cute in his palm

Chapter 1029 I am more uncomfortable than you

Chapter 1029 I am more uncomfortable than you

After listening to the nurse's explanation, Mu Jiu felt more at ease in her heart, as long as he really had nothing to do, she was willing to wait.

"Jiang Dingcheng, do you know how bad you are? There is nothing wrong with you, but you just don't want to wake up."

"Are you planning to kill me in a hurry, so you promise me to wake up soon, okay?"

"The baby is very well in my belly."

"Jiang Dingcheng, do you like male treasures more, or female treasures? If it is a male treasure, it must be as handsome and smart as it is, but I prefer female treasures. I can dress up as a princess in the future."

"Say, do I want to learn how to design children's clothing? I will wear it for our baby in the future."

Mu Jiu kept talking there, she didn't talk to Jiang Dingcheng much before, and now she has to make up for it all at once, and always found out that she and Jiang Dingcheng had a lot of things to say.

If possible, what she hopes is that Jiang Dingcheng can wake up and chat with her.

It wasn't that she was talking non-stop by herself, and Jiang Dingcheng didn't respond at all.

"Jiang Dingcheng, wake up quickly, okay? If this is the case, we can talk to the baby together." Mu Jiu was a little tired when he said this.

It turned out to be such a tiring thing for one person to keep talking without getting another person's response, she was too tired.

I finally know that the person who has been giving is so hard.

In the past, Jiang Dingcheng was the one who surrounded her and did everything for her. No matter what happened, she was the main one.

Thinking about it now, I really wronged him.

After he wakes up, she will definitely make up for Jiang Dingcheng.

He won't be so tired by himself anymore.

"Jiang Dingcheng, in the future I will listen to your words carefully and respond to your dedication." She held his hand, not willing to let go for a moment.

Never had such great expectations and desires for a person, Mu Jiu waited for him to wake up with full of anticipation.

The scars on Mu Jiu's wounds began to fall off little by little in the past few days. Looking at the newly grown pink flesh on her body, Mu Jiu felt an indescribable feeling.

"Jiang Dingcheng, the scars on my body are slowly falling off, I really hope you can see it." Mu Jiu walked to the bed, took his hand and said.

"If you don't believe me, you'll know if you touch it. The newly grown pink flesh is really tender." Mu Jiu took his hand and touched her scar.

His big hand didn't move at all, but Mu Jiu felt the warmth from his fingertips and already liked it very much.

"Dingcheng, you can feel it, isn't the newly grown meat very tender?" Mu Jiu said self-consciously.

When Ou Sixing and Luo Shiyan arrived, Mu Jiu was holding Jiang Dingcheng's hand and talking, so she was really surprised to see them coming.

"Xiao Jiu, Shiyan and I came to see you and Mr. Jiang." Ou Sixing put the fruit basket and flowers on the table, then looked at Mu Jiu and said.

Although Mu Jiu didn't want to see Luo Shiyan come over, she was still very happy to see Ou Siyan coming over. If Luo Shiyan came here alone, Mu Jiu would definitely drive her out. If she couldn't, there were bodyguards outside, but she was smart He came here with Ou Sixing, Mu Jiu couldn't just drive Luo Shiyan out just because of Ou Sixing's face.

So, I can only endure it.

"Director Ou, why do you have time to come over today, please sit down quickly." Mu Jiu immediately asked them to sit down.

"I finally had time to come here today. When your accident happened, I happened to be on a business trip, and I just got back this morning. I'm sorry, I'm late." Ou Sixing said with an apologetic expression.

"Why tell me you're sorry, Director Ou, you don't have to come here if you're busy, Dingcheng and I are on good terms." Mu Jiu said a little embarrassed.

She still knows what kind of person Ou Sixing is. During the two years she has been in Yanrui, Ou Sixing has taken care of her a lot, and he treats her like a master.

So, how could she bear Ou Sixing's apology like this?
"Very good, Brother Dingcheng hasn't woken up yet, is that very good?" Luo Shiyan looked at Jiang Dingcheng lying motionless on the hospital bed with a distressed expression, her tone was full of blame.

She just hated Mu Jiu, a woman who not only got Jiang Dingcheng, but also hurt him like this.

Mu Jiu heard Luo Shiyan hate her tone, and paused slightly.

Yes, she is not bad, but Jiang Dingcheng is indeed very bad, and now he is still lying motionless on the hospital bed, not even knowing when he will wake up.

All of this was caused by her, and she really didn't want such a thing to happen.

But it happened, what can she do.

If it wasn't for Jiang Dingcheng to protect her, with her body and bones being hit by such a long waterway in the stream, let alone a serious injury, it is possible to be directly hit to death.

"Miss Luo, I know you're worried about Dingcheng. I feel very distressed for him being injured so badly now." Mu Jiu said seriously.

Luo Shiyan has always liked Jiang Dingcheng, so seeing him hurt like this makes her feel uncomfortable. This is understandable for Mu Jiu, but she also feels uncomfortable. Jiang Dingcheng is her husband. Would she be happy if he was hurt like this? ?

"Do you feel distressed? Mu Jiu, you are a selfish woman. If Ding Cheng didn't want to protect you, he would have been injured so badly. Is he still unconscious?" Luo Shiyan stared coldly. Mu Jiu said.

In short, she attributed all the faults to Mu Jiu.

Originally, Jiang Dingcheng was not like this, but ever since Mu Jiu appeared by his side, Jiang Dingcheng has been suffering from minor disasters.

This woman is clearly Jiang Dingcheng's disaster star.

"Shiyan, don't say any more." Ou Sixing couldn't listen anymore, so he hurried over and grabbed Luo Shiyan to stop her talking nonsense.

No one could be more sad than Mu Jiu when Jiang Dingcheng was seriously injured like this. Now that she still talks about Mu Jiu like this, it will definitely make her feel even more uncomfortable.

Ou Silu is very clear.

"Why can't I say, isn't she the one who made Ding Cheng like this?" Luo Shiyan pointed at Mu Jiu and shouted.

When Mu Jiu saw Luo Shiyan's embarrassment and anger, she knew that she really loved Jiang Dingcheng. She loved Jiang Dingcheng a lot. Being questioned and accused by a woman who loved her husband so much made Mu Jiu feel really uncomfortable. Ten thousand times.

She knew that she was sorry for Jiang Dingcheng, but she didn't need an outsider like Luo Shiyan to criticize her.

"Dingcheng was indeed injured to protect me, but he is my husband, so there is no need for outsiders to criticize him for how he treats me." Mu Jiu gritted her teeth and said.

 Gezi's new article "Young Master Li Playing Heartbeat: Fresh Wife, Can't Eat Enough"~ Happy June [-]st~ The fourth update is over today, I love you~
(End of this chapter)

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