Chapter 472
Want to escape? !
Without saying a word, he waved his hands, and a puff of black smoke swept over. The Miracle Doctor Pavilion in Luoyan Village, a certain guest room in the Miracle Doctor Pavilion, was as silent as if no one had ever lived in it.

If it wasn't for the bowl of leftover medicine on the round table, Tong'er would probably think that she went to the wrong room.

Looking at the medicine bowl, and then at the quilt spread on the bed, Tong'er frowned.

Hands knotted for thousands of miles, voice transmission: "Yanying, that girl is missing."

Finally feeling that she was being too irresponsible, she walked out of the room.

Forget it, go to Youyang Forest by yourself.

It is said that Yi Ting has also grown up, she has not seen what she looks like when she grows up!
Before leaving Rockfall Valley, she smelled a little debris in the air.

Hehe, really, her "Thousand-mile Voice Transmission" was destroyed just here.

"Thousand Miles of Sound Transmission" was originally the lowest-level technique, low-level, of course crude, simple, of course easy to be destroyed!
It seems that the person who took Shi Yanmo away could not go far.

So, now, is she going to Youyang Forest, or chasing after Shi Yanmo? !
Wait, they kidnapped Shiyanmo just because they want to be Yanying, so wherever there is Shiyanmo, Yanying will always appear.

Well then, if she goes to Youyang Forest, she may not see Yanying again.

That might as well, follow this person, she can also put her newly learned tracking skills to use.

She's only learning it recently. It's so complicated that she can't learn it all the time. Let's use it for practical training. Mmm, it kills three birds with one stone!
Facts have proved that her tracking skills are really as bad as they are.

Facts tell the world a truth at the same time, don't show off what you just learned at a critical moment.

Tong'er was a rare kindness in a hundred years except for helping the world and saving people. As a result...

I can't help but think about it, if, at that time, she didn't take shortcuts to go long distances, if she went back to Youyang Forest first and then found out that the cheating destination was actually in Moling Mountain, and she went there.In the end, will the outcome of the story be rewritten?
These are all things in the future.


"Yi Ting, are you back?"

As expected by Yiting, when she came back, Yu Linghan was indeed still setting up a wedding hall in the hall.

"Look, doesn't this look better?"

Yu Linghan didn't mention the fact that she didn't come home overnight, but just looked at the room that he personally arranged in every place.

There was a rare smile on his face.

Although he didn't have the sunshine of his casual smile back then, he also didn't have the insidiousness of his signature smile.

Looking at Yu Linghan's back, Yiting could only be speechless...

She doesn't know what to say!

On the one hand, she felt that she was really sorry for this person. On the other hand, she felt that this was a deal between you and me. It was nothing between him and her!
In my mind, two villains are fighting, one is an angel and the other is a devil.

In the end, she still felt that she wanted to say it, but she didn't know how to say it, so...well, she didn't say it at all.


She looked at one place after another as he directed.

Yu Linghan put his heart into it, it really is different.

Such a wedding was actually done by him alone.

Because of getting married, Yu Linghan also recruited a few demons from the demon world as servants, but this could not conceal the desertedness in the demon palace at all.

Moreover, Yi Ting himself hates other demons.

Because other demons, as long as they get close to her, she can smell the evil spirit from them.

It was a bloody smell left after the murder, which made her stomach unbearable.

(End of this chapter)

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