The strongest peasant girl in Xiuse Jinyuan

Chapter 58 A Silly Carrot Head

Chapter 58 A Silly Carrot Head

Feng looked at it, hey, Qu'er is really willing to part with such a big piece of meat.

The two nephews themselves still live in this dilapidated mountain temple, and their lives are extremely difficult. Wei Changjue said it anyway, but Feng Shi just refused to accept this piece of meat.

In the end, it was Wei Changju who lowered his face and forced it to her, and was a little unhappy, so Feng reluctantly accepted it ruthlessly.

Wei Changqu wrapped another quilt and handed it to Jiang Yungui.

"Second Uncle, please take this set of bedding back to my mother, and tell her that I bought this bedding for her with the money from selling fish, so that she can use it with peace of mind."

The Jiang family liked to think too much, and Wei Changju was afraid that she would worry about where the money came from, so he simply explained everything clearly.

Jiang Yungui took the quilt, and then left the mountain temple with Mrs. Feng.

While Xiaoluotou was still sound asleep, Wei Changqu helped Jiang Yungui and his wife bring the ox cart down the mountain temple, and sent them away.

After seeing off Jiang Yungui and his wife, the sun was a little westward.

Miscellaneous, I bought a lot of things today, and Wei Changqu is going back to the mountain temple to clean up.

I found a place to store the newly bought ladles, bowls and chopsticks, as well as other small things. The bag of white noodles was placed on the altar in front of the mountain temple, and the imitation white noodles absorbed the earth's air and damp.

Carry the newly bought bedding and clothes to the bed and put them on the bed. After Xiaoluotou wakes up, he will put on a new quilt. After dinner, boil some hot water for a comfortable bath, and then put on new clothes.

Thinking about his little life, it will get better and better in the future, unconsciously, a little bright smile appeared on Wei Changqu's face.

The smile slowly sank and condensed at the corner of her mouth, Wei Changjue was stunned for a moment, she didn't know when, she had fully adapted to her current status as a village girl, and she was actually satisfied with such trivial things.

After clearing everything up, it's time to make dinner.

Wei Changqu turned around and walked to the stove, ready to light a fire for cooking, only to find that the firewood he picked up that day had been burned.

In a place like Shili Village, if you look around, there are mountains and forests. There are not many trees in front of and behind the houses, and the most important thing is firewood.

There is a forest behind the mountain temple, and there are trees in front of and behind the house, left and right.

Wei Changjue glanced at Xiaoluotou and saw that he was sleeping soundly. Before it was dark, he went out by himself to collect some dry firewood.

Without going far, I turned around the mountain temple twice.

Wei Changjue climbed up the tree, cut off the dry branches on the tree, picked up a bundle of dry firewood after a while, and carried the dry firewood back to the mountain temple.

I bought a fire bag at the market today, so I don't have to bother with drilling wood to make fire.

He smoked wheat straw to ignite the fire, broke off the dry wood one by one, and put it into the stove. When the dry wood met the fire, it would crackle and burn vigorously.

Wei Changju added enough firewood to the stove, and the pot was already burning hot, with blue smoke coming out.

Today I cut two large pieces of pork at the meat stall, totaling more than ten catties, and gave one piece to Jiang Yungui's family, leaving five or six catties.

Pork is bought together with the skin, and the pig hair on the skin has not been scraped clean.

Wei Changjue put the whole piece of pork into the pot, and the pigskin was baked against the wall of the pot, and there was a chi-chi-shua-shua sound in the pot.

Southerners eat pork and pay attention to roasting the pig skin.

Roasting the pigskin can remove the unshaved pig hair on the pigskin, and secondly, the roasted pigskin is softer when eaten.

Smelling the smell, Wei Changju picked up the pork and looked at it. Seeing that the pig skin was burnt yellow and the pig hair was all burnt, he added two ladles of water to the pot, and the pot was boiling hot. .

Before the water was hot, Wei Changju picked up the kitchen knife and scraped the pigskin clean.

Scrape off the scorched crust on the outside of the pigskin, revealing the golden-yellow pigskin, which is fluffy and soft.

Rinse again with clean water to wash the meat.

I went to the market to buy too many things today, and the two big vinegar jars took up space, so I didn't have any more vegetables to buy. The house only had meat, pheasant eggs, and flour. Wei Changju was going to make dumplings for dinner at night.

Cut off a piece of half-fat and half-lean pork, about half a catty, and mince it into meat stuffing to make thirty or so dumplings. It's not a problem, enough for one meal tonight.

Wei Changqu cut the pork into small pieces before starting to chop the meat.

Duo duo duo... The sound of chopping meat in unison resounded throughout the room, reaching Wei Changyu's ears.

On the way back, Little Luobotou started to sleep, and has been sleeping for more than an hour now.

Hearing a sound, the two feather-fan-like eyelashes on the little face flushed with sleep trembled a few times before opening his eyes drowsily.

Little Luobotou lay on the bed, rolled slightly, and turned over.

Turning over, her little face was facing the door, and saw her sister was busy working on the stove, just woke up, softly called: "Sister."

Wei Changjue was chopping meat, he had nothing to do, and said, "Changyu, my sister is cooking dinner, so get up and put on your shoes."

She thought to herself, little radish is five years old, so she should be able to put on shoes by herself.

"Well, sister, let's cook, Chang Yu knows how to wear shoes." Wei Changyu obediently agreed to his sister, slowly got up from the bed, sat on the bed with his little buttocks, bent over and put on shoes seriously.

Wei Changqu added ingredients to the chopped dumpling stuffing, took a bowl to fill the stuffing, and was ready to knead the dough.

He tore open the white flour bag and scooped out a large bowl of white flour.

Knead the dough well tonight, and cover the remaining dough after making the dumplings with a large bowl. The dough will wake up the next night, and you can take it directly to steam the buns the next day.

After kneading the dough, Wei Changjue took the next part and sprinkled some dry flour on the cutting board to prevent the dough from sticking to the cutting board when cutting the noodles later.

First, knead the dough into noodle sticks, then use a kitchen knife to cut the noodle sticks into noodle pieces, and finally use a bamboo tube to roll out thin dumpling skins.

Wei Changjue was making dumplings. Little Luobotou put on his shoes and ran to the stove. He was so small that he was not as tall as the stove, so he couldn't see what delicious food his sister was cooking.

The little radish head stood on tiptoe, her neck stretched, and finally saw the little things wrapped by her sister, which looked so beautiful, like a chubby egg.

Wei Changjue looked at the little radish head with its long neck, like a little sparrow waiting to be fed.

"Chang Yu, isn't your neck sore? My sister is making dumplings, so go and play aside first. After my sister cooks the dumplings, I'll ask you to eat."

Wei Changyu didn't even think about it, and said: "No, Chang Yu doesn't want to play, Chang Yu watches her sister do things, she can learn by watching, and when Chang Yu grows up, she can help her sister do things."

If it is soft and soft, it sounds very caring...

It turned out that little brother Luobotou stood on tiptoe to watch her do things every time, just because of this little thought.

(End of this chapter)

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