The strongest peasant girl in Xiuse Jinyuan

Chapter 419 Master Jing moved to a new house

Chapter 419 Master Jing moved to a new house (3)
When Ling Jing mentioned Fan Zhen, Gu Xizhao immediately hid that cynical look on Fangcai's face, and his expression became serious, with a faint sharpness between his brows.

"This Fan Zhen is really not a troublemaker. He claims to be a smart person, and he has never been reconciled to living under my son's name."

Wei Changjue sat quietly by the side eating pastries. When she was sitting quietly, with that slapped face, she looked quite quiet.

Seeing that she was silent, Gu Xizhao looked at her with a pair of peach blossom eyes, and was not used to seeing her sitting quietly eating cakes, so he found a topic and asked, "Little girl, I heard that you opened a pastry shop in Shangjing, is it for the Queen?"

"Well, that's right." Wei Changqu nodded. "There is such a thing."

Gu Xizhao gently placed the tea bowl on the tea table, moved his buttocks a few times, changed to a slightly more comfortable sitting position, put his arms on the edge of the chair, and stared at Wei Changqu's slapped face from a distance, reminding Said: "Little girl, you run an imperial pastry shop, which is hand-picked by the emperor to supply pastries to the palace. This name is too big, and it is inevitable that some young people will be jealous. You should pay more attention to it. Especially those who guard against the Fan family."

"The Fan family's influence in Shangjing is deeply ingrained. If you make a name for yourself in Shangjing and steal the interests of the Fan family, the Fan family will not sit idly by, especially Fan Zhen."

Wei Changqu finished eating a piece of pastry, and lightly patted the foam on his hands, with a relaxed expression on his face.

"The Fan family you mentioned just now is Queen Fan's mother family?"

When he has nothing to do, Wei Changjue likes to read a book of Liangguo's historical materials from time to time, so how can he not understand the Fan family that Gu Xizhao is talking about.Fan's children, there are no less than [-] or [-] people who are officials in the court, and no less than ten people are high-ranking officials above the third rank. The prince Ling Yu was born again. Just as Gu Xizhao said, the Fan family's influence in Shangjing and Liangguo are indeed deeply entrenched and difficult to shake.

"Exactly." Gu Xizhao nodded.

"Fan Zhen is quite scheming and ruthless. Little girl, you must pay more attention to this person when you are working in Shangjing."

"Yeah." Wei Changju hummed softly, "Thank you for reminding me, I will act carefully."

After two or three sentences, Wei Changqu slightly frowned, as if thinking.

Xindao: Opening a pastry shop in Shangjing is just the first step. She wants to gain a firm foothold in Shangjing. It seems that sooner or later she will meet someone from the Fan family. Since she can't avoid it, she can only go head-on. nothing to be afraid of.

Ling Jing saw that Wei Changqu frowned, his slender arms passed through the tea table in the middle, grabbed Wei Changqu's hand, curled his five fingers together, and held Wei Changqu's slender hand in his own.

"Qie'er, you don't have to worry too much about the pastry shop, I will arrange someone to pay attention to the Fan family."

While speaking, there was a hint of coldness in those ancient black eyes. If Fan Zhen dared to touch the scorpion, he would not mind uprooting the entire Fan family.

The slight warmth in Ling Jing's palm was slowly transmitted to Wei Changqu's hand. Wei Changqu felt the warmth from his fingertips, which was very comfortable. Mou looked at Ling Jing seriously, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Well, I am very relieved to have you by my side."

After a pause, he looked at Ling Jing and said: "However, some things still need to be solved by myself. I believe in you, but you will inevitably be tired. I can't rely on you for everything. Do you understand? I think Standing side by side with you, I don't want to be a vine, clinging to your big tree, slowly climbing up, since you chose me, I choose you, no matter how difficult the road ahead, we have to face it together, Um."

Ling Jing didn't expect Wei Changjue to say such a thing.

He has long known that Quer is different from ordinary women, and this is the difference between Quer and ordinary women. He held Wei Changqu's hand tightly, wrapping the tenderness of her fingertips tightly in the center of the palm, like pearls. Cherish it like a treasure.

"Qiao'er!" With a deep voice, he softly called Wei Changqu's name.

Gu Xizhao sat on the side, watching the two show their affection. At this moment, he just felt that he was redundant, but he came here by mistake today.

"Ahem." At the right time, he covered his throat and coughed twice.

Wei Changju recovered his mind, turned his eyes, and saw Gu Xizhao staring at himself and Ling Jing.For a moment, I only felt that my cheeks on both sides were a little hot, and I moved a few times, trying to get rid of Ling Jing's confinement, but Ling Jing didn't give her a chance to break free, and tightly held her slender hands in the palm of her hand. .

Wei Changjue was a little helpless, and winked at Ling Jing, but Ling Jing pretended not to see it and continued to play hooligans.

"It seems that the third son really blows the mountain wind a lot." Ling Jing shifted his gaze to Gu Xizhao, staring at Gu Xizhao with a pair of ancient black eyes, and said to himself.

As soon as the words fell, he suddenly turned to Jinglei and said: "The third son is seriously ill, and I will prescribe some medicine for the third son later."

The corners of Jinglei's mouth twitched when he heard that, his eldest son was really too black-bellied.

"Yes, Shizi." After a while of slander, he quickly accepted the order.

The expression on Gu Xizhao's face became rigid, and he laughed for a while and said, "You black heart, you have some precious medicinal materials in your hands, I just caught a little cold, it's not a problem, it's not a problem, as for prescribing medicine, I don't think it is necessary, and it will save you from wasting those good medicinal materials."

Xindao: Look at Hei Xingan's dark complexion, if Jinglei really prescribes some medicine for him, he is probably not sick, and he will have to take some sickness.

"The third son is afraid of wasting my medicinal materials?" Without waiting for Gu Xizhao's answer, Ling Jing raised her eyebrows and said leisurely: "It's all right, I don't have many other things, but I have a lot of medicinal materials. It's okay to give the third son a few sets. .”

Hearing the expression on his face, Wei Changqu twitched fiercely.

Le Qing stood aside, deeply sympathizing with his young master.

He said, "Senior Jing and Miss Wei are as close as they can be. My lord, you turn a blind eye and close your eyes. If you don't see it, it's over. You must disturb the interest of Mr. Jing, and something will happen now." .

The three of them chatted for a while in the flower hall. Afterwards, Wei Changju led Ling Jing and Gu Xizhao around Lingquan Mountain, inspecting the mulberry trees on the mountain. They had just sprouted spring buds and were all over the mountains. The leaves of the mulberry tree are green and shiny, the leaves are wide and fat, and they are very pleasing to the eye.

Wei Changqu calculated that, taking advantage of the luxuriant mulberry leaves at this time, he had to put the plan of raising silkworms on the agenda as soon as possible.

The three of them wandered around Lingquan Mountain for a long time. When they returned to the other courtyard, it was already afternoon. Phnom Penh, hazy and beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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