cute in his palm

Chapter 1043 She is like a nun

Chapter 1043 She is like a nun

Luo Shiyang walked directly towards Xiao Tuo, maybe she could dig something out of Xiao Tuo.

"Is it Young Master Xiao Er?" Luo Shiyang walked to Xiao Tuo's side and asked directly. Although she had some impression of Xiao Tuo, she was not [-]% sure that it was this man.

Five years ago, although Luo Shiyang stayed in Huaicheng, she rarely entered the circle of famous ladies and young masters. It was because she was too self-important and unwilling to let herself blend into their mixed circle.

And Xiao Tuo is the most popular man in that circle, and also has the most flamboyant personality. He has played with countless women, from young models to wealthy daughters.

As for whether there are emotional things, it is a taboo in the circle, don't talk about emotions, it will completely destroy the rules.

Thinking about when Xiao Tuo, who was so popular in the circle of the rich second generation, started to make friends with others seriously.

Friends are not something that you will make in that circle. There are only interests and happiness in there.

"I am, you are?" Xiao Tuo was a little strange when he saw this woman dressed like a nun in front of him. With his level of appreciation, he probably couldn't appreciate a woman dressed like this, and it was too harsh.

However, Xiao Tuo has always been super confident in his own charm, so this woman must have come out to fall in love with him secretly.

It's a pity that even if she has an astonishing face, he still has a way to accept it, because his heart no longer belongs to Mu Jiu, not to mention that this woman should still be ugly, otherwise why would he wrap himself up like this.

"Who I am, Second Young Master Xiao doesn't need to know for the time being, but I can tell that Second Young Master Xiao likes Miss Mu. It just so happens that I know her and know something about her." Luo Shiyang said directly.

Hearing this, Xiao Tuo suddenly became interested, this woman is quite interesting.

Although she was right about one thing, that is, he liked Mu Jiu, but he also read a trace of information from her tone, that is, this woman probably didn't like Mu Jiu.

Although Xiao Tuo is very reluctant to admit that Jiang Dingcheng's charm is higher than his, women who like Jiang Dingcheng can still go around the Huaicheng River, so there are many women who like Jiang Dingcheng, all kinds of them.

So since the news of his and Mu Jiu's marriage came to light, many women were heartbroken, but it also ignited the anger of even more women.

The nun in front of me should belong to this category. She ignited the marriage between Jiang Dingcheng and Mu Jiu.

Now let's take the opportunity to retaliate wantonly, Xiao Tuo looks down on women like this the most, he has no ability to chase men, and he doesn't allow other women to succeed, and then uses all kinds of villainous means to retaliate against that woman.

In short, Xiao Tuo didn't intend to talk to this woman.

"So, I have nothing to talk to you, a nun. You should go back to the church and stay. There are some things that you can't participate in. Besides, if you do something that you shouldn't do, will you be punished by you?" The God of the family will punish you." Xiao Tuo said with a look of disdain.

Hearing this, Luo Shiyang's heart tightened, and he immediately felt super uncomfortable.

She never expected that Xiao Tuo would reject her kindness and use such a tone to hurt her, Luo Shiyang was very upset after being hit.

Could it be that she misunderstood that Xiao Tuo didn't like Mu Jiu at all?

You still call her a nun?
Did she think she was willing to dress like this? Besides, she was only wearing a long black dress and a black silk scarf. Which of this man's eyes could tell that she was a nun in nun clothes.

Is there really something wrong with this Xiao Tuo, who speaks so badly?

No wonder others say that Xiao Tuo is not easy to mess with, and others are not allowed to say that because of his poisonous mouth.

Anyone who made him angry would not end well.

She regretted it a little now. Was it a mistake to come directly to him like this? It was too reckless to do it before finding out the truth.

"It seems that I misunderstood, maybe Second Young Master Xiao doesn't like Mu Jiu at all." Luo Shiyang said to him in an aggressive tone.

Xiao Tuo wasn't stupid, naturally he could hear it from her words, it was too tender to use such a little skill to provoke him.

"Sister, whether you like it or not, this is my own business, Xiao Tuo. Since you know who I am, you should also know my temper, my rules, and the things you should not say. It's better not to say it, so as not to make people unhappy." Xiao Tuo said directly, his tone full of disdain.

nun?He even said it smoothly, she was just sending her to the door to humiliate her.

Luo Shiyang experienced it for the first time. Is it because of her current appearance that people are humiliated like this?
If it was Luo Shiyang in the past, just by standing there, many men would be willing to do everything for her, why would she need to beg for help like this.

And it's unappreciative to be said so badly.

"Second Young Master Xiao, excuse me." After Luo Shiyang finished speaking, she was about to turn around and leave. There was really no way to communicate with Xiao Tuo. She originally thought that she could use him to help her, but now it seems that she was too easy to imagine. .

This man Xiao Tuo is obviously more difficult to deal with than the rumors said, he is simply a devil, Xiao Tuo is more difficult to serve than Jiang Dingcheng.

After Xiao Tuo's comparison, Luo Shiyang knew how good Jiang Dingcheng was.

Any woman who chooses will give up Xiao Tuo and choose Jiang Dingcheng, so it is normal for Mu Jiu to reject Xiao Tuo.

"You haven't told me yet, who are you? A nun?" Xiao Tuo asked directly.

This strange woman who appeared out of nowhere actually wanted to leave after talking a lot of nonsense. Xiao Tuo could guess something from her words. This woman should have something to do with Mu Jiu. enemy?

If it's an enemy, he has to help Mu Jiu guard it first, and he will never let anyone hurt her.

"It doesn't matter who I am, I've said it." Luo Shiyang has no intention of telling Xiao Tuo her identity now, she wants Luo Shiyan to touch Xiao Tuo's bottom.

So now is not the time to expose her identity, she has to figure out whether Xiao Tuo is an enemy or a friend, and before she can make a clear distinction on this matter, she pounces on him frantically, which will only make people laugh.

"Why do I feel that you are seeking revenge from Xiaojiu? If you are the one who seeks revenge, I will not give you a chance to get close to Xiaojiu. After all, we are friends. I, Xiao Tuo, still have the ability to protect the safety of my friends. Yes." Xiao Tuo said coldly there.

There was a cold light in those pupils, and across Luo Shiyang's face, she felt an inexplicable chill and a little fear, as expected, this man is not easy to mess with.

 Recommend Gezi's new article "Young Master Li Plays Heartbeat: Fresh Wife, Can't Eat Enough" Meow~~

(End of this chapter)

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