The strongest peasant girl in Xiuse Jinyuan

Chapter 456 The Jiang Family Disputes Again

Chapter 456 The Jiang Family Disputes Again (2)
When Ling Jing's carriage rattled out of the village entrance, Jiang Yunshan, the eldest son of the Jiang family, and his mother-in-law Luo Shi were picking vegetables in the vegetable garden. Lifting his back, he raised his eyes and looked towards the entrance of the village.

Although the carriage that Ling Jing was riding in had a very simple and elegant appearance, but it was very rare to see such a carriage in a remote place like Jiuli Village.

Luo Shi looked at it for a while, envious to death.

She has never been in such a good carriage in her life. If she can sit in such a good carriage for a while, she will be so happy.

After the carriage disappeared without a trace, Luo Shi rolled his eyes, looked at Jiang Yunshan, and asked, "His father, the big carriage that left the village just now came down from the half-mountain villa."

"Isn't it?" Jiang Yunshan took the words casually, and said with envy: "The big carriage that left the village just now is worth at least a few dozen taels of silver. Every household in our village is clinking poorly. Who has the money to afford it? Nice carriage."

Luo Shi's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he simply moved a few steps closer to Jiang Yunshan.

He continued to gossip and said: "Father, I heard that there is a handsome son living in the other village in the middle of the mountain. He must be the son of a rich family, tsk tsk..." After finishing speaking, tsk tsk sighed twice, He said regretfully: "I heard that the young master's appearance is extremely handsome, but it's a pity that I didn't have another daughter."

After Luo Shi chattered, Jiang Yunshan took up the conversation and said, "His mother, what are you thinking, even if we have an extra girl, what's the use of that, the son of a rich family, you can like us This girl from a poor mountain village."

"Father, what do you know?" Luo Shi lightly spat at Jiang Yunshan.

Then she suppressed her throat, moved closer to Jiang Yunshan, and continued: "Father, you don't know yet, but I heard that the son of Biezhuang seems to have taken a fancy to that girl Changqu. She ran to Shili Village every now and then. The girl in Changju was as thin as a bamboo pole, and she didn't have a few catties of flesh all over her body. She was not as good as our family's Xiaochun. Hey!" After finishing speaking, he sighed deeply again: "It's a pity, I only gave birth to Xiaochun, a daughter."

"His mother, don't gossip, that girl Changqu is capable now, so it's not easy to provoke her." Jiang Yunshan bent down to pick up the back basket while talking.

Luo Shi patted the mud on his hands, looked at Jiang Yunshan and said, "Father, you are just a timid person, you have no shit skills, so there is nothing to be afraid of, no matter how rich that girl is, you are still her uncle Could it be that if that girl dares to treat you as an uncle and be rude to her elders, she will be struck by lightning."

Jiang Yunshan lowered his head slightly, kept silent, and was scolded by his mother-in-law like a grandson.

He lifted the basket, weighed it, and found it wasn't heavy, so he hung it on his shoulder. After a long time, he said: "His mother, don't talk about it. Let's go back and cook. Xiaochun will be back tomorrow morning." , while we are free tonight, let’s steam some more steamed buns, so as to save the busy work tomorrow morning.”

After finishing a few words, he carried the basket on his back and prepared to go out of the vegetable garden. Luo Shi opened his mouth and couldn't speak. Seeing Jiang Yunshan took a few steps, he hurriedly followed him.

The next day, very early in the morning, before the morning mist cleared, a burst of lively talking could be heard in the courtyard of the Jiang family's big house, as well as the laughter of children playing and playing. It was very lively.

Today, Dafang's daughter, Jiang Xiaochun, went back to her natal home to visit relatives, and Jiang Xiaolin and his wife went home together.

Jiang Xiaochun married to Zhishui Town. Her husband's family runs a workshop and does a small business. The family has some spare money, and their small life is very nourishing. Compared with the other girls she married in Jiuli Village, her life in her husband's house is much better. She was living a very good life, so she boasted that she was well married, and every time she went back to Jiuli Village to visit her relatives, she always made a fuss.

At this time, it was time to light the fire for breakfast, Jiang Yunshan, Jiang Xiaolin and his son went to the fields to do farm work, Jiang Xiaolin's mother-in-law, Zhao Dongmei, nestled in the kitchen to warm up steamed buns, and Luo Shi accompanied the eldest daughter to kill ducks in the yard.

Two ducks with their necks wiped were lying in the boiling water basin, and the mother and daughter were plucking the ducks that had been scalded by boiling water.

Jiang Xiaochun pulled a handful of fur neatly, and threw it into the bamboo basket, looked at Luo Shi, and said, "Mother, let me tell you something, I don't know if you've heard it."

"Chun, what's the matter?" Luo Shi lowered his head, chatting with Jiang Xiaochun while doing things.

Jiang Xiaochun said: "Mother, two days ago, during the market, someone from the next village went to my workshop to buy things. I heard something important from that person..."

As soon as she heard that it was a big deal, Luo Shi's expression became a little excited. Before Jiang Xiaochun finished speaking, she cut in and asked, "What's the big deal."

Seeing Luo Shi's expression was very excited, Jiang Xiaochun simply stopped what he was doing, and said, "I heard, sister, Changqu wants to pay for the second uncle's family to build a big green brick house. A while ago, the foundations have been circled Well, it is estimated that work has already started for a while."

"Say yes, grandpa, grandma is getting old, and she wants to build a big house for them to take care of."

"Chun, what you said is true?" Luo Shi became even more excited when he heard Jiang Xiaochun's words.

"Well, you are my mother, how can I tell lies." Jiang Xiaochun nodded.

"Mother, that's a big tile house made of green bricks, at least it's worth tens of taels of silver. Back then, you and dad really shouldn't have kicked grandpa and grandma out of the house."

"How did mother know, how did mother know that Changjue's girl would be so rich now." Luo Shi regretted so much that his intestines were bruised.

"Chun, do you think there is any way, let's bring the big brick house over here."

As long as he thought about it, the spacious green brick mansion would belong to the second bedroom, Luo Shi felt really uncomfortable, and he was so jealous.

Jiang Xiaochun thought for a while, and said: "Mother, isn't that house built for grandpa and grandma for the elderly?"

Looking at Jiang Xiaochun, Luo Shi seemed to have thought of a solution, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he couldn't wait to ask: "Chun, you have thought of a solution, what is it, hurry up and tell mother."

"Mother, don't worry, just listen to me slowly." Jiang Xiaochun said.

Having been a proprietress of a small workshop for several years, Jiang Xiaochun prides herself on being an idea.

She stared at Luo Shi's anxious old face, and continued: "Since the house was built for grandpa and grandma to take care of the elderly, you and dad will go and bring grandpa and grandma back. As long as grandpa and grandma stay with you and dad , that blue brick and big tiled house naturally belongs to you and dad."

Hearing Jiang Xiaochun's words, Luo Shi felt that there was some truth, and seeing her gritted her teeth, she hated the second child in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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