The strongest peasant girl in Xiuse Jinyuan

Chapter 433 Chang Ying suffers humiliation

Chapter 433 Chang Ying suffers humiliation (5)
After the beginning of spring, the weather became warmer day by day, and at night, those wretched women liked to gather under the big cypress tree, criticizing the daughter of this family, and criticizing the new wife of that family.

Therefore, the incident of Wei Changying falling into Su Cheng's arms happened to be seen by a group of good-hearted and gossiping women.

Wherever there is disturbance, the Yao family from the big house of the old Wei family is indispensable.

On that day, not only Yao Shi was present, but also Jia Matchmaker, Pan Shi, and Zhao Dequan's wife Jiao Shi, these three wives who were always talkative were also there.

The four old women sang and joined together, and the matter broke out.

Because of the sudden fall, Wei Changying was a little frightened for a moment, and after a long time, she finally regained her composure, and lay down in Su Cheng's arms for a long time.

Su Cheng had been thinking about Wei Changying early in the morning. At this moment, Wei Changying suddenly fell into his arms, hugging the soft and boneless body in his arms, smelling the girlish fragrance emanating from Wei Changying's body. Suddenly, he became a little dazed, and his cheeks burned up, directly to the base of his ears. The stunned boy was already stupid on the spot, so he didn't remember to help Wei Changying to stand up.

Wei Changying was lying in Su Cheng's arms, with her ears pressed against his heart, and after she calmed down, listening to Su Cheng's heartbeat like a drum, she immediately felt very shy. His cheeks felt hot, as if he had been roasted by fire.

Under the big cypress tree, Yao saw the two hugging each other tightly, and those two sharp eyes fell on Wei Changying's body. Those old eyes were as sharp as two knives. Two skeletons came out from the body.

"Bah!" She spat a mouthful of green foam in front of her face, stepped on the sole of her shoe, crushed it hard, and said in a shrill voice: "Little Sao Hoof, at the entrance of the village, I met a It's really shameless for big men to hug and hug."

When the other women heard Yao's cursing, they raised their eyes and stared at Su Cheng and Wei Changying eagerly.

"Ms. Chang Yan, you scolded me so hard. Isn't that girl Chang Ying your niece?" After Yao's voice fell, a woman asked her with a smile.

"Bah!" After the woman finished speaking, Yao Shi spat another mouthful of thick phlegm in front of her. She stared at Wei Changying's eyes, which was called spit.

"A shameless little brat, who dared to cuddle with a man at the entrance of the village, really lost face to the old Wei family. Only Yang Chun'e could have such a shameless little brat. It's not my niece, if my Yan'er dared to do this, my mother would have taken her back, broken her legs, and locked her up for another year or so."

In the past six months, the life of Sanfang has been getting better and better. She eats big fish and meat all day long, and Yao Shi has long been jealous to the bottom of her heart. Now that she catches Wei Changying's fault and doesn't scold her to death, how can she be reconciled.

After scolding for a while, Yao slapped Wei Changying fiercely again.

He thought to himself: What is so good about Wei Changying, a dead girl? She is not as beautiful as her Yan'er, not as capable as her Yan'er, why is that bitch of the fourth room blind, and even put Wei Changying, a dead girl I went to work in a restaurant.

The more Yao shi thought about it, the more stuffy her heart became, and she really wanted to kill Wei Changying and replace her, Yan'er, with working in that big restaurant in the town.

Seeing Yao's eyes staring at Wei Changying, Mrs. Pan grabbed her by the hand and said, "Hey, Mrs. Changyan, I heard that the girl from the third room of your family works in a restaurant in the town. The wages are high, I heard Wujin’s daughter-in-law say that it seems that there are ten taels of silver a month, tsk tsk.” As she spoke, Pan stared at Wei Changying and sighed twice, showing an envious expression , and then said to Yao: "I really envy the dead. The salary of ten taels of silver a month is not 120 taels a year. I heard that at the end of the year, there will be bonuses. Your boss Sanfang is really blessed to have raised a good daughter."

"What, Miss Tiehammer, what did you say just now?" After Pan babbled, Yao slammed his head as if he had seen a ghost, and a pair of old eyes fixed on Pan's body.

"Mother Tiehammer, you said Wei Changying, that dead girl, earns ten taels of silver every month?"

In the past few months, Mrs. Yao did not dare to go to the new house rashly to cause trouble. To provoke Wei Changying, a hard-headed person, of course he didn't know how much Wei Changying was paid every month. The moon has ten taels of silver, but she was frightened, and at the same time she was terribly jealous.

Without waiting for Mrs. Pan's answer, Matchmaker Jia took a step ahead. She stared at Mrs. Yao's surprised old face with her old eyes, and said in a hurry: "Ms. Changyan, it's a shame that you are still an uncle. The skin is dead, my niece receives so much wages every month, how can you not know."

"I've heard that the eldest daughter of the third bedroom in your family worked as a chef in the big restaurant in the town." Jia matchmaker said, pulled the short stool under her buttocks, moved closer to Yao's side, and continued to chew her tongue Gen said: "Chang Yanniang, didn't the girl from your fourth room no longer go to work in the restaurant? I heard that it was the girl from your fourth room who asked Chang Ying to pick up her shift. Tsk tsk, everyone The salary of taels of silver on the tenth day of the month, I envy the dead when I think about it, it's still the third house in your family who knows how to be a man, and now I'm enjoying the blessings with that girl."

Jia matchmaker, Mrs. Pan chattered for a while, and Mrs. Yao was furious.

A puff of turbid air sprang up from his chest, rising vigorously, and rushed directly to the top of his skull. After Jia Matchmaker and Pan Shi finished speaking, Yao Shi scraped his tongue, squeezed out a little bit of saliva, and opened his mouth fiercely. spat in front of him.

"Miss Iron Hammer, Jia Matchmaker, you two wives rarely say such things in front of my old lady. If you want to use these words to provoke my old lady, there is no way."

"Envy, what is there to envy, ten taels of silver a month, how can there be such a good thing, you two wives think that silver is a tree leaf that falls on the ground, and you can take it home if you just scoop it up Look, that cheap hoof dares to cuddle with a big man at the entrance of the village, so affectionate to death, maybe the money was picked out of the kiln, pickled goods, money earned by selling oneself, so dirty I don't care about the money."

At this time, Yao Shi was panicking with jealousy, and couldn't utter or swallow the anger in his heart, so he scratched Wei Changying fiercely for a few times, opened his voice, and cursed loudly, that sharp and piercing voice It was directly passed into the ears of Wei Changying and Su Cheng.

Here, Wei Changying had already gained a firm foothold, and she was shyly thanking Su Cheng.

Seeing that Wei Changying had nothing to do, Su Cheng casually cared for her a few words, and was about to drive the carriage to leave Shili Village, but before he had time to get on the front of the car, he heard Yao's extremely unpleasant curses. Come on, that scolding is really dirty, even if he is a man, he still finds it hard to accept such scolding and scolding.

(End of this chapter)

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