cute in his palm

Chapter 1027 The deceased lived

Chapter 1027 The deceased lived

Does it mean that there will be a grave in everyone's heart, where the widow or the dead live.

Those who don't want to let go can't take it out, and those who want to enter can't live in.

Now Tao Mian is completely sealing herself off, not allowing anyone to break in, it is her absolute forbidden place, only Cheng Dong lives in it, and no one is allowed to live in it.

Mu Jiu always knew that Tao Mian kept the door of her heart tightly closed, refusing anyone to enter, so Cheng Dong was reluctant to let go.

She didn't have the chance to persuade Tao Mian before, but if she had such an opportunity now, she wanted to persuade Tao Mian and help her get out of that shadow.

Tao Mian is still young now, and he still has a lot of future to live, so he can't just stay stuck in painful memories like this, it's not a good thing.

Therefore, Mu Jiu just hoped that she could help Tao Mian get out of Cheng Dong's tomb, and then start anew and have a brand new future.

Instead of looking too distressed like she is now?

"Xiao Jiu, have a good rest." Regarding Cheng Dong's matter, Tao Mian really didn't want to mention Cheng Dong's matters at all, even when facing Mu Jiu, she was unwilling to mention any more Yes, after all, this is not a good thing, if you don't want to mention it, try not to mention it.

"Mianmian, I'm serious, if you can't let it go, it will only make you... more unhappy." Mu Jiu said very seriously.

Although she knows that she has no ability to persuade Tao Mian, she wants to help this good friend. Now that she understands true love, she also wants to help Tao Mian.

"Xiao Jiu, I appreciate your kindness, but... you should leave this matter alone, I'm fine, and I know how to deal with my affairs." Tao Mian said directly.

Now that she said it like this, Mu Jiu couldn't say anything more, so as not to get Tao Mian's dislike.

"Well, I won't talk about it today, but my heart will not change. The few of us sincerely hope that you can get out of the shadows and start a new future, so that we can see your happy appearance "Mu Jiu took Tao Mian's hand and said very seriously.

Of course Tao Mian knew what Mu Jiu said, what kind of intentions their good friends had, but a man who had been engraved in her heart could be forgotten if she said she could forget it, that memory permeated into every part of her blood , It doesn't mean that if you can walk out, you can walk out.

Maybe others can do it, but she definitely can't do it, at least not in a short time.

"Xiao Jiu, I know that you are all doing it for my own good, but... I can only rely on myself for this matter." Tao Mian said calmly.

But she knew better that she couldn't get out of it on her own.

However, in fact, it can be said that she didn't want to come out at all, she planned to carry Cheng Dong's memories with her for the rest of her life, and then take it underground to reunite with Cheng Dong.

"Mianmian, if you need anything, you can tell me directly, we are best friends." Mu Jiu said seriously.

With her injuries all over her body, Tao Mian still has the mood to persuade others. Seeing her eagerness, Tao Mian really couldn't bear to refuse.

"Okay, you should rest first, it's getting late." Tao Mian glanced at the time, it was almost eleven o'clock.

"Mianmian, I'm telling you from the bottom of my heart, the best way to forget a past is to start a new relationship." Mu Jiu spoke again.

When Tao Mian heard this, she couldn't help but want to laugh.

Does this girl think she is a relationship expert when she cheated on Jiang Dingcheng's relationship?It's okay to persuade her here.

"It's very unfair to people in a new relationship. I have no reason to use others to help me get out of my previous relationship. I can't do such a thing." Tao Mian said directly.

Hearing this, Mu Jiu was a little stunned, because what she said was correct, Tao Mian was not the kind of person who likes to take advantage of others.

So, asking Tao Mian to do it like that now is indeed forcing her a bit.

"But, Mianmian, what if, I mean, if someone is willing to do such a thing for you?" Mu Jiu asked directly.

She has someone special in her heart.

"Xiao Jiu, I don't care whether other people are willing or not." Tao Mian refused very straightforwardly.

She still couldn't convince herself to nod and agree to such a thing. What a joke, using other people's feelings to help herself out of the shadows is simply too much.

"Mianmian, why don't you give it a try? This is giving others a chance, and it's also giving yourself a chance." Mu Jiu continued.

"Xiao Jiu, you are so enthusiastic about selling, you can't be talking about that man Gu Xiao." Tao Mian frowned displeasedly and said.

Hearing Gu Xiao's name, Mu Jiu was stunned for a moment, Tao Mian guessed it before she said it solemnly, how could she answer this kind of uneasy script?

"It's Gu Xiao, Mian Mian, what do you think of him?" Mu Jiu looked at her eagerly and asked.

"It's not good, it's absolutely impossible for me and him." Tao Mian said it very directly.

"What's impossible, you know it's impossible if you haven't tried it, Mianmian, why do you..."

"Xiao Jiu, go to sleep. If you don't sleep, I'll go back first." Tao Mian didn't want to mention Gu Xiao's matter any more, and directly interrupted Mu Jiu's words.

Mu Jiu knew that Tao Mian really didn't want to mention this matter anymore, so she obediently kept her mouth shut. In fact, she thought it was Gu Xiao who Tao Mian didn't want to mention.

Tao Mian is such a sensible and steady woman, but Gu Xiao is such an irritable and willful man, so the two of them met like ice and fire.

Either melted or directly extinguished.

Therefore, it is normal for Tao Mian to dislike Gu Xiao with such a personality.

You must know that Cheng Dong in the past was a very stable man, gentle and considerate, and he really cared for Tao Mian in every detail.

It's no wonder that after experiencing a man like that, the requirements for other men will naturally increase, especially when facing a man like Gu Xiao, he is even more unwilling.

Even if Mu Jiu is allowed to choose, she may not choose a man like Gu Xiao, it is simply too unreliable, so it is normal for Tao Mian to reject his love.

Mu Jiu was a little impatient, afraid that if she really didn't help, it would make Tao Mian even more unhappy.

 Gezi's new article "Young Master Li Playing with Heartbeat: Fresh Wife, Can't Eat Enough"~~Happy Children's Day, everyone~~
(End of this chapter)

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