The strongest peasant girl in Xiuse Jinyuan

Chapter 753 You just have to be happy

Chapter 753 You just have to be happy (2)
Li An strode into the ruins. Immediately afterwards, other people in the village also carried oil lamps and entered the ruins one after another to help find Wan's body.

Dozens of people began to dig through the ruins, and after searching for more than half an hour, they finally found Wan's body.

The fire was so intense that only a pile of bones remained.

Wei Wenshui, Mrs. Yang took a sand jar, and everyone carefully picked up Wan's body, put it into the sand jar, and carried them out of the ruins.

Seeing Wei Wenshui coming out with the sand pot in his arms, Mr. Wei wiped away his old tears.

Jiang stared at the sand pot in Wei Wenshui's arms, and felt very uncomfortable. All the resentment he had towards Wan in the past disappeared without a trace the moment he saw her urn.

"Father, mother has already left, you have to take good care of yourself." Mrs. Jiang carefully supported Mr. Wei, and explained in a gentle voice, but when she spoke, she couldn't help sobbing.

After hearing Jiang's persuasion, Mr. Wei couldn't help but wiped away his old tears, and nodded heartbroken.

Wei Wenshui walked up to Mr. Wei holding Wan's ashes urn, looked at him with a very serious face, and after a while, said sadly: "Father, mother..."

Grandpa Wei looked at Wan's urn, sighed sadly, and interrupted Wei Wenshui.

"Third, don't say anything."

"Since your mother is gone, let her go to the grave earlier."

"Oh." Wei Wenshui nodded in response while wiping away tears.

Here, Wei Wenshui and his wife, Mr. Wei, Jiang Shi and others are saddened by Wan Shi's death, while on the other side, the members of the old Wei family's big house are making small plans.

Yao wiped the black ashes from his face, pulled Wei Wenqing's coat, and said in a low voice: "Father, our house was burnt to the ground, and now we can no longer afford to support that old man, hurry up and go Talk to the third child, let him quickly pick up the old man, our big house has raised the two old men for so many years, now that the third family has lost money, the third family should take over."

"Tsk tsk..." As he spoke, Yao sighed softly twice, and cursed: "That old man is really hard-fated. He was not burned to death in such a big fire."

"This..." Wei Wenqing squeaked, "His mother, it's not good to do this, can the third child agree?"

My old mother had just been burned to death, her bones were still cold, and then she threw the old man to the third house, doing such shameless things, it would be strange not to be stabbed in the back by the people in the village.

Wei Wenqing rubbed his hands, hesitating very much, with a troubled expression on his face.

"What's wrong." Seeing Wei Wenqing rubbing his hands and hesitating, Mrs. Yao was very entangled, and immediately became annoyed.

"Now, the old house has been burnt down, we have no food, no land to live in, we can't take care of ourselves, how can we take care of the old man, the third house has built a new house, chickens and ducks are full, so If you have money, you should take that old immortal to raise it, shouldn't you?"

"If it hadn't been for the fire, my mother had desperately brought out the silver she had saved, and our whole family would have to drink the northwest wind."

Yao stared at Wei Wenqing fiercely, his heart was in a mess, he was so angry for a moment, he forgot to control his voice, accidentally, his voice became a little louder, and what he said caused people around to rush to put out the fire The villagers listened.

Everyone was shocked to hear...

When the fire broke out, the people in the big house of the old Wei family had time to pick up the money, and they didn't have the time to carry the old man and the old lady out of the flames, tsk tsk... they didn't even care about their own father and mother, what a wolf.

Under the contempt of dozens of eyes, Yao lowered his head in shame.

Wei Wenshui hugged Wan's ashes urn, and walked towards Wei Wenqing and others aggressively. Originally, he was only heartbroken over Wan's death, but now hearing Yao's bastard words, he was so angry that his heart was bubbling.

This family who kills thousands of knives has time to collect money, but has no time to rescue the old man and old lady. Those are two living lives. Are two lives less important than a few ingots of silver?

"Wei Wenqing, Yao Chunhua, you guys are doing really well." Wei Wenshui's eyes were red, Yao said angrily at Wei Wenqing.

After finishing speaking, he scolded Wei Wenqing again, "Wei Wenqing, my mother gave birth to you, raised you, and favored you even more. That's how you treated her. Throw her into the sea of ​​fire and let her be burned to death. You are so heartless!" , aren’t you afraid of being struck by lightning and condemned by God? Are you still a human?”

The old house was burned, Wei Wenqing's heart was already on fire, and Yao Shi said it just now, and at this moment, Wei Wenshui kicked his nose on the face again, and a fire surged from his chest, directly burning to the top of his forehead.

"Third brother, don't just stand and talk without pain in your back. Who would dare to save someone in such a big fire just now?"

Wei Wenqing's shameless words immediately made Wei Wenshui very angry.

Wei Wenshui was so angry that his face turned blue and red. Before he could make a sound, the villagers fighting the fire pointed at Wei Wenqing and his wife and began to discuss.

"I have time to pick up money, but I don't have time to save people. I'm cheating ghosts."

"It's really hard for Wan Shi to have such a wolf-hearted son." An old man sighed.

"It's a pity that the Wan family favors the big house all the time. He really has no conscience. His conscience has been eaten by dogs."

The villagers talked endlessly, and every sentence hit the backbone of the old Wei's big house.

Yao Shi has always been hot-tempered, unreasonable, and he can't afford to suffer. How can he bear being pointed at and poked at the spine like this.

She was furious when she heard this, and glared fiercely at the surrounding villagers, put her hands on her hips, and said angrily: "This is about our old Wei's family. If you want to meddle in your own business with a mouse, who dares to say a word again? , my old lady tore his lips."

Yao Shi was unkempt, with his hands on his hips, yelling curses, just like a crazy bitch.

The village chief Zhao Dequan suddenly had an old face.

Mrs. Yao really didn't know what was good and what was bad, he didn't know what was good and what was ugly, everyone abandoned their work at home, they didn't even have time to eat dinner, they rushed to put out the fire, worked hard, but in the end, they didn't please, and got scolded by this woman.

Old Master Wei glared at Yao Shi who was going crazy, and his face was also very ugly.

What evil did the old Wei family do to marry such a vicious woman as Yao.

"That's enough, shut up." With Jiang's support, Mr. Wei yelled, and walked towards the old Wei's family members with trembling legs.

"It's still noisy, isn't it messy enough?"

The old house was burned to the ground, and Mr. Wei, the head of the family, had no more valuables in his hands. Mrs. Yao gave him a hard look, and didn't take him seriously at all, let alone fear him.

After Mr. Wei finished yelling, she rushed to take the conversation before Wei Wenqing, and said, "Immortal, why is your life so hard? Why didn't you get burned to death? Your life is so hard, you can't tell, fourth child, Old villains and wives were all killed by you, you old and undead mourner, you killed your own wife and son, and caused the old Wei family's ancestral house to be burned, what face do you have to live in the world? My son, I found a tree with a crooked neck early in the morning and hanged it cleanly."

(End of this chapter)

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