The strongest peasant girl in Xiuse Jinyuan

Chapter 718 Ingeniously set up a difficult problem and the son-in-law is settled

Chapter 718 Ingeniously set up a difficult problem and the son-in-law is settled (2)
Seeing Gu Xizhao and Ling Ye readily responded to Shangguan Yu'er's third difficulty, Fan Zhen felt displeased, but could only temporarily suppress it, curled up the corners of her lips, and pulled a very reluctant smile.

He smiled on the surface and said: "Princess Jin Zunyugui, it is Fan Zhen's blessing to be able to wash her hands and make soup for her."

None of the three objected to Shangguan Yu'er's idea, Emperor Chongdi, and Empress Dowager Yide didn't speak, and Queen Fan forced a smile, so naturally it was hard to say anything more.

Palace banquet continues...

However, Gu Xizhao, Ling Ye, and Fan Zhen went to the imperial dining room under the leadership of the little eunuch.

Half an hour later, the three returned to the palace banquet.

The maid serving on the side quickly took the tray from the three of them, stooped forward, and then presented the food in the tray to Shangguan Yu'er.

"Princess, this is the lily and lotus seed soup stewed by His Royal Highness Hui."

"This is the high mountain bird's nest soup made by Princess Fan."

The maid opened the first two cups of soup and introduced it to Shangguan Yu'er.

After introducing the two soup dishes, he turned his attention to the last dish, "This is egg fried rice made by Mr. Gu."

Egg fried rice?

As the maid lifted the upper cover, Shangguan Yu'er looked sideways, and her eyes fell on the center of the plate.

The plate is yellow and white, with rice grains sandwiching egg grains, and egg grains sandwiching rice grains. If it’s not egg fried rice, what is it?
During the banquet, everyone saw that what Gu Xizhao cooked was an uncommon fried rice with eggs, and they laughed secretly.

Heart said: Princess Mo is deeply loved by the emperor and empress of Mo. She has delicacies from all over the world and rich clothes and fine food. How could she look at a plate of rough fried rice with eggs.

Under everyone's gaze, Shangguan Yu'er stared at the egg fried rice in front of her, raised the corners of her lips, and smiled sweetly.

Her smile, from the bottom of her heart, came out from a pair of watery eyes, very dazzling and soul-stirring.

She smiled, reached out to pick up the spoon in front of her, and dipped the spoon into the plate of yellow and white egg fried rice.

No matter how sweet the lily and lotus seed soup is, no matter how good the alpine bird’s nest soup is, it’s hard to satisfy hunger. Only the ordinary egg fried rice in front of me is the most satisfying.

He is using this plate of egg fried rice to tell her that in this life, he just wants to live a simple life with her, holding hands until the old age, she understands, she understands!

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Shangguan Yu'er had already eaten several mouthfuls of fried rice with eggs in a leisurely manner. Every time she tasted a mouthful, she felt a lot of sweetness in her heart.

Gu Xizhao saw Shangguan Yu'er eating the egg fried rice she made, looking at her, a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes overflowed with obvious tenderness.

This was his first time cooking. Although he had already consulted the chef in charge of the imperial dining room, the taste of the egg fried rice was probably not much better.

After a while, Shangguan Yu'er put down the spoon in her hand.

Seeing that she put down the spoon, Fan Zhen didn't plan to taste the other two soups at all, and didn't even look at them at all, so she couldn't help but frowned, feeling very displeased.

Hui Wang Lingye's face remained the same as before, calm and expressionless, and he couldn't see too many emotions.

"Princess Mingyu, Prince Hui, Young Master Fan, and Third Young Master Gu all washed their hands and made soup for you. How should we judge this third level?" Seeing Shangguan Yu'er put down the spoon, Emperor Chong asked in a deep voice.

Shangguan Yu'er smiled and said: "His Royal Highness Prince Hui's lily and lotus seed soup, Mr. Fan's high mountain bird's nest soup, and Princess Gu's egg fried rice are all well done. The third difficulty is naturally passed."

After these words, Fan Zhen's complexion improved a little.

"Since Ye'er, Zhen'er, and Gu Sangong have passed the three difficulties, please ask the princess to continue to solve the three difficulties." Fan Hou reminded.

Shangguan Yu'er nodded, and her gaze fell on Queen Fan's face, "Thank you, Empress, for reminding me."

She clapped her hands, and when the sound fell, a maid from the country of Mo came out.

The maid has delicate features, with a book-like aura between her brows, she presumably knows how to write, she lowered her eyebrows and walked to the banquet, saluted Chongdi, Empress Dowager Yide, and Empress Fan who were seated, and then turned around, facing Everyone at the banquet.

After glancing at Gu Xizhao, Fan Zhen, and Ling Ye briefly, she said loudly: "The princess's first problem is..." She deliberately slowed down, and then said: "His Royal Highness, Mr. Gu, Mr. Fan listen."

"What's the first thing you three do when you wake up in the morning?"

The maid's words fell, and there was an uproar in the banquet...

Heart Road: Is this Princess Mingyu's IQ too low?Or, she deliberately despised the IQ of the third young master of the Gu family, King Hui, and the eldest son of the Fan family, to have such a pediatric problem.

Who doesn't know the first thing in the morning when you wake up?This can also be a problem.

Even Emperor Chong, Empress Fan, and Empress Dowager Yide looked at Shangguan Yu'er and Shangguan Liting with some puzzlement.

In the field, only Wei Changqu had a faint smile on his brow.

This little girl unexpectedly used the brain teaser she taught her.

Wei Changju sat next to Gu Xizhao, and there was only Ling Jing between them.

She glanced sideways at Gu Xizhao, and saw that he was frowning and thinking deeply, "Hey, do you want to know the answer?"

Avoiding the eyes of everyone, lowered his voice.

Gu Xizhao heard a seemingly invisible voice in his ear, turned his head, and followed the sound to look at Wei Changqu.

"Little girl, you know?"

He also pretended to drink tea, avoiding everyone's eyes, and moved his lips.

"Yeah." Wei Changju nodded slightly, "Open your eyes." After speaking, he blinked in coordination and demonstrated the action.

Gu Xizhao stared at the shape of her lips, and then watched her frowning, suddenly understood, and smiled happily.

Ling Jing leaned lazily on the back of the chair, watching Wei Changju wink at Gu Xizhao again, winked again, frowned slightly, and stretched her long arms under the table, straightening her body.

"Okay, the third son already knows." He said softly.

How can other men see the alluring eyebrows and eyes of my little lady.

Wei Changqu smelled a burst of flying vinegar and a strong sour smell, rolled his eyes, and straightened his body.

There was a lot of discussion during the banquet, at this time, the maid's voice sounded again.

She smiled slightly, and said: "His Royal Highness, Mr. Fan, Mr. Gu, do you have the answer?"

After the maid finished speaking, Fan Zhen first waved to the attendant behind her.

The attendant understood, took a few steps forward, leaned over Fan Zhen's side, the two whispered for a while, and then, the attendant walked to the maidservant of Mo country, and whispered Fan Zhen's answer.

After hearing the truth, the maid showed regret, looked at Fan Zhen, and said very politely: "Master Fan, I'm very sorry, you failed to answer the princess's question correctly."

Fan Zhen urgently needed to rely on the influence of Mo Guo, and she was slightly annoyed after hearing what the maid said.

(End of this chapter)

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