Quick Pass Raiders Fancy Dog Abuse Manual

Chapter 371 Long live the gold master 34

Chapter 371 Long live the gold master 34
Bai Su's eyes were in a daze, and he said, "Juice."

Qin Jingyu, who was on the side, glanced here secretly, and then coughed twice, "Secretary Shen, my coffee has been empty for a long time."

"Oh, good Mr. Qin, I'll bring you a cup right away."

Seeing the secretary leave the office, Qin Jingyu couldn't help cursing, "Dog leg!"

Although he cursed like this, he was not angry at all in his heart.

On the other hand, after Fang Yu saw the headlines in the morning, he was in a happy mood. He is now on the rise in his career, but he is still a long time away from being famous.

At this time, he had to find a ladder so that he could climb up the tall building along the ladder.

And Bai Su is his ladder, although Bai Su doesn't have any good works, only one web drama, but her popularity is enough.

He needs to use his popularity to hype up more people to recognize him.

It can also make directors and screenwriters pay attention to themselves and achieve a win-win situation.

This is also the first time he has been on the headlines, but he hasn't been proud of it for a long time. The photos about the two of them and the news about the two of them have all been deleted from the headlines.

Even the heat was gone, and the whole thing seemed to just disappear out of thin air.

In less than half a day, why did the discussion of this matter disappear?
Fang Yu quickly made a call, and as soon as the other party answered the phone, he couldn't wait to say, "The photos I let you secretly take last time, did you give them to the media? Or did you overcharge them? Why did you only release the photos?" After a long time, the news was withdrawn?"

The other party was stunned for a moment, and then explained, "This is not a problem with the media, but with the Internet. The headlines were withdrawn out of nowhere. Not only the degree of discussion, but also the popularity disappeared."

"Fang Yu, I'm afraid you've kicked the iron plate. People don't want to spread rumors with you. Who is this Bai Su? You have to be careful not to offend her. People in the entertainment industry who can control fallacies are the ones we can't afford of."

Fang Yu was stunned, the other party had already hung up the phone, he suddenly felt a little unwilling, obviously the photos had already been released, obviously the popularity had already risen, and his fans and his messages also increased.

But it stopped so abruptly, he was very unwilling.

Since the other party said that Bai Su has a special identity, then he should approach Bai Su proactively.

It would be great if Bai Su could fall in love with him and help him gain a foothold in the entertainment industry.

If he can't like him, then he has to make good use of Bai Su's popularity.

Thinking of this, Fang Yu immediately called Bai Su, but the call was hung up just after he called.

He had no choice but to send a message to Bai Su, talking about today's headlines, expressing comfort, and then asking why those photos were deleted.

Bai Su glanced at Qin Jingyu who was still busy, and replied, "I don't know either."

Soon Fang Yu replied, "I know a new restaurant, I invite you to dinner tonight."

"No need, I have something to do tonight." Bai Su refused.

"Bai Su, do you want to avoid suspicion with me because of the news? Let's be careful, we won't be found out. Besides, we are just ordinary friends, whoever cleans up will clean himself up."

"No, I really have something to do tonight." Her benefactor was right next to her and asked her to have dinner with others at night. She really didn't want to live anymore.

Fang Yu seems to be very disappointed, the reply message does not have punctuation marks, "Okay"

(End of this chapter)

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