cute in his palm

Chapter 1012

Chapter 1012
Mu Jiu really has no doubts about Jiang Dingcheng's intentions. This man has always been super serious about the relationship between the two of them.

Therefore, she did not question what this man said.

"Well, I know, I know you have always taken it seriously." Mu Jiu said with a light smile.

"What about you? Do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?" Jiang Dingcheng looked at her expectantly and said.

Mu Jiu paused first, then smiled, let go of his hand and walked straight forward.

"Jiang Dingcheng, guess what." Mu Jiu glanced back at him, then continued to stride forward.

Seeing her naughty side, Jiang Dingcheng smiled knowingly.

There is no need to guess the answer, Mu Jiu's performance is obvious enough.

This little girl is just shy and unwilling to express it directly, but Jiang Dingcheng already knows what her heart is like.

Mu Jiu trotted happily in front, and Jiang Dingcheng walked slowly behind her.

With this appearance, Mu Jiu looks like an elf in the bamboo forest, which makes people's eyes shine.

The best life is nothing more than when she is making trouble and he is laughing.

Jiang Dingcheng didn't understand such words in such a literary way before, but now he fully understands the true meaning of these words.

Owning her is equivalent to owning the whole world.

And what he has to do now is to use his best efforts to ensure her happiness, so that she will always maintain such a simple and happy smile on her face.

"Jiu'er, slow down, the stone road on this mountain will be a bit slippery." Jiang Dingcheng reminded her.

Seeing her cheerful appearance, I really couldn't bear to break it, but this mountain road is paved with bluestone slabs, and the perennial sun and rain have grown a lot of moss on it, which will make people's feet slippery.

"It's okay, Jiang Dingcheng." Mu Jiu said indifferently while running forward.

Jiang Dingcheng just cared too much about her and treated her like a child, that's why she felt a little burdened.

In fact, before meeting Jiang Dingcheng, she lived a manly life, and she took care of everything by herself, including taking care of her brother.

Therefore, she has not habitually relied on anyone, accepted anyone's care, and she will carry all the things in her heart.

She thought she didn't need such care.

But after letting Jiang Dingcheng care like this, she realized that it is a really good thing that someone cares, and Mu Jiu is more and more able to enjoy such things.

If possible, she really hoped that Jiang Dingcheng could stay by her side for the rest of his life and give her the greatest care.

If God can hear her wish, then please agree to let her brother's operation succeed and let Jiang Dingcheng be by her side forever.

Mu Jiu's emotions will be very slow, but she will also have her own feelings. After all, she is not a piece of wood, she will have emotions, it's just the difference between fast and slow, and she belongs to the slow heating type.

Fortunately, it wasn't too late when I met him, and it wasn't too late to discover my feelings.

Therefore, you can still have time to get along well and cherish it.

What Jiang Dingcheng was worried about happened, and Mu Jiu kept trotting forward, but fell into the creek.

Hearing the sound of ah, Jiang Dingcheng was frightened and ran over quickly.

Seeing that Mu Jiu had fallen into the stream, and the current washed away a little distance, Jiang Dingcheng didn't care so much, and jumped into the water quickly.

"Jiang Dingcheng, Jiang Dingcheng, where are you?" Mu Jiu was terrified, she happened to be in a deep pothole, and she didn't step to the bottom all at once, which made her very scared, and Shanxi was a little anxious, which made her panic The index rose in a straight line, fluttered in the water, and then was choked several times.

Once a person is attacked by terror, he will become particularly helpless.

"Jiu'er, don't be afraid, I'm coming." Jiang Dingcheng swam over with all his strength.

Mu Jiu can swim, but the water is so fast that the river bed is uneven, so she can't react at all, and she was washed down before she could swim.

When Jiang Dingcheng wanted to reach out to grab her, but as soon as Shui rushed to Mu Jiu, he missed him and failed to let him catch her.

"Jiu'er, Jiu'er, don't be afraid, take it easy, I'm here." Jiang Dingcheng swam towards her, but the water kept pushing Mu Jiu down.

There are big uneven rocks everywhere in this river bed, what Jiang Dingcheng is most afraid of is that she will be hit on the head, and he dare not even think about her being injured or worse.

He knew that it happened that it had rained in this mountain a few days ago, so there was such a large amount of water, which had a lot of impact.

Don't care about so much anymore, he only has one thought in his mind now, no matter what, Mu Jiu must not be allowed to have an accident, definitely not.

Finally took her hand. "Jiu'er, it's all right, don't be afraid." Jiang Dingcheng hugged her to make sure she was all right, and finally felt relieved.

"Jiang Dingcheng, now... what should we do now?"

"Don't be afraid, don't you know how to swim? Let's just swim ashore in a flat place ahead." Jiang Dingcheng hugged her tightly, and the two of them rushed down with the current. The river bed in this place has a slight slope, so It is actually quite difficult to swim up directly. He has been trained in survival in the wild before, so he knows that as long as he protects his head well and does not hurt his head, he can climb ashore at a place with a certain slow flow.

But this time, Jiang Dingcheng miscalculated the river bed, and before they reached the slow and flat area, they encountered a few big rocks.

In order to protect Mu Jiu in his arms from being touched by her, Jiang Dingcheng wrapped her in his arms, and then he was hit hard on the back of his head.

Some pain, he exhaled in pain.

"Jiang Dingcheng, what's wrong with you?" Mu Jiu heard the pain from his chest, which directly hit the depths of her heart, so she asked him a little scared.

She was really afraid of what would happen to Jiang Dingcheng.

You must know that when she passed through the big rock just now, her legs and buttocks were hit hard several times, and the pain was already excruciating. Jiang Dingcheng has been holding her waist with one hand and protecting her head with the other, letting her She leaned tightly into his arms, so when they collided, Jiang Dingcheng was the one who was hit the most.

She bumped into it just like that a few times before it hurt, let alone Jiang Dingcheng.

So Mu Jiu was afraid, a sense of fear emerged from the soles of her feet, and she couldn't calm down at all. She was afraid that something would happen to Jiang Dingcheng, which worried her more than if something happened to her.

For the first time, she deeply understood that she was so afraid of Jiang Dingcheng's appearance, afraid of losing him.

 Do you recommend Gezi's new article "Young Master Li Playing Heartbeat: Fresh Wife, Can't Eat Enough"~

(End of this chapter)

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