cute in his palm

Chapter 1000

Chapter 1000
"What's important, it's not important at all." Mu Jiu raised her foot and stepped on Jiang Dingcheng's foot unceremoniously, as punishment for deliberately provoking her, but the step was very light.

Jiang Dingcheng knew that if Mu Jiu stepped on Xiao Tuo's foot with half the force, his toes would probably be useless.

It can be seen how miserable Mu Jiu stepped on Xiao Tuo's feet.

Jiang Dingcheng gloated and prayed that it would be better for Xiao Tuo to have pain in his toes for a longer time, so that he could deeply remember the lesson, it is not terrible to provoke Jiang Dingcheng, the woman who provokes Jiang Dingcheng is the cutest.

It is not someone he can remember, it is best not to remember.

"It doesn't matter, I know you love me." Jiang Dingcheng said directly.

Mu Jiu's face twitched slightly, and then she glared at him. "Narcissism is a disease, Jiang Dingcheng, get rid of it."

"If my narcissism is because of you, I don't need to treat this disease." Jiang Dingcheng smiled even happier.

"Jiang Dingcheng, you even lied to me, isn't it too much?" When Mu Jiu thought that he even designed it himself, she was extremely unhappy.

Really, what kind of husband did I marry by mistake? He was black-bellied and stingy, and he was still a big jealousy. Guan Jian even cheated her. There is really no love in this world.

"If I told you earlier, you would have concerns." Jiang Dingcheng said with a smile.

Mu Jiu understood, anyway, Jiang Dingcheng was right, and this was not the first time she had argued with him.

Therefore, if she voluntarily gave up and continued to argue, she would lose in the end.

The answer is obvious, why bother yourself.

What Mu Jiu was not happy about was that she was so angry just now because of his affairs.

"Jiang Dingcheng, you still made me angry, are you happy to see me angry?" Mu Jiu said to him unhappy.

Hearing this, Jiang Dingcheng smiled, and then looked at her seriously. "I'm not happy to see you angry, but when I saw you stepping on Xiao Tuo fiercely, I expressed...a little happiness. My wife turned out to have such a tough side."

Jiang Dingcheng's teasing was directly exchanged for Mu Jiu's kick.

"Jiu'er, you are going to murder your husband in public." Jiang Dingcheng said while enduring the pain, this time she was not merciful, she stepped on it ruthlessly and accurately.

I guess the toe should be swollen.

"En." Mu Jiu nodded rudely.

Jiang Dingcheng didn't say anything, just sneaked a kiss on the corner of her lips. "This is punishment. If you step on me in front of so many people, I'll kiss you in front of so many people, and it's even."

Whoever wants to get even with you is simply shameless to use such a method.

Guan Xiaotong, who was dragging Xu Yanke to be his dance partner, was deeply stimulated by this pair of couples who showed their love without limit, and it was as if Chi Guoguo had been injured ten thousand points.

"Brother Ke, I was hurt." Guan Xiaotong rested her head on Xu Yanke's heart.

Immediately pushed away by Xu Yanke in disgust.

No matter how much she looks like a man, she is also a woman, and she is still a woman with a little chest.

"Brother Ke, you don't want to comfort me." Guan Xiaotong was completely hurt after being pushed away.

"I didn't expect our Xiaojiu to be like this Xiaojiu, showing such shameless affection with Jiang Dingcheng. If possible, I really want to see them show off every day." Guan Xiaotong turned into a funny comparison in a second.

It's really a waste for this woman not to act.

Xu Yanke glanced at Guan Xiaotong lightly, then turned her head to look at Mu Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng's place, she would really be shown a face of affection, when did Mu Jiu be so open, in front of so many people in public So close to Jiang Dingcheng.

This is hard to come by.

"Brother Ke, did you see, when did our Xiaojiu become so unrestrained, she really is black when she is close to ink." Guan Xiaotong was envious and jealous.

It can only be said that Mu Jiu has changed Jiang Dingcheng a lot now, maybe even she hasn't noticed it yet, but her close friends can still see it.

"Jiang Dingcheng, has anyone told you that you are too bad." She coquettishly gave him a hard punch on the shoulder, but this kind of strength was just tickling to him, not a big deal at all.

"Yes, in their eyes, I'm a profiteer. You say I'm not bad." Jiang Dingcheng's hand on her waist suddenly exerted a little force, pulling Mu Jiu into his arms, and then lightly stamped on her forehead. kissed.

The two of them really went too far, completely ignoring whether Zixiu would directly hurt others like this.

Anyway, Jiang Dingcheng is happy to show off in front of others like this.

In the past, when he saw other people's love for a little girl, especially when some celebrities showed their love in a high-profile way, he hated it all over.

Originally falling in love or getting married is their own private matter, there is no need to show it to the public for people to watch, what's so good about blogging people's attention like this.

However, after he had his own wife, this idea completely changed.

Because he wished that people all over the world would know that he had married a good wife, and he wished that people all over the world would come to witness their love and entanglement.

Therefore, hugging and dancing together is a particularly good way to show affection.

Jiang Dingcheng can face all the gazes calmly, but Mu Jiu is still a little uncomfortable, especially among these gazes there is a particularly vicious and fiery gaze.

No need to think about where that came from.

It was passed from Luo Shiyan to Mu Jiu.

After Luo Shiyan was forced to switch to Xiao Tuo's hands, her mood fell to the bottom all of a sudden, especially after knowing from Xiao Tuo's mouth that Jiang Dingcheng danced with her purely to use her to anger Mu Jiu , Luo Shiyan's mood became even worse.

It turned out that the first chance she was looking forward to to dance with Jiang Dingcheng turned out to be something he used to anger Mujiu.

Thinking of this really made her feel uncomfortable.

Jiang Dingcheng is really annoying.

Therefore, her resentment towards Mu Jiu reached its peak all at once.

She hated this woman, really hated this woman very much, hated her to the bone, wished she could have her tendons cramped and her skin pulled out.

"Jiang Dingcheng, I'm tired, I don't want to dance anymore." Mu Jiu was stared at by Luo Shiyan's fiery eyes, feeling uncomfortable all over, so she wanted to leave this place as soon as possible.

Jiang Dingcheng simply thought that she was just tired. For Mu Jiu who didn't often wear high heels, dancing in such ten centimeter high shoes for so long would definitely be tiring.

Jiang Dingcheng's eyes were full of distress, and he hugged her carefully and walked towards the rest area avoiding the crowd.

 Recommend Gezi's new article "Young Master Li Plays Heartbeat, New Wife, Can't Eat Enough"


(End of this chapter)

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