The strongest peasant girl in Xiuse Jinyuan

Chapter 760 You just have to be happy

Chapter 760 You just have to be happy (9)
He stretched out his hand, removed the big warm hand on his face, straightened his brows, and said seriously: "Tell me, what happened?"

"I can handle it, don't worry."

"Aren't you tired? Be good, hurry up and go to bed, um." After finishing speaking, she had already closed her phoenix eyes.

"Don't tell me, right?" Wei Changju became angry, and simply got up, ready to get dressed and get out of bed.

Ling Jing opened her eyes, put her arms around her waist, "Where are you going?"

Wei Changju didn't stop, he continued to dress carefully, buttoning up buttons, and replied displeasedly: "Since you won't tell me, I'll ask Sufeng and Gu Yu myself."

Ling Jing smiled helplessly, "I really can't do anything about you."

"Okay, I'll tell you that."

Only then did Wei Changqu stop dressing, turned his head, and stared at Ling Jing, "Hurry up."

Ling Jing understood Wei Changju's personality, knew that she was really angry, frowned, and quickly confessed: "Dou Wei led an army of 20 troops to station [-] miles outside Guye City, preparing to attack Guye City."

"You are going to hide such a big matter from me." After Wei Changju heard this, his anger not only did not subside, but he became even more angry when he stared at Ling Jing's peerless face.

Ling Jing saw that Wei Changjue's willow eyebrows were all twisted into a knot, and was afraid that she would become angry because of her anger.

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't have lied to you. Hit me. Don't be angry." While speaking, he took Wei Changqu's little hand and pressed it against his own cheek, "Qi'er, Mr. Fan!" A slap is fine, don't be angry."

Wei Changjue was so angry and funny, he followed Ling Jing's words and twisted his peerless face.

It made my heart feel more comfortable, and then said in a deep voice, "Ling Jing, are we husband and wife?"

"Yeah." Master Jing nodded.

"I'm the closest person to you?"

"Yes." Master Jing obediently responded, not daring to make any mistakes in front of the lady.

Seeing that he was so obedient, Wei Changju was very satisfied, and the anger in his heart disappeared instantly, "Since we are husband and wife, and since I am your closest person, you shouldn't keep it from me when such a big thing happens."

"Yes, lady, I made a mistake for my husband."

"Can there be a next time?" Wei Changqu asked seriously with a bright little face.

Master Jing immediately shook his head, "I promise there will be no next time, even if I deceive the world, I will not dare to deceive my wife again."

Wei Changqu raised the corners of his lips in satisfaction, "It's not too bad."

Thinking about the battle, he asked in a deep voice: "Did you order Jinglei, Lightning to return to Guye City?"

"Yeah." Master Jing hummed lightly, "Master handed over the Chi Yan Order to the two of them, and asked them to go back and help the old man."

"Aren't you planning to go back to Guye City?" Wei Changqu asked.

"Guye City is your painstaking effort for more than ten years, and it must not fall into Dou Wei's hands."

With 20 troops on the border, this guy is not worried at all?
"Lonely Leaf City is not as important as you and your child."

Ling Jing stared at Wei Changqu's eyebrows, and suddenly said affectionately.

"You are pregnant, how can I leave you alone at this time."

The warm and light tone fell into his ears, and Wei Changjue's heart felt warm, his eyes felt hot, and he felt a little moist.

"Ling Jing, I'm very happy that you can put me and the child first."

"My child and I are more important, but Guye City is your painstaking effort for more than ten years, and the people in Guye City are your responsibility. Both father and mother are waiting for you in Guye City. Dou Wei has galloped on the battlefield for many years. The 20 army under him is not a tofu army, they will be defeated in one blow, you know Guye City better than Dad, and you know the Red Flame Army, this time, you must return to Guye City to sit in command."

"Don't worry, I will take care of myself, my baby and I are waiting for you to come back."

Wei Changjue knew that this time, he would definitely not be able to go to Guye City with Ling Jing. If she went, once she encountered danger, she would definitely distract him and give Dou Wei an opportunity to take advantage of it.

After finishing speaking, she lay down and put her arms around Ling Jing's slender waist, taking a shallow breath of the Leng Meixiang on his body.

Ling Jing also hugged Wei Changju tightly, let her lean on her arms, lowered her phoenix eyes, pressed her thin lips on her smooth forehead, and kissed her lightly.

"Qiao'er, but leaving you alone, I can't sleep or eat well."

"I know." Wei Changjue took a shallow breath, the plum fragrance was in his nostrils, sweet and happy, "But Guye City is waiting for your rescue, you don't want to overthrow the whole city because of me alone, you You don't want me to become a beauty, do you?"

"Well, I don't want to." The answer was very straightforward, "Whoever dares to say that you are a beauty, I will chop him off."

Wei Changju wanted to laugh when he heard that, and hugged his waist tightly, "Since you don't want to, follow my advice and go to Guye City."

"The snow ganoderma in Guye City is very valuable. I don't want Dou Wei and the old emperor to be cheap for nothing. You have to keep it and beat Dou Wei's 20 army to pieces, you know?"


The two hugged each other tightly, Ling Jing rested his chin on the top of Wei Changqu's head, and responded hoarsely, "No one can take away what Qu'er wants."

He wanted to say, what is a lonely leaf city, even if she wants the whole world, he can fight for her, as long as she wants...

"Qiao'er." He whispered Wei Changqu's name softly.

"En." Wei Changjue responded softly with a smile on his lips.

Gentle jade-like hands slid over her waist, and finally stroked her slightly protruding belly, lovingly stroking a few times, "It's already dark, let me stay overnight, and leave tomorrow, okay?"


Hearing his slightly childish and aggrieved tone, Wei Changju couldn't hold back for a while, and burst out laughing, "Okay, I'll let you stay overnight."

In the early morning of the next day, a ray of warm sunlight shone through the carved window lattice, and spots of light scattered all over the floor. Wei Changjue opened his sleepy eyes, and there was no sign of Ling Jing beside him.

Inhaling the remaining cold plum fragrance on the pillow, Wei Changqu raised the corners of his lips and smiled faintly.

How could she not know that Master Jing left so quietly, but she didn't want her to see his back when he left.

"Jing, my baby and I are waiting for your safe return."

Wei Changqu was talking to himself, and stroked his slightly raised belly with a slender hand.

——Lone Leaf City——

"Grandpa, you're back." Jinglei, Lightning saw his grandfather, and his face was filled with joy at the same time.

As long as the master comes back to sit in command, this battle will definitely not be lost.

"Yeah." Ling Jing nodded lightly, and strode into the tent.

Today, he still wears the moon-color brocade robe, but the silver fox mask on his face hides his peerless elegance.

In the camp, Prince Rui Ling Qi was sitting in front of the case, dealing with military affairs. Hearing footsteps, he raised his head, "Jing'er is back."

(End of this chapter)

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