Chapter 47
"Stinky boy!" The old head jumped up as if on fire, pointed at Lin Yizhu and cursed:

"How do you talk, what is uncle, I am only nearly 60 years old this year, so I am called uncle, so how many years do I have to live?" Before Lin Yizhu could argue, he said angrily: "At most, you can call me big brother, just call me big brother." Call me big brother, you are not allowed to bark!"

"Oh, oh, big brother, do you know where Luoyan Village is?" Lin Yizhu's cold sweat dripped and wiped again and again, but he still persevered.

"Luoyan Village, I know, what are you looking for?" the old man said nonchalantly while drinking.

"You, you know?" Lin Yizhu was overjoyed, he couldn't believe that the old man in front of him knew the location of this mysterious village.

"Yeah, on the cliff, you want to go? Then you have to go up the cliff first!"

boom!It was as if thunder roared from the ground, and Lin Yizhu was instantly scorched: "What? Go up again?!"

Things like cliffs are high and steep, and it is generally very difficult to go down. It is already amazing to go down safely. It can be said that it is almost impossible to walk an inch!

"You don't want to go up, oh okay, walk along this road." The old man pointed in one direction and said, "There is a village a hundred miles away, where you can spend your old age in peace."

The corner of Lin Yizhu's mouth twitched: "Then follow this road, can you go back to the cliff?"

The old man looked at him, smiling so that his greasy gray face shone brightly under the reflection of the sun: "Yes, but the shortest distance is about enough for you to arrive in your lifetime."

Lin Yizhu twitched the corners of his mouth persistently, and persevered in finding a new way: "Well, then how did you appear here? Didn't you come here from that village?" He thought to himself, such an old man, probably not Walk down with two feet.

"I, me, I walked down from the top, every day I come down from the cliff, and then go up below..."

"Can you go up from here?" Just when Lin Yizhu was exhausted and almost wanted to strike, these words were undoubtedly the best way to dissipate his energy!He only felt that there was a ray of light shining in his heart like a thick cloud, and the light was accumulating more and more, almost trying to fill his heart.

"Oh, it turns out that the reason why you got me talking so much is because you didn't know how to get up. You didn't say it earlier, hey, how did you get down safely?" method.

"Me!" Lin Yizhu choked speechlessly when he thought of the scars all over his body caused by falling off the cliff.

"Hey—drive!" The old man looked at his neck and arms, which were faintly bruised and purple, sighed, and drove the carriage.

The sun gradually rose, and the carriage was running on the red-yellow land.

After a while, the carriage stopped in front of a mountain wall, and the old man jumped out of the car, raised his head and said to Lin Yizhu, "Hey, look!" He wiped his hand on the stone wall, moved his palms a few times, He seemed to be tracing some pattern, but as expected, when he stopped what he was doing, a grotesque pattern appeared on the stone wall. The pattern emitted a faint blue light, which looked very beautiful. There was a "snap", as if some mechanism was pulled, and a blue rectangle appeared on the mountain wall, like, a door...

Lin Yizhu watched the shiny rectangle gradually become transparent, and was slightly surprised in his heart, but there was no color on his face.

"Come in!" Lin Yizhu watched the old man walk in crookedly, slowly disappearing into the blue light, thought for a while, and followed him in.

It was dark!
The old man made a fire, and then there was a little light: "Then, this is the inner wall of the mountain. Look, this passage goes straight up. When you reach the end, you will be on the cliff!" The old man gestured There was a stone ladder next to it, and without waiting for Lin Yizhu to answer, he said, "Unfortunately, it is so narrow that the carriage can't get in. If you want the carriage to go up, you have to find another way."


Dear friends, the original version of this book is in Tencent Bookstore, other than that it is all stolen, and now it is free to read, and there will be no charge in the future, so as long as you have QQ, you can read T. T So, everyone should look at the bookstore, search the "Reading Center" of QQ on your mobile phone, Ruowu is just a newcomer, this is the biggest support for Ruowu, let us refuse piracy/struggle
(End of this chapter)

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