Chapter 480 A group of devils (1)
Wei Changju sensed that Ling Jing's emotions were a little out of control, so he stretched out his hand, went around the chessboard, touched Ling Jing's left hand, intersected his fingers, and held each other.

Ling Jing felt the faint warmth in the palm of her hand, she collected her mind, and her eyes softened a little.

The soft look in his eyes was fleeting, and when he looked at the man in black again, a cold killing intent appeared in his deep eyes again, and he said coldly, "Go get the brazier."

"Yes, Lord." Jinglei replied respectfully.

Jinglei naturally knew what his elder son wanted the brazier for, and after responding, he quickly went to get the brazier.

Wei Changju held Ling Jing's hand, and sat beside him calmly. Today, Ling Jing might have to pry open the mouths of the two men in black in front of him.

That's fine, knowing who is behind the scenes, she can also be prepared.

In a blink of an eye, Jinglei entered the sky with a brazier in his hand. In the brazier, the charcoal fire was blazing, and the charcoal was so red that it dazzled.

Beside Jinglei, a guard was holding a majestic wolfhound.

The wolfhound was as tall as half a person, with sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, and looked extremely fierce. Smelling the bloody smell from the man in black, it kept barking.

There was a dog and a brazier in front of him, Wei Changju looked sideways at Ling Jing, and couldn't help asking curiously: "Ling Jing, what method do you want to use to get these two people in front of you to speak?"

"Qiao'er, do you really want to know?" Ling Jing raised her eyebrows and asked instead of answering.

"En." Wei Changju looked at Ling Jing and nodded in affirmation.

Ling Jing pursed her lips, a bloodthirsty smile overflowed from the corner of her mouth, and said, "Barbecue, feed the dog."

The corners of Wei Changqu's mouth twitched twice when he heard this—barbecue meat, feed the dog—this method is indeed very good, very good.

Without Ling Jing's order, Jinglei and Lightning had already neatly tied the two men in black to the wooden frame. It seems that this kind of barbecue and dog feeding was not the first time Master Jing had done it.

Just now, I suffered from the pain of Xiaoyao fans. At this time, the two men in black were just relieved, and they were tied to the wooden frame in all directions. When they heard Ling Jing's words just now, barbecue and feed the dog, both of them were frightened. His face was pale.

Immediately afterwards, Lightning swiftly pulled out a cold light dagger from his waist, and then cut open the sleeve of one of the black-clothed men with the sword, exposing the strong arms of the black-clothed man, and then swung the sword all the way down, frowning Without wrinkling, he actually cut off a piece of muscle on the man in black's arm.

The arms of the man in black were exposed to the air, and his muscles and bones were immediately exposed, dripping with blood.

With a scream, his eyes rolled white from the pain, he gritted his teeth, his forehead was dripping with sweat, and he wanted to pass out, but the pain pierced his heart, and he couldn't faint, so he could only stand stiffly.

Holding a short sword and holding a piece of bloody flesh, Lightning walked slowly towards the brazier with no expression on his face, held the sword, and put the bloody piece of flesh on the brazier to roast.

Not long after, there was a sound of barbecue.

When the wolfhound smelled blood and barbecue, it opened its sharp teeth and barked continuously.

The charcoal fire in the brazier was dazzlingly red.

Lightning held the piece of flesh with the sword in his mouth, and waited until one side was burnt. When it was done, he turned the other side without even frowning, and continued to roast the raw meat.

Daring to roast human flesh is as simple as roasting pork or lamb.

Wei Changjue smelled a burning smell, moved his body, leaned his elbows on the chessboard, moved closer to Ling Jing, and asked curiously: "Ling Jing, is this wolf dog you raised a human-eating dog? big?"

Seeing the smell of human flesh, the wolfhound was so excited that it stretched out its tongue, opened its mouth, showing its sharp fangs, and smirked out. It is estimated that it has eaten a lot of barbecue like today.

Ling Jing picked up a pair of beautiful phoenix eyes, and looked closely at Wei Changqu's bright and beautiful slapped face, with a faint look of doting hidden in the ancient black eyes.

Seeing Wei Changqu's brows and eyes full of curiosity, the corners of his lips curled up, and he smiled dotingly, "Qiao'er really wants to know?"

"Well, I really want to know." Wei Changqu nodded cheerfully.

She has seen almost all kinds of dog breeds, but she has never seen a wolf dog that grew up eating human flesh.

Ling Jing stared at Wei Changju for a while, seeing her expression was indifferent, showing no fear, she turned the teacup on the table playfully, and said, "I don't eat much, just a dozen or so people."

"They're all bloody people."

We didn't eat much, a dozen or so people, that's all. When Ling Jing's voice fell, Wei Changqu couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

This wolf dog really grew up eating human flesh.

Lightning stood beside the brazier and roasted meat silently. Jinglei glanced at Ling Jing and Wei Changjue from time to time, and heard Ling Jing and Wei Changjue discussing the issue of wolf dogs eating human flesh. Seeing that their expressions were indifferent, I didn't feel cautious or disgusting at all.

Can't help sighing secretly: Miss Wei and Shi Ziye are really the same kind of people, they are a perfect match.

Especially Miss Wei, a woman who has not reached the age of hair, watched with her own eyes as the meat was cut from a living person, and then baked on the brazier. As before, this is really too powerful.

Even if he was a murderous person with blood on his hands, seeing this kind of scene for the first time, he couldn't help feeling numb and his stomach rolling.

The meat grilled on the charcoal is gradually cooked.

The flesh was roasted until it shrunk, and both sides were browned, giving off a more intense burnt smell. A few drops of oil dripped down the roasted meat and fell into the brazier. When the oil met the charcoal fire, a few drops A yellow flame.

When the wolfhound smelled the strong smell of barbecue, it became even more excited. It tore its throat and howled fiercely. The sound of howling shook people's eardrums.

The wolfhound is half as tall as a man, with strong and strong hips, and is quite powerful.

It pulled wildly and swooped a few times. The guard who was holding the iron chain was almost staggered by it, so he quickly stabilized his steps and grasped the iron chain in his hand.

Seeing the wolf dog barking violently, Lightning withdrew his sword and threw it vigorously with the sword. The piece of roasted brown meat fell right in front of the wolf dog.

The wolfhound quickly lowered its head, lowered its eyes, stared at the scorched piece of human flesh on the ground, leaned over to smell it, opened its sharp teeth, swung its tongue, and swallowed the whole piece of meat into its mouth.

In just one second, the wolfhound swallowed the whole piece of meat.

After swallowing it in one gulp, still not satisfied, he suddenly raised his head, opened his sharp teeth, stared at the lightning, stretched out his tongue long, let out a rough breath, and let it fall down one by one.

When the two men in black saw this scene with their own eyes, their faces turned pale with fright.

Especially the man in black who had his flesh cut off, watching his flesh being scorched and roasted, and then watching the wolf dog swallow his flesh and blood, this is not only physical torture, but also It's mental, soul torture.

(End of this chapter)

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