Chapter 51

Wei Changqu looked sideways at Little Luobotou's nervous little face, and lightly tugged his pussy lips with his fingertips.

"Long Yu, look at your little mouth pouted so high, if you poke it up a bit, you will become an angry bird."

Wei Zhangyu pursed his mouth, his lips were no longer pursed, and he puffed out his cheeks in protest.

"Sister, Chang Yu is not a bird, Chang Yu is a little man."

"Okay, okay, okay, our long feather is not an angry bird, but a little man." Wei Changqu reached out to touch his soft hair, and continued softly: "But, my sister is going to cook in the kitchen now." Cai, you are a little man, shouldn't you be obedient and sit here and wait for my sister to come back."

Wei Changyu blinked his big watery eyes.

What my sister said seems to make sense, this is a restaurant, he can't go and make trouble for my sister.

With a pair of eyelashes hanging down like a feather fan, Wei Changyu pecked at the seeds of his head: "Well, sister, let's go, Changyu waits for sister to come back obediently."

"Second Uncle, Second Aunt, please sit here for a while, and I'll come as soon as I go." Comforting Little Luobotou, Wei Changjue turned to Jiang Yungui and his wife.

"Don't worry, we will take good care of Yu'er." Feng said.

Then Wei Changqu followed Su Cheng to the back kitchen of the restaurant.

At this time, in the back kitchen of Zuixiangfang, a middle-aged man about 40 years old was leaning over a chopping board to cut vegetables.

Su Cheng led Wei Changqu in, and first greeted the middle-aged man.

"Uncle Qian, this girl wants to use the kitchen temporarily."

Wei Changjue glanced at the middle-aged man indistinctly, and she guessed that this was the head chef of Zuixiangfang.

"Uncle Qian, please forgive me for bothering you so much." Afterwards, Wei Changqu followed Su Cheng and politely called the middle-aged man.

Yu Qian put down the kitchen knife in his hand and turned around with some doubts.

Right now, the business of the restaurant is not good, and it is impossible for the shopkeeper to recruit helpers.

Yu Qian sized Wei Changqu a few times.

Look at this girl who has no fat on her whole body and is as thin as a monkey. Even if she is recruited, what can she do? She can't lift her shoulders or carry her with her hands.

Yu Qian turned his eyebrows and asked Su Cheng.

"The shopkeeper asked this girl to come in?"

"En." Su Cheng nodded, and continued: "This girl said that she could save the business of Zuixiang Fang, so the shopkeeper agreed to let her go into the kitchen and try a few dishes."

After Yu Qian heard this, his eyes fell on Wei Changqu again, and he began to size up.

This country girl is so young, and her tone is so big. Look at that rough clothes, she may not have eaten a few bites of white noodles, but she dares to speak out. You know, he has nearly 20 years of experience in cooking. for many years.

Wei Zhangju looked down on himself a little out of money.

No matter in this era or in modern times, some self-proclaimed master chefs, old antiques of famous chefs, will be somewhat noble.

His lips were slightly pursed, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. Wei Changjue smiled lightly. He didn't care about his contempt for money. She always convinced people with her ability, so why bother to argue.

Wei Changjue said indifferently: "Uncle Qian, I will borrow your land." His tone of speech was polite, but his attitude was neither humble nor overbearing.

Yu Qian looked at Wei Changju's eyes, which were as clear as the moon, and seemed to hide wisdom faintly.

Unconsciously, he secretly felt that the little girl in front of him was interesting.

Although this girl was dressed in shabby clothes, the aura exuding from her body, no matter how you looked at it, she didn't look like a little country girl.

How could it be... He claimed to have known countless people in most of his life, but he had never seen such a special country girl.

"Girl, please use it." Yu Qian said.

At this moment, he was rather interested, wanting to see with his own eyes what this little girl could fiddle with.

"Thank you." Wei Changqu simply spit out two words, then picked up the kitchen knife and prepared to cook.

Grabbing a dissected grass carp, Wei Changju held the head of the fish with his left hand, and held a kitchen knife with his right hand, cutting in from the tail of the fish at an angle. The sharp blade ran along the spine of the fish, and cut off a whole piece. Fish meat, fish meat and fish bones are separated.

After cutting with two knives, Wei Changqu separated the fish meat from the fish bone, and cut the two fine fish meat into thin slices. Each piece of fish fillet was uniform in thickness and uniform in shape.

Wei Changjue put the fish fillet on a plate, beat an egg, put the egg white on the plate, then added shochu, ginger, onion, salt, and gorgon powder, mixed with the fish fillet evenly, marinated it and set it aside for later use.

Su Cheng lit a fire, and Wei Changhe poured oil into the pot. When the oil gave out a slight blue smoke, he put in crushed garlic cloves, sliced ​​ginger, and scallions, sautéed until fragrant, and then added the boiled bone broth into the pot.

After the soup boiled, Wei Changqu slowly slid the fish fillets into the pot.

After the fish fillets were put into the pot, Wei Changju grasped the timing, and when the fish fillets were cooked through and the most tender, he added seasonings, quickly put the cooked fish fillets and soup out of the pot, and served them in a large porcelain bowl.

After cooking the fish fillets, Wei Changqu poured a little more oil into the pot, fried the bean drum, Chinese prickly ash, and chili segments, and put them in the pot together with the oil. While the oil was boiling, poured it on the fish fillets. Sprinkle with some coriander leaves at the end.

After a plate of boiled fish fillets is ready, the kitchen is filled with a strong aroma.

After cooking the boiled fish fillets, Wei Changqu cooked a few more dishes.

They are braised pork knuckle, chrysanthemum fish noodles, and pan-fried tofu.

Prepare these four dishes and put them on the plate.

Wei Changju went to the chopping board, picked up a kitchen knife, and picked out a few plump carrots from the basket.

I saw the light of the knife waving, and there was a sound of the knife cutting, and the carrot crumbs fell little by little. The knife skills were so fast that it was amazing.

As for Qian, Su Chengliang was dazzled.

With the knife in his hand, Wei Changqu carved the carrots into several cauliflower flowers.

Put the carved cauliflower on the edge of the white porcelain plate, and in an instant, it seems that several dishes have been upgraded a few grades.

"You're done." Wei Changqu said crisply.

Yu Qian, Su Cheng heard her speak, and just came back to his senses.

Su Cheng looked up at Wei Changqu eagerly.

God, he couldn't be blind just now, is the little girl in front of me really a village girl? A village girl can do this?

The knife work just now was simply dazzling.

Yu Qian was also convinced, and put away the look that looked down on Wei Changqu before.

Maybe, not necessarily, this little country girl can really save Zuixiangfang's business.

"What are you doing stupidly? Why don't you hurry up and bring the dishes made by the girl to the lobby for Shopkeeper Wan to taste."

Yu Qian roared at Su Cheng.

"Hey." Su Cheng didn't feel annoyed at all, he responded stupidly, and went to serve the plate.

Uncle Qian would have to yell at him every day, he was used to it.

(End of this chapter)

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