cute in his palm

Chapter 1068 I have nothing to do with him

Chapter 1068 I have nothing to do with him

Luo Shiyang was very angry at Luo Shiyan intervening in her affairs.

"Okay, I got it, I'll go in a while." Luo Shiyan agreed directly, she had nothing to doubt about the things her sister arranged for her, because she knew that her sister was sincerely treating her well.

In fact, she herself has never discovered one thing, that is, she has always obeyed Luo Shiyang since she was a child, and even now she habitually chooses to listen to her.

After hanging up the phone, she called Ou Sixing. "Let's do it."

"Shiyan, I also wanted to call you. I have something to tell you. Mr. Jiang and Xiaojiu were discharged from the hospital. To celebrate their discharge, we will go to Taohua Island for a few days. Do you want to go together? "Ou Sixing asked her.

Luo Shiyan's attitude towards him is getting colder and colder now. Every time he calls her, she will just say a few words and hang up the phone if there is nothing wrong.

Ou Sixing was a little happy to take the initiative to call him now, no matter what she said, he would be happy.

Luo Shiyan was a little surprised when she heard this, she was still thinking of some reason to explain to Ou Sixing about her not going to the company, but now she helped her.

"I go."


After Mu Jiu and Jiang Dingcheng arrived at Peach Blossom Island, they saw Guan Xiaotong running towards him wearing a floor-length bohemian dress.

"Xiao Jiu, you guys are finally here, you miss me so much." Guan Xiaotong hugged him when he came over, and Jiang Dingcheng next to him frowned.

Could this woman be a little gentler in her movements, hugging Mujiu so vigorously, have you ever considered the baby in her belly?

"Xiaotong, don't be so enthusiastic, we are here, you don't need to hug me so tightly." Mu Jiu was a little out of breath being hugged by him like this.

Guan Xiaotong let go immediately, then looked at Mu Jiu with a very apologetic expression and said. "I'm sorry, I was so excited that I forgot that there is another one in your stomach, baby, Sister Tongtong didn't do it on purpose." Guan Xiaotong reached out to rub Mu Jiu's stomach, and apologized to the baby seriously.

"It's really enough. Are you still an older sister? You are an aunt." Mu Jiu said with some dumbfounding.

"Calling my aunt is too old, calling my sister looks so young, right?" Guan Xiaotong said with a smile, not feeling anything wrong at all.

"Okay, as long as you're happy, you can call your sister when the baby comes out." Mu Jiu really had nothing to do with her, so she patted Guan Xiaotong's hand and said.

Guan Xiaotong smiled. "Xiao Jiu, I found that Peach Blossom Island has become much more beautiful now. I remember that the last time we came here, we were probably in high school or freshman year. We haven't been here for many years."

"Yeah, I haven't been here for a few years. The change is really big. I noticed it right after I got off the boat." Mu Jiu also sighed. In the last semester of high school, they went to live on the island for a week. That was before the college entrance examination. Let loose one last time.

"Go back to the hotel first, it's too hot." Jiang Dingcheng said with his arms around Mu Jiu's shoulders.

Letting them stand in the sun and chat so exposed, he felt very sorry for his little wife, and now she was pregnant again, which made him feel even more distressed.

When Guan Xiaotong saw him like this, he immediately smiled with the corners of his mouth curled up. "Oh, it's really a 24 filial husband. If there is an evaluation of 24 filial husband, our President Jiang must be No. 1. There is absolutely nothing wrong."

Jiang Dingcheng just smiled and said nothing.

This girl Guan Xiaotong dared to say anything casually, Jiang Dingcheng was completely used to it.

"Second brother, second sister-in-law, you're here." Gu Xiao came over with a glass of watermelon juice in his hand, obviously not for them to drink, Mu Jiu saw Guan Xiaotong take the watermelon juice from him politely.

What happened to these two people, even if it doesn't make people think about it, it's a bit unreasonable.

"It's so slow, I want to die of thirst, my sister." Guan Xiaotong said bluntly after taking a big sip.

"Drink first." Gu Xiao glanced at her and didn't say much. He knew that arguing with Guan Xiaotong would only piss him off. The best way is not to argue with her about anything.

"Xiao Jiu, let's go to the hotel. There is delicious coconut juice in it. I remember you like the coconut juice from Peach Blossom Island the most." Guan Xiaotong stuffed the leftover cup into Gu Xiao's hand, and then held Mu Xiaotong's hand. Jiu walked towards the hotel with his hands in his hands, leaving the two big men behind.

Mu Jiu turned her head to glance at Jiang Dingcheng and Gu Xiao, then turned to ask this chic lady. "Guan Xiaotong, tell me the truth, what happened to you and Gu Xiao?"

Guan Xiaotong naturally understood the meaning of Mu Jiu's question, but she pretended not to understand and looked at her. "Xiao Jiu, what are you talking about, I don't understand."

"I don't understand what, I think you are pretending to be incomprehensible on purpose, please tell me honestly, what is going on between you and Gu Xiao?" Mu Jiu asked.

Guan Xiaotong knew that he couldn't pretend anymore, so he smiled and shrugged his shoulders indifferently. "Gu Xiao and I are just ordinary friends. He doesn't want to be my brother, so we will be friends. That's it. The messy relationship you think of doesn't exist."

When Guan Xiaotong said this, Mu Jiu became even more suspicious. Guan Xiaotong was always too lazy to explain these things, but now he opened his mouth to explain, which shows that there is something tricky.

"Guan Xiaotong, tell me honestly, there must be something wrong, Gu Xiao obeys your advice, you must know that Gu Xiao's temperament is very difficult to do like this." Mu Jiu said directly.

Guan Xiaotong glared at her angrily, as if being promoted by someone. "Xiaojiu, I found that you are not studying well now. You have become black when you eat too much Mr. Jiang's saliva. You didn't gossip like this before, but now you gossip now. It's amazing."

Every time Guan Xiaotong spoke, he was so direct and dirty that he didn't need it, which made Mu Jiu's face slightly hot.

"Guan Xiaotong, I'm asking you something, don't change the subject for me." Mu Jiu choked her directly.

Guan Xiaotong's change of subject was too obvious.

"Okay, Mu Xiaojiu, for the sake of being a mother-to-be, can I answer your question?" Guan Xiaotong conceded defeat, and dragged Mu Jiu's hand into the shop.

"It is absolutely impossible for Gu Xiao and I to be friends. You can't be bullied as a friend. Although he and Tao Mian have never been together, I treat him as a prospective brother-in-law in my heart. Besides, Gu Xiao is a man who can't be deceived." It's fine if you come to tease me for a while, if you really want to be together, I'm not that interested, I'm too strong to resist." Guan Xiaotong said indifferently.

 Gezi's new article "Young Master Li Plays Heartbeat: Fresh Wife, Can't Eat Enough"~
(End of this chapter)

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