Chapter 68 The So-Called Immortal Residence
"Hehe, although my brother's family is not short of money, but my brother's favor is still willing to be accepted by me. Besides, this medicine is really a priceless treasure in the world, and I'm afraid it can't be measured by money." Lin Yizhu knew the real person in front of him. The elder brother who doesn't show his face, and who is enough to scare people to death when he reveals the truth, is just talking for a while-because he really has to pay for the medical expenses, and this alone is enough to bankrupt his family!So use the truth to subtly follow his face back to him.

Hearing this sentence, Ouyang Xin said that although he was giving each other enough face on the surface, in fact, when he thought about it seriously, he was afraid that he would not be able to afford the treatment fee, and he felt proud, and couldn't help but feel proud.

"Brother has shown his true skills now, but younger brother still doesn't know how to change your address." After sitting for a long time, Lin Yizhu felt that the temperature of the kang was not warmer than usual, knowing that this might be a kind of recuperation for him, So he didn't dare to leave the bed, so he quietly moved to a seat and sat down.

Ouyang Xin knew that it was time to reveal his identity, so he stopped bickering with him, and said with his head held high, "This old man is Ouyang Xin, a fairy doctor who is said by people in the world to be able to cure any stubborn disease!" He shook his head for a while, and looked at Lin Yizhu proudly, "Boy, meeting this old man is a blessing from your previous life. You know that one lifetime is not enough for ordinary people to meet this old man!"

A cool summer breeze blew outside the room, blowing the window lattice with a trace of coolness, seeping into the house bit by bit, the extinguished fire under the kang occasionally gave off a little bit of light, and from time to time there was a little sound like it was unwilling to be turned into ashes , the temperature of the kang is slowly dropping.

Although Lin Yizhu had thought that the identity of this mysterious old man must be unusual, but now that he revealed his true identity, he was still shocked besides being shocked.

He is Ouyang Xin, the legendary medical expert who can life and death human flesh and bones!In the realm of medical skills, Ouyang Xin, a fairy doctor who no one could get as early as 30 years ago, and Ouyang Xin, a strange doctor who disappeared miraculously in the world for 30 years...

This immortal doctor Lin Yizhu has heard about it for a long time. There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that this man is omnipotent, and there is no reason why any difficult and miscellaneous disease will not be cured as long as he has his hands. However, the rumors in the rivers and lakes have disappeared as early as 30 years ago. Either he found a place to be an expert in the world, or he passed away long ago...

Those dense rumors about him, as early as when he was very young, he heard intermittent rumors from the servants of his father and mother's family, but now, no one in the world will know if he is not from his father's generation, and there is such a person legendary character.

That being the case, where is this place?

As if seeing through Lin Yizhu's thoughts, Ouyang Xin shook his hands and sat at the table: "Of course this is the old man's residence. A place beyond the sky that no one has visited for 30 years, Luoyan Village!"

This is another depth bomb. Sure enough, when he saw Lin Yizhu, he seemed to be soft on the inside and crisp on the outside by these words.

This is Luoyan Village, this is Luoyan Village, this is Luoyan Village!

He looked around in disbelief: this room was surrounded by walls, only the kang and a set of old wooden tables that seemed to collapse in an instant, is it Ouyang Xin's residence in Luoyan Village?

That's right, since ancient times, people have devoted themselves to learning, so how can they have time to repair and take care of everything around them, should be like this.Thinking about it makes sense, Lin Yizhu nodded secretly, um, if he is an immortal doctor, and this is Luoyan Village, then Wu Zinuo's life... ah, where is Wu Zinuo?
(End of this chapter)

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