The strongest peasant girl in Xiuse Jinyuan

Chapter 745 Changju Weiwu dismantles the chastity archway

Chapter 745 Changju Weiwu dismantles the chastity archway (2)
Seeing Wei Changqu and Ling Jing, Yang's mind calmed down a little.

"Xiao'er, your mother is fine for the time being, she is staying in the house, accompanied by your grandma and grandpa."

Hearing that Mrs. Jiang was fine, Wei Changqu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking of Wan Shi and Yao Shi's stupid things, she felt angry and annoyed. She looked at Wei Changqu, then shifted her gaze to Ling Jing, and said indignantly: "Qi'er, Mr. Ling, you Well, it's coming, the old Wei family is going to set up a chastity memorial archway for your mother."

"In the past, when your three mothers had no money and no land, the old Wei family scolded your mother as a funeral star, killed your father, and ruthlessly kicked your mother out of the house. Now, watching your mother's life go by more and more It's booming, so I'm planning to set up a chastity archway for your mother, these unscrupulous bastards who killed thousands of knives and were struck by lightning, just want to entrap your mother." Yang Shi suffered all kinds of troubles from Wan Shi and Yao Shi, and he was more able to I understand the hardships that the Jiang family has suffered in those years. Although the two old wretches want to build a chastity memorial archway for the Jiang family, it has nothing to do with the Yang family, but the relationship between the Yang family and the Jiang family has always been good, and I feel sorry for Jiang's injustice. Furious, she looked at Wei Changqu and Ling Jing, and the more she spoke, the more angry she became, "Qiao'er, your mother is still young, and there is still a long way to go. This chastity archway must not be erected."

Yang's defense of Jiang's made Wei Changju very grateful.

"Third Aunt, don't get excited, I'll go over and have a look."

Ling Jing secretly gave the four guards a wink, and the four of them stepped forward, separated the surrounding villagers, and made room for a little way out.

In the middle of the crowd, there are several members of Lao Wei's family standing.

Wei Wenqing and Wei Changshu are two big men carrying hoes in their hands, working in full swing, Wan Shi, Yao Shi, Yao Xiaoyun, Wei Changyan, are moving bluestones, except for Mr. Wei, several members of the old Wei family Everyone is here.

Through the crowd, Wei Changjue saw the half-foot-high bluestone archway just erected in front of him at a glance, and he couldn't help frowning, and there was a faint chill in his clear and clear eyes.

The people of Laowei's family are really active. In a short period of time, the corners of the chastity archway have been built.

Sensing that Wei Changjue's mood was changing, Ling Jing reached out and wrapped her arms around her waist.

Wei Changqu felt the warmth in his waist, turned his head to look at Ling Jing.

"I'm fine. I can handle this little thing by myself."

Naturally, Wei Changju didn't need Ling Jing to take action on such trivial matters. Besides, Master Jing's action would most likely scare the other villagers in Shili Village.

"Okay, I'll be by your side, and I'll take action when necessary." Ling Jing raised her other hand, straightened Wei Changjue's cloak, and said dotingly.

"En." Wei Changjue nodded, looked at him with a smile, and the two joined hands and walked towards Yao Shi, Wan Shi and others.

"Zu'er, you're back, what should you do about this matter?"

At this moment, Feng squeezed out from the crowd and looked at Wei Changqu eagerly.

It was considered a good thing for the people of the old Wei family to build a chastity archway for my sister-in-law, but my sister-in-law is young and light, once she erects this chastity archway, she will never want to remarry in the future. After thinking about it, Feng's heart became a mess, I really don't know what to do.

"Zhu'er, you have always had your own opinions, so hurry up and make up your mind."

Just as Feng finished speaking, Wei Wenshui also looked at Wei Changjue and said eagerly.

I saw him scratching his sleeves to his elbows with an angry expression on his face. Thinking about it, he just had a conflict with Yao Shi, Wan Shi and others.

Wei Changjue and Ling Jing walked up to Wan Shi, Yao Shi and the others, and looked at them expressionlessly.

"Third Uncle, Second Aunt, please rest aside for a while, and leave this matter to me."

Wei Changjue was talking to Wei Wenshui and Feng Shi, but his eyes were staring at Wan Shi, Yao Shi and others coldly.

Her face was expressionless, and no anger could be seen on her face, but her whole body seemed to be shrouded in a thin layer of ice, especially those clear and bright eyes, which were almost so cold that they formed ice fog.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, it was already extremely cold. When Wan Shi, Yao Shi, Wei Wenqing and others noticed Wei Changju's cold eyes, they almost shivered from the cold, especially when they saw Ling Jing's peerless picture. Looking at his handsome face, and then seeing the four guards behind him, except for Wei Changyan, the whole family was so frightened that their faces were ashen, and their working hands were frozen in the air.

This Mr. Ling is not easy to mess with.

Wei Changyan is not afraid of boiling water when a dead pig is scalded, and has suffered from nympho again. Ever since Ling Jing came over with Wei Changjue, her eyes have been fixed on Ling Jing's naked body. star.

Seeing Ling Jing half-embracing Wei Changjue in his arms, and looking at Wei Changjue dotingly, she simply regarded Wei Changjue as a peerless treasure, and it hurt so much, Wei Changyan secretly gritted her teeth , jealous as hell.

The seeds of jealousy germinated in her heart, and finally grew into a towering tree. Wei Changyan refused to accept it, and gave Wei Changjue a vicious look. At this moment, she wished she could kick Wei Changjue away and throw herself into it. that hug.

Ling Jing noticed that Wei Changyan was infatuated with her eyes, as well as the vicious look at Wei Changqu, a trace of displeasure flashed in her heart, and she frowned slightly.

Seeing Ling Jing frowning, Gu Yu stepped forward, and in the blink of an eye, she was in front of Wei Changyan.

clap clap...

In the next second, there were two crisp sounds, Wei Changyan had already received two solid slaps from Gu Yu before he understood the situation.

When Gu Yu struck, he mobilized his internal strength and slapped Wei Changyan so that stars appeared in Wei Changyan's eyes. Within a few breaths, his whole head had swollen into a big pig's head. There was a clear palm print on one cheek, which was really symmetrical.

"Why...why...hit me?"

Wei Changyan was in pain, and looked at Gu Yu angrily and aggrieved, "I... didn't provoke you, provoked you, why did you... hit me? Huh..." His cheeks were swollen, and his words were a little irrelevant.

After she finished speaking, she started sobbing, her shoulders twitched from crying, her appearance was pitiful and a little ridiculous, after sobbing a few times, she looked at Ling Jing with tears in her eyes, as if she wanted to win Ling Jing's sympathy .


Gu Yu saw Wei Changyan acting as if I felt pity for him, looked at his master with tears in his eyes, and snorted coldly.

She really doubted that the woman in front of her was reincarnated from a stupid pig, she was so ugly that she even put on a coquettish attitude that I still feel sorry for, trying to seduce her own son, it is ridiculous, it is extremely ridiculous, such a stupid pig standing In front of his own elder son, he really stained his elder son's eyes.

Seeing Wei Changyan's ignorance and lack of restraint, Gu Yu's eyes flashed with annoyance, then he raised his hand and slapped her twice again... slap.

" hit me again, woohoo..." Wei Changyan covered her face in pain, staring at Gu Yu angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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