of its legs, and half of it is hidden in the sea.

Presumably, in order to hide the weakness, the one hidden in the sea is the legendary second joint...

Looking at the pillar-like feet, Yanying was finally secretly startled.

One foot is so big, so... what about the body above the feet?

It turns out that Beiming is really rich in huge things...

He finally understood:

There is a fish in Dark North, its name is Kun, and the size of Kun is unknown for thousands of miles. It turns into a bird, its name is Peng, and its back is unknown for thousands of miles.Flying in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky...

Originally thought it was an exaggeration, but it's not like he hasn't seen Dapeng before!

Now, he believed it!

No longer caring about the monster's footprint, he turned to look at Beiminghai.

The water in Beiming is not so easy to go down. It seems calm and calm, but in fact, it is burning heart and bone!

It would be great if he could go into the water, and he would not believe it if he burned ten fire formulas in a row, none of them hit the target!

But the situation made him think, the Northern Dark Spider in front of him is not a vegetarian!
Looking at the small fireball on his leg, a bright red streak slowly opened under the two iconic eyes.

That's its mouth!
(End of this chapter)

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