Chapter 75 Past and Present 2
"It's nothing, take me on the horse and continue on our way!" The young master's voice was faint, but he could hear a little like Lin Yizhu.

Hehe, that was me when I was a child!Lin Yizhu felt funny when he looked at the past. This happened on his way to Nanhua Mountain for the first time to learn art from a teacher. At that time, because of his playfulness, he accidentally dumped the servant who accompanied him. Fortunately, he was quite courageous since he was a child. Unknowingly, he walked alone along the small road outside the city. Fortunately, his intuition was correct, and the route he walked was roughly correct, which made the family show off to the neighbors.

Could it be that I activated the Sansheng Stone's function of spying on past and present lives? !
Lin Yizhu's hand retracted as if scalded, and the scene in the Sansheng Stone gradually blurred.

This morning, he came to investigate how the Sansheng Stone can cause people to lose their memory. This side effect, which even Ouyang Xin didn't know about, he wanted to find out. Maybe he could find a way to restore memory?
But now...

Ouyang Xin's voice sounded beside his ears——

"No, this thirst for knowledge about past and future lives may be attractive to you, but to me..."

"What's the use of knowing the past life and the future life? Looking at the life I experienced in the past life, the people I loved, and now that time is no longer a sea of ​​people, where should I go to find it? But I can’t do anything, I can’t go through it, seeing people and things in this life are just floating clouds in the next life, which only adds melancholy and sadness.”

"Man, I always ask too much, but I don't know that the most important thing is to live well now. The world is changeable, and the fate is too many. Only to enjoy every moment that belongs to you is the most important thing to do right now. thing."

"It's a pity that the world is full of ups and downs. There are too few people who understand this truth."



Thinking of the beautiful scene of childhood that he just saw, he was a little shaken: Yes, maybe there is no way to change the past life, the present life and the next life. Looking at it first will only increase the troubles of the present, but... to be able to reminisce about the past The beauty is also good, just like the scene just now.

Just thinking about it like this is beautiful, but Lin Yizhu doesn't know that good and bad depend on each other, and the two coexist. If it's not what he thinks, the good will only be good. Moreover, Sanshengshi will not pick what you want to see like people Just to show you, it will follow the ups and downs of the predestined person, randomly choose some things, and you can't help but choose...

How could Lin Yizhu know this!
He put his hand up again, and the picture rotated. Lin Yizhu saw the gate of his house, and the scene of the house was full of excitement.Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the day I was born!
The mother in the room groaned in pain, the maids went in and out one by one, the father who was 20 years younger stood outside the door and paced nervously, sat down on the chair brought by the servant for a while, and stood up again after a while Get up and continue pacing with your hands behind your back.

"Wow——" When the young him cried for the first time, everyone standing outside the yard fell silent, "I gave birth, I gave birth!" The midwife ran out excitedly, before she had time to report the good news , her eyes actually saw a large cloud of seven colors floating in the sky!
She couldn't help looking up, her stunned mouth was so big that an egg could be stuffed in it, and everyone couldn't help but follow her gaze, all of them were stunned by the abnormal brilliance.

The colorful cloud didn't dissipate for a long time, and it condensed in the sky above Lin's mansion, circling for an hour. The midwife held Lin Yizhu's birthday horoscope and handed it to the fortune-teller with trembling hands. Kung fu, he said: "Your nobleman has a very good fortune, he is a man of wealth and honor." Then he wrote the word "Daji" on Lin Yizhu's birthday red paper, and as soon as he stopped writing, the paper appeared on his own. Two words came out: "Yizhu".

(End of this chapter)

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