cute in his palm

Chapter 1021 You finally woke up

Chapter 1021 You finally woke up

When the old lady came over with the housekeeper, she saw Mu Jiu holding Jiang Dingcheng's hand and choking on the words, which made the old lady feel distressed.

Xiao Jiu, this child, is just too distressing, and he was obviously hurt like that, and he is still blaming himself here.

"Xiao Jiu, are you okay? Thank God, you finally woke up." The old lady walked over and said to Mu Jiu, her eyes were full of distress for her.

Mu Jiu looked up at the old lady and held back the tears for a long time, but this time they really fell down, and choked up and called out "Grandma."

"Xiao Jiu, thank God, you finally woke up and made you suffer." The old lady hugged her lovingly in her arms, put her hand on Mu Jiu's shoulder lightly, and wanted to give Mu Jiu this way. She is more caring.

Mu Jiu leaned against the old lady, and then raised her head to look at the old lady after a long while. It was obvious that the old lady had been tossed and tired for the past few days, and she felt much older all of a sudden. Mu Jiu had a deep feeling shame.

"Grandma, I'm sorry, it's because I'm not good that Dingcheng became like this." Mu Jiu said to the old lady with a very sincere attitude.

She has always felt that this incident happened because of her, so she feels very sorry for the Jiang family, especially Mrs. Jiang, who is so old and has to worry about paying for their young people's ignorance.

"Stupid child, why would grandma blame you? You are a child of our Jiang family and a great hero of our Jiang family. Is it too late for grandma to thank you?" The old lady said while stroking her head.

Although Mu Jiu's injuries were not as serious as Jiang Dingcheng's, there were still many large and small injuries, such as skin scratches on his forehead and scratches on the back of his hands. The old lady's eyes were filled with distress.

"Grandma, but, if it wasn't for commit to him, it wouldn't be like this, lying on the hospital bed and still unable to wake up." Mu Jiu said with self-blame, her voice choked with sobs.

"Silly boy, grandma said that I won't blame you. You have suffered so many injuries yourself, and you can keep the child for us. This is all thanks to you. The second child will not blame you if he knows it. He will only thank you. Yours, believe what grandma said, there is absolutely nothing wrong, you have to know how much the second child loves you, he suffered such a serious injury, just to protect you, knowing that you and the child are fine, he should be stealing Laughing." The old lady said to comfort Mu Jiu.

As the doctor said, when this kind of traumatized patient wakes up, his mood will still fluctuate greatly, and it will be difficult to react for a while, and he will easily lose control, so he needs to be comforted.

Mu Jiu just woke up, the old lady knew that her emotions were easy to lose control, so she couldn't use bad emotions to influence Mu Jiu, otherwise it would only make her mood drop even more.

If the mood is unstable, it will definitely affect the child and Mu Jiu's own situation. The old lady doesn't want anything to happen to her just after waking up.

When the second child wakes up, he will definitely blame her especially.

Now that Mu Jiu has woken up, she must ensure the health of this granddaughter-in-law.

"Grandma, thank you." Mu Jiu's tears fell in a rush.

The old lady was so distressed that she hurriedly wiped away her tears.

"Silly child, grandma has said it before. You don't need to thank grandma. Grandma will be happy if you wake up. From now on, don't cry anymore. If a pregnant woman cries often, the child in her stomach will also be unhappy. When the time comes, do you want to have a baby who won't be happy?" The old lady said distressedly.

Seeing Mu Jiu's tears, her heart was about to break.

Hearing the old lady's painstaking efforts, Mu Jiu tried her best to stop crying, and then looked at her with a whirling face. "Grandma, I will never cry in the future. I want to be strong and be a good mother, so that the baby will be a strong and happy baby in the future."

The old lady felt a little relieved. "Xiao Jiu, if you can think like this, grandma will be relieved, and so will the second child. Although he hasn't woken up yet, the doctor said that he is actually conscious. What we said, he will be more or less conscious. You can hear something, so you are so strong, and the second child can also feel it."

The old lady's words are still very useful to Mu Jiu, in order not to let Jiang Ding, who is in a coma, bear the burden, she also needs to be stronger.

"Grandma, I know, I won't make Ding Cheng worry too much." Mu Jiu said very seriously.

"Grandma knows that you are a good boy. Well, I won't say anything unnecessary. Let's eat first. I know you will be hungry when you wake up, so I asked the kitchen to cook some soup and vegetable porridge." The old lady patted Mu Jiu on the shoulder and said, then turned her head to let the butler come in.

The butler quickly set it up, a bowl of chicken soup, a bowl of fish soup, a bowl of vegetable porridge and several side dishes that go with the porridge, it looks very rich, Mu Jiu knows how hard the old lady is when she sees these.

"Come on, Xiao Jiu, sit down and eat slowly." The old lady took Mu Jiu's hand and let her sit at the small dining table.

"Grandma, thank you for preparing so much for me. In fact, I can't eat so much." Mu Jiu said very touched.

"Let's pay for the taste first. It may not be very tasty just after waking up, but you have to eat some for the sake of the baby, otherwise it's not good to be hungry. Xiaojiu, you haven't eaten for three days. Yourself I can't bear it anymore." The old lady cooled the porridge for her.

In the past three days, Mu Jiu has almost relied on the nutrient solution to maintain her life, so now she can no longer rely on the nutrient solution alone after waking up.

"Grandma, I understand, I will eat some well for the sake of the baby." Mu Jiu nodded seriously.

She knew that the old lady cared about her sincerely, even in view of the old lady's love, she had to eat something well, otherwise she would feel sorry for the old lady.

The old lady just sat there watching over Mu Jiu's food, and it was really hard for Mu Jiu to get used to being stared at by the old lady while eating.

"Grandma, you're staring at me like this, I'm a little embarrassed to eat it." After taking a few mouthfuls, Mu Jiu couldn't help but said.

The old lady smiled when she heard this. "Okay, Xiaojiu, eat well by yourself, I won't sit here and watch you eat, so as not to eat anything."

The old lady's original idea was actually very simple, in order to let her eat more food by staring at Mu Jiu, but it made Mu Jiu even more embarrassed and embarrassed.

"Grandma, I'm not... that, I don't want you to sit here, I just..." Mu Jiu tried to explain something, but she found that she couldn't explain anything all at once, and the more she explained, the more confused she became.

 Gezi's new article "Young Master Li Playing with Heartbeat: Fresh Wife, Can't Eat Enough"~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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