cute in his palm

Chapter 1046 Will you feel guilty

Chapter 1046 Will you feel guilty

Su Luotong found out the number of the ward where Mu Jiu lived, but unfortunately, before he reached the door of the ward, the bodyguard blocked him.

"Miss, I'm sorry, you are not allowed to enter here without permission."

Su Luotong knew that this was the arrangement of Jiang's family, and invited so many bodyguards to guard him. Sure enough, the Jiang family valued Jiang Dingcheng very much.

I can also know one thing, this Jiang Dingcheng should be seriously injured.

"I'm here to look for Mu Jiu, your second young lady." Su Luotong tried her best to smile and said, she really didn't want to smile at these people.

The fate of this woman, Mu Jiu, is really good. After marrying such a man, the power of the Jiang family in Huai City cannot be underestimated.

If you live in a hospital, you can tell by looking at the posture of the bodyguards. If ordinary people would put so many bodyguards in a hospital.

"Since we are here to find the Second Young Mistress, we need to ask for instructions. May I ask the lady's name?" the bodyguard said sternly.

There are many people who come to look for the second young master and the second young mistress under various banners every day, so we must carefully check the identities of these people.

"No need, I'll call her myself." Su Luotong said in a particularly displeased manner, and gave the bodyguard a cold look, then took out his mobile phone and called Mu Jiu there.

"Su Luotong, what's the matter?" Mu Jiu's voice was a little unhappy.

Obviously she was not very happy to receive her call, and Su Luotong was not in a particularly good mood, because she was not happy to call Mu Jiu either.

"Mu Jiu, I'm outside your ward, and the bodyguard won't let me in." Su Luotong immediately hung up the phone after speaking.

After a while, the door of the ward opened, and Mu Jiu came out, and the bodyguard immediately greeted him. "Second young lady, is this lady your friend?"

Mu Jiu glanced at the bodyguard. "I know it, you go back first."

Su Luotong glanced at Mu Jiu coldly. "Being the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family is different. Even living in a hospital is such a big battle. The bodyguards are all standing in piles. They are so well protected that they are afraid of danger. Those who don't know think they are staying. What country is the king now?"

It's okay to make such a high-profile, as for what.

Mu Jiu could understand all of Su Luotong's disdain and cold snort, since she didn't want to see her so much, why did this woman run over to find her.

"What's the matter? I've already told you about your brother's ward, it's not in this building." Mu Jiu said very calmly.

Since the ward where Su Yaoting lives is not in this building, Su Luotong really came here for her, and there must be no good things. Su Luotong, a woman, she knows that good things will not come to her, so come to her. Nothing good happens.

"I know where my brother's ward is, and I didn't come to see you. Whether your injury is serious or not has nothing to do with me." Su Luotong said very directly.

How can people who dislike each other have the mood to see each other.

"So, why did you come to see me?" Mu Jiu looked at her very calmly and said, she didn't want to make noise in the corridor, so she could only suppress her voice.

"My brother got a bad cold because of you, don't you feel any guilt? You are so relaxed and indifferent, Mu Jiu, you really are a cold-blooded and indifferent woman, thanks to how blind my brother is, you actually fell in love with me You are really stupid for doing so many things for you." Su Luotong said coldly.

Originally, she didn't want to come to look for Mu Jiu, because she got angry when she saw her, but when she saw her brother was so seriously ill, this woman was completely like a normal person, Su Luotong couldn't be more angry, who made her be so stupid The brother to the end, so she, the younger sister, must worry about it.

"So, you came up here to see if I feel guilty about your brother's illness?" Mu Jiu couldn't understand Su Luotong's logic. This woman kept saying that she hated her and didn't want her to have anything to do with her brother. Isn't it contradictory to come here now to make her feel guilty about Su Yaoting's affairs?

"Then do you feel guilty about my brother's illness this time?" Su Luotong asked directly.

"Su Luotong, do you want me to feel guilty about your brother, or do you want me to visit your brother?" Mu Jiu asked her directly, but she didn't know what Su Luotong was thinking.

"Then you want me to visit your brother? Su Luotong, you should understand that I'm not a doctor, and he won't get better if I go to see your brother. And although he came to the hospital to watch over my illness, he didn't What I asked was that he procrastinated himself into a bad cold. This should have nothing to do with me, right? If I feel guilty because of this, then many people will be hurt because of me. Don't I just put on a face of guilt every day, and I still need to live my own life?" Mu Jiu looked at Su Luotong very calmly and said.

This woman's logic was something she could not agree with.

"The other is someone else, that's my brother." Su Luotong said unreasonably, anyway, she was sure of this matter in her heart, his brother was sick and hospitalized because of Mu Jiu, and she wanted Mu Jiu to apologize, To make her feel a huge sense of guilt.

Su Luotong just can't see that this woman lives like a princess every day, with a sense of superiority all over her body. If it wasn't because of the bankruptcy of the Su family, she, Su Luotong, is also a rich lady. Does she need to live under someone else's roof?

"I'm still hurting myself, my husband hasn't woken up yet, and I have my own troubles. Who will feel guilty for me? Su Luotong, don't go too far. Your brother asked for these things very early. I told him before, don't pay any more for my affairs, because I don't care, let alone be moved, even if he is seriously ill, he asked for it, doesn't he? Su Luotong, you I am not qualified to place this charge on my head." Mu Jiu said very directly.

She won't take some scapegoats.

She has never wantonly enjoyed what Su Yaoting has done for her. After knowing Su Yaoting's feelings for her a long time ago, Mu Jiu made it clear that she would not respond to any of his sacrifices, and told him not to be in vain. , because she will not be moved and grateful for everything he does.

It's a pity that Su Yaoting is stubborn, insisting on doing what he thinks.

It's the kind of person who won't be able to pull ten cows back after making a decision, and Mu Jiu doesn't bother to talk to him, and she can't help it if he's still like this once or twice.

"Mu Jiu, are you really careless? My brother has done so much for you, but you don't feel it at all." Su Luotong became a little sad and angry, because she felt worthless because of her brother. It's really a pig, it's not good to like anyone, but I like a cold-blooded woman like Mu Jiu.

 Gezi's new article~~~ "Young Master Li Playing Heartbeat: Fresh Wife, Can't Eat Enough"~
(End of this chapter)

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