The strongest peasant girl in Xiuse Jinyuan

Chapter 431 Chang Ying suffers humiliation

Chapter 431 Chang Ying suffers humiliation (1)
Song Lixue was depressed for several days, held back for several days, and finally couldn't hold back his temper.

One day, after lunch, Wei Changjue was about to go back to his room to take a nap, greeted Mrs. Jiang, and was about to leave the flower hall, but was stopped by Song Lixue.

Song Lixue raised his eyes, two sad gazes fell on Wei Changjue, and said in a somewhat bald voice, "Changjue, can we talk?"

Seeing that Song Lixue's expression was not very good-looking, Jiang naturally knew what Song Lixue wanted to say to Qu'er.

Staring at Song Lixue for a while, Jiang secretly sighed in his heart.

"Hey, I'll go to your Aunt Chunlan's house to see your Grandma Wang. Since Mr. Song has something to say to you, you should have a good talk with him. Don't hurt your temper, ah!"

"Yeah." Wei Changjue nodded at Jiang, and said, "Mother, you can go. I heard that Grandma Wang has caught a cold these two days. You should bring more pastries."

After Mrs. Jiang left the flower hall, Wei Changju turned his eyes to Song Lixue and said, "Young Master Song, what's the matter, let's sit down and talk slowly."

After finishing speaking, Wei Changqu walked to the sofa chair first, Song Lixue followed closely behind her, and then they sat down on the sofa chair facing each other.

Wei Changjue picked two white porcelain teacups, poured two cups of hot tea, and gently moved one of the cups to Song Lixue, then picked up the other cup by himself, and took a sip.

After moistening his throat, Fang Cai glanced at Song Lixue, and asked lightly: "Young Master Song, what do you want to tell me?"

Although he already knew what Song Lixue wanted to say in his heart, he still asked politely.

Song Lixue stared sadly at Wei Changjue's bright and clear eyes, staring at such a pair of beautiful and charming eyes at this moment, he only felt a sharp pain in his heart.

His lips moved, but his throat couldn't make a sound, and he stared at Wei Changqu quietly for a while.

Wei Changqu stared at Song Lixue calmly, with a slight smile on his face all the time, she was not in a hurry, and waited for Song Lixue to speak slowly.

Song Lixue endured the throbbing pain in his heart, stared at Wei Changju's bright and clear eyes, and after a long time in his heart, he said with difficulty: "Miss Wei, I am so willing to come to Shili Village. Willingly teaching my younger brother to study, and being so willing to circle around you, can't you see my feelings for you at all?"

After finishing speaking, his eyes widened slightly, staring at the face in front of him that he admired and missed, and wanted to hear the answer in his heart, but was afraid of hearing the answer.

Wei Changqu turned the white porcelain cup in his hand, and gently stroked the rim of the cup with his fingertips.

"Song Gongzi, I understand your thoughts, and I am very grateful, but I can't respond to you? Sorry."

One sentence is very simple, but very clear.

Song Lixue only felt that his heart trembled slightly, and the throbbing hurt even worse.

He finally heard the answer he didn't want to hear, and it was as he expected, Chang Qu didn't like him at all.

"Why? Changjue, why can't you respond to me? Could it be because of Mr. Ling, the person you like is Mr. Ling?" At the time of heartache, Song Lixue was bold enough to ask Wei Changjue Such a sentence.

"Yes." Wei Changqu nodded without denying it.

He took a sip of the tea and said, "Young Master Song, you are very nice, but I am not suitable for you. I hope you don't waste your time on me."

waste time?Song Lixue lowered his head, hooked the corners of his lips, and smiled self-deprecatingly. He dared to waste time during this time.

Ha, in terms of courage, Young Master Ling is better than himself, and in terms of appearance, Young Master Ling is still better than himself. No matter in which aspect, I can't compare with Young Master Ling. It's no wonder that Chang He chose Young Master Ling.

Wei Changjue's two gazes stayed on Song Lixue's face all the time, and he naturally took his self-deprecating smile into his eyes, and after Song Lixue calmed down, he said lightly: "Mr. Song, you should stop as soon as possible." Go to Shuizhen, Shili Village is not for you."

"Although I can't accept Mr. Song's deep friendship, I am very grateful to Mr. Song in my heart. If Mr. Song doesn't mind and is willing to treat me as a friend, I will be very happy."

Wei Changqu's voice was very clear, but at this moment, Song Lixue's mind was in a mess, and he could only hear a part of what Wei Changqu was saying.

As far as that sentence—Young Master Song should go back to Zhishui Town as soon as possible, Shili Village is not suitable for you—this sentence, Song Lixue heard it very clearly.

Song Lixue raised his slightly drooping head, and when he looked up, he saw a deep sadness in his eyes, and his eyes fell on Wei Changqu's bright face, and he laughed at himself twice , said: "Maybe Shili Village is really not suitable for me. I will pack up and leave later."

"Okay." Wei Changju looked at Song Lixue's sad and sad appearance, but he did not soften his heart in the slightest. Looking at Song Lixue, he said indifferently: "Mr. Uncle Li will send you back to the county office."

That afternoon, Song Lixue returned to Zhishui Town very lonely.

The night was as cool as water and the evening breeze was blowing. After dinner, Wei Changjue sat alone in the bedroom thinking about something, the door was ajar, and the dim yellow candlelight danced slightly on the candlestick.

On the branches of the moon, when the night was silent, a gust of wind suddenly blew in from the doorway, blowing a piece of Wei Changqu's clothes and messing up a few strands of black hair on her forehead.On the candlestick, the candlelight flickered a few times, but luckily it didn't go out in the end.

Afterwards, a faint fragrance of cold plums hit his nostrils head-on, Wei Changju lazily raised his eyelids, and saw Ling Jing in a moon brocade and silver robe standing in front of him without a sound.

"Ling Jing, you're here." With sleepy eyes, she greeted Ling Jing lazily. She was thinking about something and almost fell asleep. A little bit of drowsiness, very pleasant to hear.

Wei Changqu covered his mouth and yawned, a few drops of tears overflowed from the corners of his eyes, and his bright and clear eyes were even more watery and soul-stirring.

During these days, Ling Jing always came at midnight every now and then, and she was no longer surprised by it.

Ling Jing stood in front of Wei Changjue, condescending, with a pair of beautiful phoenix eyes hanging down, two soft eyes fell on Wei Changjue's body, and said with a warm voice, "Why are you lying here and sleeping?"

"I'm thinking about something, and I'm getting a little dazed when I think about it." Wei Changqu stretched his waist, changed his posture, propped his arms, and was about to stand up from the sofa chair.

Nai He stayed in one position for too long, the blood flow in his body was not smooth, his hands and feet were a little stiff and numb, at this moment he suddenly wanted to stand up, but before he could sit still, his body suddenly fell, and he bumped head-on against the armrest of the sofa chair.

(End of this chapter)

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