Chapter 481: Yu Linghan Intervenes 2
Seeing Yi Ting increase his horsepower, Shi Yan Mo was forced to retreat again and again.

Well, the breath on her body is unstable, what's going on, she has been hungry for too long and has no energy? !
Sure enough, mortals are troublesome.

Looking at Yiting, um, there is a lot of demonic energy in his body, always overflowing.

Oh~ It turned out that Yi Ting was the one who broke in first, and she was doing it for the purpose of dispersing kung fu.

Cough, what a coincidence, she didn't go anywhere, but chose here.

Is it possible...

His lazy standing posture suddenly changed, thinking of some possibility, he couldn't help becoming serious, and stood up straight!
Could it be that she knows that I have other methods and wants to destroy it! ?
The hostility in his eyes increased, at this moment, he was looking at Yiting, his eyes were shining with a light that others could not understand.

And this seemingly murderous look towards her finally made Yi Ting feel a little bit unusual.

Taking time out of his busy schedule, Yi Ting turned his head to the side, the moment he saw the man in black silk, Yi Ting couldn't help being a little surprised:
"Yu Linghan?! Why are you here?"

Hearing her puzzled tone, Shi Yanmo also subconsciously looked from the direction of her eyes.

It's really Yu Linghan!

Her hands trembled, the sword in her hand was not tightly gripped, and the protective circle suddenly shook.

Although Yi Ting was distracted to look at Yu Ling Han, the power of the moves in her hands did not decrease at all.

Thus, a pinch of water poured down towards Shi Yanmo's face!


Shi Yanmo was drenched by the extremely cold water, the sword in his hand suddenly became unstable, and fell down with a "boom".

It's just that when it fell into the air, the sword disappeared automatically.

She was dangling in the air, and the protective cover disappeared, her hair, together with her clothes, were all wet.

The eyes closed reflexively, and then finally opened.

Barely standing still in the air, she is very cold, the water is as cold as if the cold air is trying its best to drill into her bones.

Yi Ting withdrew his attention from Yu Ling Han, seeing Shi Yan Mo in front of him like a drowned rat, with the corners of his mouth and brows, he couldn't help but have a little sarcastic smile.

What did she just say? !Overreaching!

I'm not in the mood to worry about why Yu Linghan is here, and beating a dog in the water is something everyone wants to do.

Especially the Reservoir Dog she dislikes...

With her hands tied together, a lavender ball appeared on her chest.

Seeing Yi Ting's ultimate move, wanting to deal with Shi Yanmo at once, Yu Linghan's head turned quickly, recalling his original intention, and came to a conclusion:
This poem, Yan Mo, cannot be killed!

So he turned into a puff of black energy, once the black energy disappeared and appeared, he came to Yi Ting's side.

Holding Yi Ting's wrist with one hand, the purple air mass cannot condense.

Yi Ting felt very surprised when Yu Ling Han interrupted him!
"Yu Linghan!"

There was a lot of anger in her voice!
"Yi Ting, calm down!"

Yu Linghan didn't call her the princess, but called her "Yi Ting".

This name, from the moment he proposed, has always been.


Purple energy rose in his eyes, and Yi Ting, who was stopped by Yu Linghan, showed a demonic change on his body.

In fact, Yu Linghan still quite likes Yiting Mobian.

At least, in that way, she is more like a demon.

It is said that the demonic energy was pulled out of her. Apart from fulfilling her wishes, this matter was also his plan to marry her.

Otherwise, he wouldn't let her pull out the magic energy!
Implanting her is more or less the same.

During the struggle between the two of them, Shi Yanmo unexpectedly gathered a small number of Gu worms without fear of death, and with a wave, this kind of small worms, which are difficult to see with the naked eye and can only be seen with the naked eye, scattered away. Fly over here.

Turning around without hesitation, Shi Yanmo touched the ground with her toes, couldn't help but hold the tree trunk, and vomited a mouthful of blood.

................................................................................................................................................................................................................ …………

There should be more later
(End of this chapter)

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