Chapter 55
There are morning porridge, lotus leaf porridge, all kinds of meat porridge, lily and lotus seed porridge, all kinds of fruit and vegetable porridge, all kinds of flower porridge...

Every kind of breakfast cooking steps, Wei Changjue has listed in great detail, even including the steaming time is marked, it can be called a simple cookbook.

Wei Changjue said: "Uncle Qian, for the time being, we will sell more than ten kinds of breakfasts. If they sell well, we will add them later. I have written down the cooking methods of breakfasts in detail on paper, and you can follow suit. , the method is quite simple.”

Yu Qian looked at the beautiful handwriting on the paper, and the various pastries and porridge.

A moment ago, he had always thought that breakfast was a simple matter.

The food for breakfast is nothing more than white flour steamed buns, meat buns, gruel and so on.

He never expected that a little girl from the countryside not only could write gracefully, but also had so many ideas in her mind.

There are more than ten kinds of early days alone, and he has never even heard of some early names.

Flowers and fruits can also be added to porridge. Flowers nourish the skin and fruits nourish the health. It is simply wonderful. He has been a chef for most of his life, so why didn't he think of this.

Seeing that Yu Qian was in a daze, Wei Changju asked, afraid that there was something he didn't understand.

"Uncle Qian, what's the problem?"

Yu Qianfang recovered from his astonishment, and quickly replied: "No problem, Changjue, these things you wrote really opened my eyes."

Jiang Yungui and his wife were not very surprised that Wei Changqu could write well.

After all, my sister-in-law married a scholar, so it made sense for my uncle to teach Quer how to read and write when he was alive.

However, where did Qu'er learn his culinary skills? Even the chefs in Tangtang restaurants can't match them.

Wei Changju drew the teppanyaki rack again, and after the ink dried, he handed it to Wan Laifu, and told him: "Uncle Laifu, this is the teppanyaki rack, take this drawing and go to the blacksmith's shop to customize it." , especially the iron plate above, must be made into a thin piece by a master blacksmith, so that the iron plate can heat up quickly and save some charcoal.”

"Well, when I do it later, I must remind the master blacksmith." Wan Laifu took the blueprint, carefully folded it, and put it in his arms.

There is a saying that the smell of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley. That is nonsense. If there is a good thing, but no one knows it, it will definitely not be sold.

Finally, Wei Changqu mentioned some good ways to sell early.

Especially flower porridge, lotus leaf porridge and other porridge breakfasts, which are fragrant and fragrant, are most popular among women.

Fresh flower porridge has a beautiful color and a sweet smell. Drinking it often has the effect of beautifying and rejuvenating the skin.

Lotus leaf porridge can clear away heat and detoxify. Regular drinking can drive out toxins in the body, achieve the effect of clearing the intestines, removing freckles and acne.

There is no need for a big pot to cook porridge. Wei Changju wants Yu Qian to get two stoves, and he plans to set up a shed directly in front of the Zuixiangfang.

Setting up a porridge shed at the entrance of the restaurant can attract customers, and secondly, it can be packaged for takeaway, which makes the threshold of Zuixiangfang lower, and ordinary petty bourgeoisie families dare to patronize the business of Zuixiangfang.

In addition, let Su Cheng nail a big wooden sign, and write down the daily meals on the wooden sign in advance.

After carefully arranging things for tomorrow morning, Wei Changju said goodbye to Wan Laifu and prepared to go back to Shili Village.

Today, there was Jiang Yungui's ox cart, but Wei Changju didn't let Su Cheng take it.

Agui pulled the ox cart out of the backyard, unloaded the sack of charcoal, after the weighing, Wan Laifu paid the charcoal money to Jiang Yungui, and several people left Zuixiangfang with the ox cart.

It was past noon, and there were far fewer people on the street than in the morning.

Jiang Yungui was riding an ox cart, and the ox's hooves were pattering on the street. There was nothing to hinder him, and he ran fast.

A few tens of meters ahead is the Sanshui Vinegar Shop, and Wei Changju called Jiang Yungui to stop.

"Second Uncle, stop at the vinegar shop in front, I'm going to get something."

"Hey, Zhe'er, just call me when we arrive." Jiang Yungui turned his head and agreed, and continued to drive the ox cart seriously.

When they arrived at Sanshui Vinegar Shop, Wei Changju asked Jiang Yungui to stop the ox cart, and she let Xiao Luobotou sit on the ox cart obediently, then jumped off the ox cart and entered the mature vinegar shop.

Feng took care of Wei Changyu, fearing that he would overturn and get out of the car, Jiang Yungui took a step back and followed Wei Changyu into the mature vinegar shop.

When Wei Changqu stepped into the shop, Mrs. Yang greeted him warmly with a smile.

"The long-tailed one is here."

"Yeah." Wei Changju pursed his lips and smiled, then responded softly, and continued walking towards the counter.

"Uncle Zeng, this is jealous money for you." Wei Changqu took out a piece of silver and handed it to Zeng Sanshui.

Zeng Sanshui took the money and changed it: "Changju, your uncle's ox cart is outside. The two jars of vinegar are so heavy. Your aunt and I will help you carry them into the cart."

"Thank you, Uncle Zeng." Wei Changqu thanked him.

Seeing Zeng Sanshui and Yang's carrying vinegar, Wei Changjue was going to help, but Yang pushed her hand away and said, "Changqu, you're a girl, how can you move this big vat that weighs dozens of kilograms? It's enough for me to move with your uncle."

Yang insisted not to let her help, so Wei Changqu had no choice but to withdraw his hand.

Anyway, it was not easy for three people to carry a vat, so Wei Changju simply stepped aside.

Zeng Sanshui and his wife moved the vinegar jar a few steps, and Jiang Yungui walked into the mature vinegar shop.

He saw that the vinegar was being carried out, then looked at Wei Changqu, and said, "Qiao'er, you bought all the vinegar in this vat."

Wei Changqu nodded at him.

Zeng Sanshui looked at the vinegar vat dumbfounded.

Oh, my god, I can't finish this jar of vinegar for a year.

"Zu'er, why did you buy so much vinegar? What are you doing?"

About fruit vinegar, she couldn't explain it clearly for a while, and even if she explained it in detail, her second uncle might not understand it.

Wei Changqu could only say a simple word of relief: "Second Uncle, I bought these vinegars, of course they are useful, and I won't waste money, so don't worry."

Ever since seeing Wei Changjue's impressive performance in Zuixiangfang, Jiang Yungui knew that his niece was no longer an ordinary country girl.

This kid, Qu'er, has changed too much. Although he is unavoidably worried, he also knows that Qu'er must have his own plans for buying so much vinegar, so he won't say anything more.

Jiang Yungui walked over to take over from Mrs. Yang.

"Sister-in-law, this jar is simple and heavy, let me move it."

Seeing Jiang Yungui's big wrists and thick arms, Mrs. Yang didn't refuse, so she freed up her hands and asked Jiang Yungui and his men to carry the simple and heavy vinegar vat, and chatted with Wei Changqu by himself.

At this moment, Wei Changjue was thinking that there are many wild apples and wild pears in Guoziling, and a lot of fruit vinegar can be brewed, but the two vats of white vinegar in front of him are not enough.

(End of this chapter)

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