Chapter 5 Recall, Variables

The millennium is fleeting, and Wu Zinuo is cultivating day and night in the cave above Yishan the immortality taught to her by her master. She hopes to see her master after the millennium, so that she can be praised by him. Unfortunately, the current master, Not to mention boasting, I don't even recognize her...

Thinking of this, she lowered her eyes to hide the sadness in her eyes.


The towering green bamboos cover the harsh sunlight outside, leaving spots of traces.The thick and thick bamboos are bigger than the palm of your hand. It seems that the bamboo is not young. The air here is full of shade and coolness, which is really a summer resort.

Following the guidance of his intuition, Lin Yizhu came to the center of the bamboo forest, and his sight became brighter. On the flat land, there was an extremely beautiful big bamboo house. Everything seemed to be in a dream, a bit unbelievable, but also a bit familiar.

He walked around the house and went to the back of the house. When he saw the woman holding the bamboo flute just now, he suddenly felt curious: Why is she, who has never masked her face, so angry at her getting married?Is it because of love at first sight?So she is a strange woman who dares to love and hate?Thinking of this, he actually had a little affection for her.

Lin Yizhu found another stone not far from her, sat down facing the creek, looked at the woman who was dazed and didn't realize her arrival, and smiled lightly: "Girl, where is this?"

A Nuo was slightly frightened by him, turned his head to look at the "Master" in the red robe for a while, then turned his face and said: "Master has completely forgotten now, even his own residence."

When Lin Yizhu heard this, he suddenly thought of the conversation between them when they first met, and suddenly realized: " this Youyang Forest?"

A Nuo snorted softly, continued to lower his eyes, and ignored him.

Lin Yizhu was silent for a while, not knowing how to speak.

He had only met this person in front of him who kept calling him master twice. Although he seemed to have known each other before... He really wanted to come to think of it. Although what happened in the past few days was ordinary, there was always a faint sense of familiarity in his heart. Even the newlywed He always felt faintly familiar with Xipa's unrevealed wife.Could it be that there really is a previous life and an afterlife, and when I was reincarnated, I couldn't eat all of Po Meng's soup...

For some reason, the two tightly clenched hands reappeared in front of my eyes, one was as slender as jade, and the other was as slender as green onions, they were held so fitly, as if they were natural.His heart trembled slightly, and he jumped a beat, unknowingly glanced at Wu Zinuo, then subconsciously shifted his gaze to her hand holding the bamboo flute to stir the stream.

That hand was also as white as jade, and set off against the emerald green bamboo flute. Under the sunlight, it looked extremely warm and harmonious.

That hand, can't it be hers?

He sighed softly, didn't want to think about it any more, gently moved his eyes away from Wu Zinuo's hand, stared at the lake water, and said again:
"Girl, can I ask you a question, why are you so angry with me?"

The lake water reflected a faint light under the venomous sunlight, and the sparkling whiteness just jumped up and down like this, radiating the liveliest light in the world.

When A Nuo heard this sentence, his cheeks bulged with anger, and he couldn't help raising his voice: "Master! How did you become like this?" Then she stopped talking, her eyes pierced through the clean stream, looking at The little fish played back and forth, but there was no joy in the past in their hearts.

Seeing her silence, Lin Yizhu was even more puzzled by Zhang Er's monk. After thinking twice, he still carefully expressed his guess:
"Does the girl... like me?"

Wu Zinuo stood up with a bang, as if fire was about to burst out of his originally clear eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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